Example sentences of "of [noun sg] for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I would naturally consider sympathetically any invitation to take part in clinical trials requiring ingestion of whisky for medicinal purposes .
2 Researchers are beginning to unravel some of the factors significant in the process of assessment for compulsory admission ( section assessments ) under the 1983 Mental Health Act .
3 Sometimes this is done to present a biased picture of progress for domestic approval ; sometimes the opposite is needed to support a request for foreign aid .
4 Second , it appears that the parent-child relationship is the second port of call , with children being a major source of support for elderly parents and ( less commonly in numerical terms ) parents being the principal supporters of adult handicapped children .
5 One gets this sense of the safety net in relation to various different types of assistance : money , child care , accommodation , even personal care , where it runs counter to the notion that the most natural first line of support for elderly and dependent people is their families .
6 All the same there is a growing swell of support for electoral reform within the Labour movement and a good deal of support among MPs .
7 There is no requirement in the UK for colleges to provide any sort of support for deaf students .
8 Lack of support for mainstream teachers is not only reflected through inadequate training .
9 Fiscal incentives , such as tax relief on secondment and charitable donations , as well as expectations of support for privately-sponsored City Technology Colleges and Training Enterprise Councils , hammer that home .
10 Other evidence of the amorphous state of the electorate in 1980 was to be found in poll data revealing rapidly shifting tides of support for various candidates .
11 Other accords under the peace process , chiefly the denial of support for regional insurgency , have also been threatened by recent events .
12 The marriage relationship takes primacy , so that one 's spouse becomes the first source of support for married people .
13 BRITAIN 'S doctors seem set to turn back the tide of support for cheap unbranded drugs — against the recommendation of the Greenfield report which was published last week .
14 Numbers indicate the level of support for individual nodes on the tree based on 100 bootstrapped ( Branch and Bound ) runs .
15 In the United Kingdom , as elsewhere , continuity of support for disabled individuals or their families through transition is rarely available .
16 It dealt a stunning blow to an international order based on the exploitation of man by man and provided a powerful base of support for progressive movements across the world .
17 Resignation of Yeltsin — Lack of support for Democratic Platform walkout
18 Meanwhile , the conspicuous lack of support for equal opportunities from the Scottish Law Society is galvanising the Glasgow-based Association of Women Solicitors ( SAWS ) .
19 Either way , the low level of support for left Labour policies and the trade union movement ( in general terms ) which is indicated in the findings cited above , is of real importance .
20 The history teacher ought to go beyond the generalities of support for parliamentary democracy and liberty to help young people understand the changing nature of society , with its changing patterns of employment and unemployment , its multi-cultural and multi-ethnic nature with the changing status of women , and the ways in which moral attitudes and beliefs are being affected by science and technology .
21 Tim Sainsbury , Minister for Trade , announced on 28 January that new terms of support for British companies at overseas trade fairs will be offered from 1 April 1992 .
22 A junior branch through Joseph Pease , the India reformer ( uncle of the MP ) provided one of the main strands of support for American Garrisonian abolitionism in Britain , in the form of Elizabeth pease Nichol and her connections .
23 Bill Jordan of the engineering workers and Eric Hammond of the electricians , the two union leaders who have consistently opposed law breaking and whose unions have long and honourable records of support for secret ballots , were , significantly , given a rough ride yesterday .
24 The convention 's preparatory committee had discussed whether to advocate a declaration of support for direct negotiations with PLO members " having no prior record of terrorist activity " , but in the event this was left unresolved .
25 From the ‘ savings , ’ as they are referred to , funds have been redeployed to make up for a decade in which growth of support for basic scientific research was , at best , sluggish .
26 Given the complexities which have so far been uncovered , we may increasingly need to turn to experimental intervention research to better understand the mechanisms of support for differing types of stressful situations .
27 Such a view ignores the combined impact of adversarial divorce courts , lack of support for separating couples going through loss and change , lack of awareness of different roles and responsibilities of step-parents , lack of recognition of step-families in legal or welfare systems , and the negative image of step-families , all of which have contributed to the difficulties of remarriage and a rising re-divorce rate .
28 It does so directly , obviously , through legislation on marriage and divorce , through the regulation of extra-marital sex , and through the moral assumptions of its agencies , such as the Poor Law ; and indirectly through its various forms of support for particular familial and household types , the education system , its role in encouraging or discouraging prosecutions , its omissions as well as its commissions .
29 He said that he was convinced that the country did not want change , and was calling the referendum to expose the " lies " spread by " dissidents " about the level of support for multiparty politics ; it would , he said , give " people a chance to vote for me and my party … and to reject the introduction of other political parties " .
30 In the suffocating heat of a dozen television arc lamps , messages of support for Civic Forum and the students ' cause were read from a canning factory in the provinces and from other industrial plants .
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