Example sentences of "of [noun sg] [adv] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 Neither of them had taken the slightest notice of my movements , except that Mr Parsons was already in my empty chair , and the two of them , with Ewen Mackay 's flask of whisky now standing between them , were talking about salmon fishing .
2 We get turned and cant pass back to Lukic unless its VERY safe , and even then he kicks it straight out of play so relieving the pressure on the opposition AND putting pressure on us .
3 Said a spokesman : ‘ There is a positive wind of change now blowing through the club . ’
4 Several champagne houses , finding the confines of Champagne too restricting , have invested in sparkling wine production in California , New Zealand and Australia .
5 Oswald Parry , a tall , strong , blonde Welshman , with a lock of hair perpetually curling across his wide forehead , came to Crystal Palace from Wimbledon in the summer of 1931 .
6 Information on the credit terms and methods of payment currently applying to particular business sectors in the foreign market .
7 We are of necessity constantly breaking the rules and thereby committing sin , but some kinds of offence are more disturbing than others .
8 When one calculates , for example , the beginning of the universe , using the methods you described , surely you 're making great assumptions about the laws of physics not having changed ?
9 But of course simply having refrigerators which can hold food at between 0 and +5 degrees C is n't enough .
10 And some carers and dependents find it difficult to adapt to a role reversal — the old person of course not wanting to relinquish her dominant role and the carer finding it difficult to cope with becoming the decision maker . ’
11 I am of course not speaking of those from the interior it is necessary to be more guarded with them particularly those of the Namoi and Juden ( ? ) parts , which I am now about to visit .
12 Her regular shopping trip to get the food for the Sabbath was something she always enjoyed as the prelude to the best part of the week with its special evening meal , its rituals , her zeide 's stories of his life in Lithuania — no matter how oft repeated — and of course not having to go to work in her father 's store .
13 In everyday conversation , this rarely happens , and even if it does , there is certainly no guarantee that the sentence will have come to an end — because , after the pause , there may be a conjunction , such as the word because — or one such as or — which , as in the case of relative pronouns , can keep a sentence moving on , along with any parentheses and subordinate clauses that the speaker thinks fit to introduce , and of course not forgetting the coordinate clauses which in fact make up the vast majority of the cases that we encounter when we start analysing real conversational speech , and which , as I said at the outset , provide a great deal of the interest when we go in search of English — if you recall .
14 The bit which of course basically going eight per cent .
15 The local residents were of course only exercising their rights under the 1870 Education Act , which allowed the establishment of School Boards .
16 ( In this way they were of course only following the examples set down in the 1820s and '30s by British visitors to America such as Captain Basil Hall or Mrs Frances Trollope. ) ln 1850 the Teetotal Times recorded an ‘ atrocious outrage ’ .
17 A rating gives a numerical value to some kind of judgement usually assuming equal intervals in the rating scale .
18 Also in New Guinea are sympatric birds of paradise apparently dealing with fruit in a similar way , staying in the trees for only a few minutes , perhaps through fear of predators .
19 ‘ Last I heard , the Eiffel Tower had n't collapsed and neither had Rome been sacked by pagans because of money perhaps changing hands in return for playing rugby ’ , he says .
20 Wembley 's Martin Corrie said : ‘ We 've spent a great deal of money substantially improving our toilets and we 're in the process of installing additional facilities for ladies .
21 The Lele are subsistence cultivators , growing maize , ground-nuts , and raffia palms from whose fronds they weave mats which are used as a special currency — a rare case of money really growing on trees .
22 Ianthe was disconcerted , even a little shocked , to see the bottles of milk still standing outside the door of her uncle 's Mayfair rectory when she arrived there to luncheon on Quinquagesima Sunday .
23 The semblance of UPH not owning it was created by allowing Smyth to put his nominees onto the board of Chestvale after he gave an undertaking to put the loan notes in place .
24 The only circumstances under which it would be possible to remove the National Government were those which actually arose in May 1940 : " A new situation might arise of course , if any considerable number of Members of Parliament now supporting the Government .
25 Maura closed her eyes , a knot of fear already forming in her stomach .
26 The future Quaker abolitionist , James Cropper of Liverpool , accepted the necessity ‘ for a humble , dependent state of mind naturally arising from the knowledge of the superior wisdom and goodness of the will and ways of God to our own ’ and found gloom about the future banished .
27 Did she imagine a faint degree of tension suddenly evaporating from Guy Sterne 's cool , enigmatic expression ?
28 The entrepreneurial characteristics of agency workers , and the regional/occupational labour market conditions which encourage agency working as an institution , can be likened to the entrepreneurial characteristics of self-employed , or labour only , subcontracting , building workers , and the regional/occupational labour market conditions which encouraged the growth of labour only subcontracting in the building industry in the late 1950s and early 1960s ( see Phelps Brown , 1968 ) .
29 It seemed unthinkable to turn Miguelito down now , after that warm flush of pleasure just thinking about being with him , his strong body and arms , his soft mouth and deep beautiful voice .
30 Another consequence of reorganization apparently detracting from job satisfaction has been a depersonalization of relationships within the organization .
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