Example sentences of "the first [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I may be the first challenger for Lennox , so it 's not surprising that I 'm behind Bowe . ’
2 Museums will have the first pick of a huge art mountain which has been allowed to accumulate over the years as the result of an income support scheme for artists which was stopped in 1984 .
3 He was busy in the bottom of the second punt , and when he climbed out of it he cut the rope securing the first punt with his sword , and then used his foot to launch it out across the water .
4 The first close-up in Straw Dogs is of Susan George 's nipples , seen through a fetching sweater , which have the male townsfolk , young and old , leering .
5 The first body-blow to this belief was dealt by Kinsey , Pomeroy and Martin , who concluded that , far from a high-point of sexual feeling and tension existing only in the earlier adult years and continuing only to around the mid-fifties , sexuality and sexual activity decline after youth only in the most gradual way , with no set or probable point of cessation .
6 ‘ He used to say that the first obligation as a sports writer was not to be in the least boring ; that you had to try and retain the excitement of the event in your writing — without taking liberties with the truth or manufacturing drama . ’
7 In practice , the first session of the inter-governental conference will be attached to the Rome EC summit next December , although serious bargaining will only start some months later .
8 In practice , the first session of the inter-governmental conference will be attached to the Rome EC summit next December , although serious bargaining will only start some months later .
9 In 1549 , two years after the close of the first session of the Council of Trent — the Council whose stupendous achievements encompassed the comprehensive definition of Catholic doctrine and the unchallengeable assertion of papal power , and which has been described as the creator of the modern Catholic church — John Hamilton , archbishop of St Andrews since 1547 , held the first of his own reforming councils .
10 Board results of the strongest club match played this year : GM Hubner 1–0 GM Christiansen ; GM Yusupov 1–0 GM Lutz ; GM Ribli DRAW GM Hort ; GM Hertneck DRAW GM Vaganian ; GM Bonsch 0–1 GM Hickl ; GM Bischoff 1–0 GM Knaak ; IM Stangl 0–1 GM Vogt ; IM Schlosser DRAW IM Jackelen ; 4.5–3.5 England 's strongest league , the London League , was effectively decided on Tuesday when King 's Head , based at the pub of the same name in Moscow Road , Bayswater , achieved a 5–2 lead in the first session of play against Wood Green .
11 From May 16 — 29 , however , he will be hosting the first session of amatory writing courses at the European Centre for Holistic Studies on the Greek island of Skyros — very apt for someone preoccupied with sex , death and the Oedipus complex .
12 Mr Ashdown , campaigning in north Wales , raised the stakes on electoral reform by saying that his precondition for talks would be legislation to implement PR in the first session of Parliament .
13 They lead Bushbury , who have led for most of the season , 5–1 in their eight-game match after the first session of play .
14 Short , playing black , dominated the game throughout , and at the end of the first session of play on Tuesday he had a clear advantage in an endgame with superior pieces and a very strong passed pawn .
15 This week the hearing reached a milestone with the first session of full cross-examination — a baptism of fire for the Department of Energy , which surprised everyone by agreeing to be interrogated on the full gamut of Whitehall 's current thinking on energy policy .
16 At the first session of the court in January 1869 he gave judgement to James Sprinks , who had sued Harry Carroll for 7s 6d to be paid the full amount plus almost as much in costs , 6s 3d .
17 I hope that , in the first session of the next parliament , there will be less of the constant bickering and exchange of insults which marred the last sessions of the previous House of Commons .
18 The autumn of 1529 not only saw the fall from power of Cardinal Thomas Wolsey , who had dominated religious and political life in England for the previous fifteen years , but also the beginning of the first session of the Reformation Parliament .
19 When the London Mercers ' Company presented a petition attacking clerical malpractice to the first session of that parliament , Henry allowed it to be transformed into three statutes , which curbed abuses in the areas of pluralism and non-residence , and in the exaction of probate and mortuary fees .
20 These meetings were a dress-rehearsal for the first session of the Council .
21 This was the issue that dominated the first session of the Council , the only one Pope John knew .
22 At the end of the first session of the 97th Congress , Helen Dewar reported in the Washington Post : Even one of Reagan 's severest critics , Tip O'Neill , the former Speaker of the House of Representatives , does not underestimate Reagan 's early achievements : ‘ ( He ) pushed through the greatest increase in defense spending in American history together with the greatest cutbacks in domestic programs and the largest tax cuts the country has ever seen . ’
23 As the Congressional Quarterly Almanac concluded : ‘ In all , the first session of the 97th Congress was a great personal triumph for Reagan .
24 The 30 September also saw the first session of a specially created presidential Commission for Restitution .
25 Breaking down the results by session : the first session of nineteenth- and twentieth-century paintings totalled £556,930 ( $946,780 ) with 46.7% unsold by value ; the session of modern and contemporary Indian paintings , watercolours , drawings and sculpture totalled £125,750 ( $213,775 ) with 17.47% unsold by value ; the group of Indian and South-East Asian sculpture and works of art totalled £141,858 ( $241,158 ) with 56% unsold ; the Oriental and European ceramics , bronzes gold and silver totalled £194,315 ( $330,335 ) .
26 But Tudor Parliaments allowed indirect revenue to slip almost out of their grasp by granting tonnage and poundage , automatically it seems , to each Tudor monarch for life in the first session of each reign .
27 At the end of the first session of interviews , there was inevitable frustration .
28 Labour 's 1983 election manifesto pledged the party to ‘ take action to abolish the undemocratic House of Lords as quickly as possible and , as an interim measure , introduce a bill in the first session of Parliament to remove its legislative powers — with the exception of those that relate to the life of a parliament ’ .
29 Once we have incorporated the Maastricht treaty into our law — presumably , as my right hon. Friend the Prime Minister said , in the first Session of the new Parliament — we must press on in the second half of 1992 , when we have the presidency of the Community , to set out more clearly our vision of a common European future .
30 The first session of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia ( CPCz ) central committee since the extraordinary party congress in December 1989 [ see p. 37107 ] was held in Prague on Jan. 6 .
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