Example sentences of "the first [noun pl] in " in BNC.

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1 As Ellen Wilkinson ( who in the 1920s had been among the first women in the Labour Party to support family allowances ) wrote in 1938 : ‘ what the Amery type want is to feed the existing and potential cannon-fodder with the greatest economy and lack of waste .
2 What I 'd like to say is I think erm certainly in Scotland and in Strathclyde area that four years ago , erm the first women in transport survey was actually carried out , erm and it was carried out elsewhere in Britain and er this was as I say the first study that had been done and the results were very surprising .
3 Perhaps I was one of the first women in the entire province of Parma to be ‘ liberated ’ in that sense .
4 Culturally , the native population encountered by the Russians was more varied than that found by the first Europeans in northern North America , but the general linguistic situation in the two regions was similar .
5 Troops and tanks were sent in to restore order a week after the first demonstrations in Tirana .
6 One of the first houses in the goldfields was built to welcome them and the two children ; the roof was not on by the time they arrived but many miners joined in helping to complete it , the sight of two young Englishwoman being a delightful rarity .
7 The first lies in the extent to which all evidence adduced depends on guesswork .
8 The first lies in increasing the efficiency of the curriculum development workers themselves through heightening their awareness of the growth points and problems in the schemes they are developing .
9 The first lies in the discretion the court has under the sections as to the order it will make .
10 The first lies in the emergence of new social classes as vehicles , both of production and reception , for the new postmodernist cultural forms .
11 The first lies in the passages in Purcell 's own handwriting .
12 The first stakes in this programme are CD ( Companion Dog ) ; the second stakes are UD ( Utility Dog ) ; the third , WD ( Working Dog ) ; the fourth TD ( Tracking Dog ) and the fifth PD ( Police Dog ) .
13 The first moves in this direction began soon after independence , with the ‘ Education with Production ’ programme .
14 Following the trend spearheaded by Unify Corp with its Accell 4GL toolset a few years ago , Ingres Corp is expected to make the first moves in liberating its own toolsets from the Ingres database next month .
15 The growth in fundholding poses problems for negotiations and the first moves in setting up the Grampian Association of Fundholding Practices are under way .
16 The first moves in this respect began during Allan Hayhurst 's stewardship and were primarily the responsibility of Alan Wilson , who for over thirty years served the BDA with devotion and exceptional skills until illness caused his retirement and death in 1985 .
17 Indeed , the first moves in this direction occurred in 1986 of course , when as Noble Lords will recall the Metropolitan counties or at least their county councils were abolished and police authorities were created for the same areas as freestanding corporate bodies .
18 Sister Margaret Murphy was one of the first nurses in Ulster to train in administering chemotherapy .
19 Sister Margaret Murphy was one of the first nurses in Ulster to train in administering chemotherapy .
20 There were the first hints in the late 1950s of American balance of payments problems , and these strengthened the calls for higher tariffs .
21 Last month , I presented the first Investors in People awards .
22 Such was his reputation that 2,000 people attended his funeral in Russia and one of the first statues in St Paul 's Cathedral in London was not of a sovereign , statesman or saint — but a simple , teetotal , vegetarian traveller who , as the inscription notes :
23 The first of them is an appeal by the first defendants in the present action ( ‘ the appellants ’ ) against an order made by Judge Stockdale , sitting at the Watford County Court on 2 August 1991 , committing each appellant to prison for a term of four months by reason of their contempt .
24 It was held that the plaintiffs could succeed against the first defendants in contract , but in third party proceedings the first defendant 's action against the second defendants ( the manufacturers of the pails ) failed as the pails were merchantable under s14(2) .
25 The first Diplomates in Office Studies will complete their course in June 1990 .
26 Along with Argentina , Chile was one of the first countries in Latin America to experience union organisation and by 1970 , the labour movement had emerged as a strong and ideologically independent organisation .
27 One of the first initiatives in the programme was a workshop on ‘ Communication for Development ’ , organised in Angola in July this year for Portuguese-speaking countries .
28 His name was Dave Brown and he eventually went on to establish one of the first clubs in the country to be licensed as an openly gay establishment .
29 Seventeen years later , then Flight Lieutenant Reif , he flew as one of the first navigators in 2 Squadron Canberras when that unit deployed to South Vietnam in April 1967 .
30 It takes its name from one of the first cases in which such an injunction was granted , Mareva Compania Naviera S.A .
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