Example sentences of "of [noun sg] [vb base] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 He does not have any feel for how strategy and the construction of social constituencies of support match up , or for wider social and cultural themes .
2 Not that you were dissimulating unfelt emotions : you were merely their translator , and you transcended those emotions , imparting to them that furnace heat which makes a work of genius give off light if it is brought to the desired temperature .
3 This field is situated at the edge of the Zechstein salt basin and thin beds of halite extend over part of the structure .
4 When the tides of magic flow strongly from the broken warp gate the Realm of Chaos expands , the Northern Wastes are swallowed up , and the armies of Chaos pour down through the Troll Country into Kislev and the Empire .
5 If one can demonstrate clear relationships between specific patterns of impairment and specific models of normal processing , then , one can use the patterns of impairment as evidence for or against the models , and one can use the models to explain how the patterns of impairment come about — why patients with language disorders behave in certain ways and not in other ways .
6 Most late nineteenth-century feminists saw feminism primarily as a movement for moral reform , which would of necessity bring in its wake desirable political and social change .
7 The Warden pointed out the most likely spot for short-eared owls on the hunt for stranded voles , told us that there were plenty of field fare about , and said it was a good year for ruff .
8 These values and this separation of course react back on to design practice itself ; after all practice models itself on conceptions of what , theoretically , it is .
9 The baddies of course shoot back costing you time and points .
10 It 's another of his ideas which he keeps trying to interest people in ; he has a manuscript on the subject ( ‘ The State of the Fart ’ ) which he also sends away to London to publishers now and again and which they of course send back by return .
11 Ooh , and I ooh , and I thought , of course look back on
12 Did the experience of plenty bring about a fundamental change in the American or British character ?
13 People who go through any kind of shit come out with a certain sense of humour : it comes from the pain you go through and how you handle it .
14 Then it shows the hypocrisy of the Labour party , which claims ’ Made in Britain ’ as its slogan while its Members of Parliament drive around in French motor cars and spend most of their time denigrating British industry .
15 In the case of the incubator thesis , there is evidence ( certainly from London — Nicholson , Brinkley and Evans , 1981 ) that few sections of industry seek out inner-urban locations , and that only a small number of companies migrate outwards in the classical fashion .
16 I 've followed the events of of this erm unhappy but hardy perennial some time now erm I 've found it unusual because there was no Liberal volte face until now and er quite a lot of things happened where the Liberals changed their mind and I naturally started to wonder what has happened to make this change of mind come about and all I 'll say is I hope that it does n't have much to do with events in other counties or with any by-election .
17 Brother turns against brother as the devotees of the Cult of Pleasure stir up trouble in every city and town .
18 Come on then let's have a little bit of wind a little bit of wind come along .
19 They had to find a way of drawing Nadirpur out .
20 Wool we had big bales of wool come in and once wool was packed together and banded , that was heavy .
21 Only in the nineteenth century did widespread protests against this kind of thinking break out within the main stream of Reformed theology itself .
22 As soon as the flow becomes established , in fact , piles of solid lumps of lava build up at the sides of the flow , and help to confine it to its course .
23 We have chosen the traditions which most Western students of religion learn about — Judaism , Christianity , Islam , Hinduism and Buddhism .
24 Touch the sphere and the tentacles of light reach out towards you , gathering harmlessly around your hand .
25 Yet we often find that in such societies the arrangement of highly unorthodox marriage alliances between " wrongly related " kinsmen or between non-kinsmen is an essential part of the fabric of small-scale politics through which men of influence build up their power .
26 Bring them in , show that you 've actually thought more generally and you can see how you can bring different parts of the syllabus in because that 's the novelty , that 's what makes a piece of work stand out .
27 If you suspect that your teenager is using drugs , the most important thing to remember as the waves of panic close over your head is this — experimentation does n't always lead to addiction , but if your child does become addicted , recovery is possible .
28 Aaron Hicklin , in Mostar ( left ) , learns how a beautiful mountain region in Bosnia-Herzegovina is co-existing with war after generations of rural tranquillity Centuries of peace go up in smoke
29 that 's why they have these on the end of them weapon with a yellow fork at the end , but even without that you still get lots of little bits of cardboard come out , its a cardboard wad inside its the same charge as a but its a cardboard box , cardboard blank inside
30 What what kind of difference have round in ten years ?
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