Example sentences of "of [noun sg] to [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Lord ‘ Bertie ’ Denham , the bluff and genial Chief Whip who floated between the Lords , White 's and Pratt 's proffering a glass of whisky to any peer tempted to vote against a government bill , likes to maintain that there is no inbuilt Conservative majority in the Lords , and during the first two Thatcher terms the government did indeed lose 111 votes .
2 Even their acknowledgement of differences in sexuality is diluted by their desexualizing assimilation of lesbianism to cultural or biological ideals of femininity .
3 When we consider temperament in horses , and especially in families , it is most reasonable to look at the stallions in a family to get a more valid picture of the family characteristics , as stallions often exhibit traits of temperament to greater extremes than geldings and mares .
4 It is a matter of scale ; of working with like-minded , self-employed farmers and craftsmen rather than of subservience to faceless officials and giant firms .
5 Stage 2 : Determining the level of assessment — Making an initial identification of need and matching the appropriate level of assessment to that need .
6 Now we have GCSE , which devolves somewhat the choice of topics and the manner and timing of assessment to individual schools , and shifts the balance of that assessment from the retention of content to the mastery of certain identifiable skills — though in practice how extensive a shift this has been remains open to question .
7 Would assessment in the public mind become synonymous with this process , leading all other forms of assessment to pale into significance ?
8 The idea of decentralization to departmental units of accountable management not only undermines the hierarchical authority structure traditionally used in bureaucracies to enforce equitable application of departmental rules ( see p. 26 ) , but its underlying aim , as Gray and Jenkins ( 1985 , p. 157 ) warn , ‘ may be to downgrade … the search for fairness and equity of treatment … since such practices may not be value for money ’ , In the private sector , where equity is less important ( and in some cases absent ) , the search for value for money conflicts with no particular value systems , but in the public sector it does .
9 Here he dismounted and prayed that whatever spirit had been working within him would continue to work , that this furious feeling of benevolence to all mind — if only a beggar would pass by and he could give him a shilling ! — would not abate , that he ‘ could truly and today start a new life , O Lord , for Thy sake and in Thy name ’ .
10 For the earth with all her fruits of corn , cattle and such like , was made to be a common storehouse of livelihood to all mankind , friend and foe , without exception .
11 AMERICAN musician Joan Baez today sent a message of support to sacked workers at the Timex factory in Dundee .
12 Each tank was carried on four pairs of tracks , making a total of 16 points of support to each vehicle .
13 The negotiation and offer would be limited on the one hand by the school 's ability/willingness to use different initiatives and on the other by the head of service 's management of his or her total team resource and his or her balance of support to all the schools in the team 's catchment area .
14 This had asserted American interest in the Middle East and had given pledges of support to those states which felt threatened by communism .
15 A failure to give proper levels of support to informal carers not only reduces their own quality of life and that of the relative or friend they care for , but is also potentially inefficient as it can lead to less personally appropriate care being offered .
16 Now it says on average for , and then essentially we looked at the three main support of erm protectionist powers , like the E E C , U S A and Japan right , and they said that on average alright for every one dollar benefit alright for every one dollar benefit , one agricultural support , right it actually costs right one one fifty dollars of the general statistics in order to give a pounds worth of support to domestic farmers , we er have to find one pounds fifty right .
17 If redundancy was the leading form of change to 1981 , it was gains in productivity that made the greatest inroads from then .
18 Er and I 'm quite sure there 'll be quite a bit of change to many of our procedures .
19 They are used to clarify the relationships that exist between the variables that influence the buying situation , and to predict the outcome of change to these variables .
20 Accounts given by individuals are inevitably selective in content and emphasis , and as we noted in Chapter 3 , the attribution of change to particular policies or causal factors is always difficult .
21 Cut one piece of interfacing to finished size .
22 Many people took this game of make-believe to fantastic lengths and went through the whole elaborate business of a preparation for escape without the slightest real intention of ever carrying it out .
23 My impression is that the great majority of those who have entered the field have merely applied their particular area of expertise to this fascinating molecule .
24 If we are to continue the high levels of payment to those affected by restructuring , the Bill is essential .
25 In these proceedings Woolwich claims interest from the date of payment to 31 July 1987 amounting in total to some £6.7m .
26 Holding us steady in times of change — a symbol of hope to all the world .
27 Erasmus Darwin , grandfather of Charles , describes dodders in verse as ‘ harlot-nymphs ’ which crush their prey in their coils much as the mythological serpents crushed Laocoon and his sons , while Indian myths grant unlimited wealth and the power of invisibility to those who find the roots of dodder .
28 We 've lost acres and acres of woodland to fast grain farming .
29 Greater attention is also being paid to the process of admission to residential care .
30 Leaving aside the obvious example of admission to residential care , there are many less significant matters in which , for example , the old person 's attachment to the primary carer makes them reluctant to let anyone else play a part in their support .
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