Example sentences of "the few [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 Then , pretending for a moment that he was back there , he would turn round and face the back of his cage , open his wings , and glide down the few feet to where his food lay on the ground , pretending that it was prey and that the few feet was hundreds of feet , and that he could feel strong winds on his wings and was an adult eagle , and free , free to fly where he liked .
2 Then he turned the few feet to Creggan 's cage and stared up to where Creggan had taken stance on the bare branch of wood that hung across his cage .
3 She jumped out and ran the few feet to where a man was struggling out of his jeep , which had tipped onto one side with the two left wheels suspended above the open gully .
4 ‘ I have already packed the few things to which she is entitled , in a small box .
5 The few creatures to be seen were drowsily unwilling to be disturbed .
6 He walks to the crease with a swagger , totally confident , undoubtedly one of the few batsmen to whom the word ‘ Unforgettable ’ could be applied without risk of hyperbole .
7 He ran the few yards to the fence .
8 PC Golby , still in a state of shock and incredulity , ran the few yards to the turnpike cottage .
9 She was heavily veiled and masked to walk the few yards to the women 's dining majlis , which was , of course , in the house of Sheikha Grandmother .
10 They began to bark as she walked the few yards to his front door .
11 It was Blackberry who bullied the stupefied Pipkin to his feet and forced him to limp the few yards to the gravel spit .
12 I crept back the few yards to the way marked path and walked on down the track .
13 Ashamed of her excess of imagination , she let herself out into the street and covered the few yards to her car under the trees .
14 With a prayer of thankfulness I rowed the few yards to her , made fast the dinghy to a cleat on her transom , and climbed on board .
15 He punted the few yards to the shore .
16 On a patch where the rough surface of brickwork was exposed , someone had vomited , probably a passing drunk whose sense of propriety , demanding privacy , had deterred him from being sick in the street ; or a returning resident who could not wait to climb the few steps to the communal toilet on the first half-landing .
17 I took a deep breath of cool air before diving into the blast of heat and walking the few steps to the house .
18 The wound plagued an injured nerve for the last time as he took the few steps to the trapdoor under the beam .
19 Walking the few steps to the dressing table , she picked it up .
20 Without conscious intent he walked the few steps to the bookshop .
21 So we all walked the few steps to Wuthering Heights .
22 His eyes never left Lamarr Dean , but his right hand closed on the Spencer and it was down at his side as he walked over the few steps to the bar .
23 Baynton managed Catherine 's retinue after her arrest and in 1543 was one of the few witnesses to the king 's sixth marriage .
24 The tucuxi is one of the few dolphins to be found in both fresh and salt waters .
25 One of the few clues to Joan Main 's whereabouts appeared to be a birthday card she 's sent to her mother from Newport .
26 Dropping the kids off at my mother-in-law 's , I trudged the few miles to the hospital taking the short cut through the grounds to the usual ward .
27 There was some light left as they motored the few miles to The Towers .
28 He rose , flung his arms wide , took a deep inhalation of sea air and climbed the few paces to the top of the dune where he would be visible to the clothed .
29 Linda jumped out and went the few paces to the garage , unlocking the door and sliding it part way open .
30 It was one of the few references to the former prime minister 's gender that I heard during the whole week of leadership crise .
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