Example sentences of "of [noun sg] [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 See if we got that bottle of whisky got a bottle of Bells .
2 When baking in combination with the hot air mode , the touch of a button releases an instant cloud of moisture giving a smooth and glazed surface , and ensuring that the dough rises evenly .
3 A promising early phase of play brought a sloppy opening goal in the 13th minute , when Hamilton lodged a long kick into the heart of the Dundee United half .
4 For Piaget , the activity of play represents a major advance in the ability of the child to control its own environment and engage in a variety of strategies .
5 The game could also provide links to the new topic by various levels of play providing a variety of challenges .
6 Rules of play became a priority and the pit on the 3rd in front of the tee was temporarily classed as a hazard , the player having to drop and lose distance .
7 Parties for the Warwickshire team at Cranmer 's Saltdean bungalow on one of the evenings after the close of play became a tradition .
8 The process of assessment incorporates a number of key elements and involves the assessors ( including users and carers ) in bringing to bear a wide range of observational , communication , interpersonal , cognitive , and analytic skills .
9 These examples of assessment illustrate a variety of purposes , including :
10 The introduction of the national curriculum and new modes of assessment provide a context for the study .
11 A trout can detect the smell of chemicals of shrimp diluted a thousand million times , while the sensitivity of an eel is a thousand million times greater still .
12 The Fijian traditional communal system of livelihood has a tendency to restrict initiative for commercial expansion and development so that there is a need to modify commercial values to meet with the demands of modern commercialism , This , in a nutshell , is what the Yalavou project sets out 10 do .
13 However , it is well recognised by conservationists that the modern pace and scale of change poses a threat which is quite unprecendented .
14 The Lord of Change cast a bolt of magical power .
15 In Fig. 7.1 2/d ) the rate of change of freewheeling current is large and negative when the winding is turned off , but the decay is reversed by the motional voltage and the rate of change reaches a positive maximum .
16 The gift of genius Find a brilliant inventor to set loose in the laboratory and your problems are solved ; the new products will start to roll off the line immediately .
17 A long straight nose forms a T with the straight fringe close down on the brows ; a rectangular block of hair frames a triangular face which tapers to a pointed chin .
18 ( There is no doubt that a good head of hair gives a man a wholly unjustified appearance of moral authority , witness Supreme Court judges and senators . )
19 The data describing the prevalence of smoking illustrates a good example of a cohort effect as older women , those aged 60 and over , have the highest proportions classed as never smoking .
20 On the one hand , we have examples of speakers self-quoting , where the act of quoting activates a switch back to the code of the original utterance .
21 For example , I think it will be agreed that the Newtonian concept of mass has a more precise meaning than the concept of democracy , say .
22 In 1982 the Forestry Commission 's Head of Site Studies and Head of Pathology paid a short trip to West Germany to see forest decline for themselves .
23 Their areas of expertise encompassed a wide range : Sandra Salmaso and Cinzia Mascherin from Italy devised a piece called No Man 's Land , described by Mascherin as ‘ an empty space , without border , beyond quiet ’ , based on work done with objects .
24 Again , management promises of payment secured a return to work .
25 As more and more land was planted with cash crops , the lack of pasture became a serious problem in many districts .
26 At home , the sombre and all-too-present reality of capitalism sinking deeper and deeper into crisis ; on the horizon , the gleaming and distant image of communism constructing a new world , a new man , a new life .
27 The spread of Communism presented a threat to the Second and Third Pillars , but was making no impact upon the British political system .
28 In one way these three decades of horror provide a parable of how we try to explain evil in humanity .
29 If that happens , you may wish to exercise the rights that Parliament has granted to victims of discrimination to make a complaint to an industrial tribunal .
30 But it clearly is much more difficult and heroic for any group of people who are on the front line of discrimination to adopt a nuanced reading of racism 's multiple forms than for those who are or want to be distanced from its processes and effects .
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