Example sentences of "of [noun sg] to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 . In the first of our series of harvest round-ups we provide an over-view of progress to date .
2 As unsettled weather continues to frustrate efforts to start harvesting for many , we canvass the views of our ‘ barometer ’ growers and provide an overview of progress to date .
3 In this way a student model containing a profile of attainment together with a history of progress to date can be made available to the trainer and to the trainee .
4 In nine practices two interviews were conducted : the first , in March or April 1992 , concentrated on a review of progress to date ; the second , in June or July 1992 , concentrated on plans for the coming year .
5 The time is ripe for a review of progress to date and an assessment of the likely future impact of computers on the craft of qualitative analysis .
6 Courses include a two-day framing workshop with Diana Reynette-James , who has her own picture gallery , £75 ; fresh flower arranging with Jennifer Bentley , teacher of floristry to City and Guilds standard , £40 ; a three-day course in which you recane your own chair , £75 ; a two-day course in copper plate writing with calligrapher , Eric Smith , £60 .
7 ICL , one of the key supporters of Unix V. Release 4.2 , and with $750m worth of SVR4 sales under its belt in 1991 , lent a statement of support to Sun for its Solaris operating system last week , although the statement was admittedly somewhat vague .
8 DIRE Straits star Mark Knopfler joined hundreds of wellwishers who sent messages of support to pensioner Lennie Perkes after hearing how he was tortured by burglars .
9 In this year , the 25th anniversary of Shelter , does the Minister agree that the time is right for him to give effect to the Prime Minister 's boast in his letter of support to Shelter that the Government would employ public expenditure where necessary ?
10 An entirely different situation would be brought about should Your Excellency send a declaration of support to Charter 77 .
11 Be alert to the possibility of change to cross-talk between four people , which is much more difficult for the speechreader .
12 This would decrease the exposure of skin to blood , and when a needlestick injury does occur there will be a reduction in the amount of blood inoculated .
13 The present grants are part of the Getty 's involvement in the region since 1990 , which has resulted in nearly $900,000 worth of grant-aid to date , spread over forty-five projects in fourteen countries .
14 Symbol of hope to West
15 ‘ It really is stretching the long arm of coincidence to breaking point — a husband and wife , both recently employed by INCUBUS , both murdered within twenty-four hours of each other .
16 In the Middle Ages a degree of drainage which allowed the conversion of pasture to meadow provided livestock farmers with that most precious of commodities , winter fodder .
17 One is the failure to understand the radical hostility of communism to mankind as a whole — the failure to realise that communism is irredeemable , that there exist no ‘ better' ’ variants of communism : that it is incapable of growing ‘ ‘ kinder' ’ , that it can not survive as an ideology without using terror and that consequently to co-exist with communism on the same planet is impossible .
18 Patients experience high anxiety levels at time of admission to hospital .
19 The experience of admission to hospital and the possibility of surgery will be different for each individual but it is possible to discuss some of the physical and psychological factors which may contribute to stress and the effects these may have on progress and recovery .
20 Young men with periodontitis had a nearly threefold increased risk of death from coronary heart disease but only about a 50% increased risk of admission to hospital for coronary heart disease .
21 Acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive airways disease ( COAD ) are a common cause of admission to hospital , and have a high mortality .
22 This general approach can also be used to interpret the patterns of impairment to language processing seen in patients with acquired disorders of language produced by neurological damage .
23 It can also mean " unrestrained " in the sense either of freedom to act or prodigality in giving : what Wilekin wants is that she give herself .
24 A member of the Botanical Society of London , Atkins was a pioneer in the application of photography to science and to publication .
25 She undertook the first serious application of photography to science by making photograms of her extensive collection of algae .
26 Equality before God leads of necessity to equality before the law .
27 Every undergraduate astronomy student can tell you why the Sun shines : a series of nuclear fusion reactions , whose end result is the conversion of hydrogen to helium , happen on a vast scale , and release prodigious amounts of energy in the form of heat , light , X-rays and so on .
28 A typical approach is to assume a ratio of hydrogen to helium which is the same or fairly similar to that measured in the atmosphere , and to assume that there is a small fraction of heavier elements and their compounds which may be concentrated in a core or dispersed to a greater or lesser extent .
29 At a more detailed level considerable variations are possible from model to model , such as the exact ratios of hydrogen to helium and of hydrogen to the other substances .
30 The ratio of hydrogen to helium-3 that outgasses would allow computation of the fraction of spontaneous fusion per average water molecule , since hydrogen is in the pristine water whereas helium-3 is produced by any fusion .
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