Example sentences of "the time that the " in BNC.

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1 The donor must be resident in the United Kingdom at the time that the gift is made .
2 The speed will then be dangerously low by the time that the nose has been lowered , and even more speed will be lost during the descent through the wind gradient .
3 By the time that the glider is down to 500 feet or so , an inexperienced pilot often will have forgotten the wind direction , and if he realises this it will increase his anxiety .
4 It was thought at the time that the talks would result in some extension of the deadline .
5 Indeed , by the time that the credits of René Clair 's supernatural comedy came on , the ads had already done their work , and I was already invisibly inside that bottle too , ready to share in Veronica 's throaty vibrato .
6 The agency has plans to launch a second craft in April 1994 , at about the time that the first satellite reaches the end of its operational life .
7 Right until the time that the FRG was included in Nato , the Soviet Union favoured a united , democratic , and demilitarised Germany and was of the view that unification of the two German states was possible .
8 By the time that the Earthtrust team arrived , the price had climbed higher still .
9 By the time that the invaders poured across our flatlands this church had been manned and victualled and the women of the parish safely concealed in outlying farms , under the protection of what you , today , would refer to as ‘ teenagers ’ .
10 It was felt at the time that the upward movement was out of line with the underlying trend and the latest figures analysed by Reward suggest it has in fact been short-lived .
11 By the time that the Book of Isaiah was written however , things were being said about Israel 's God that could not be said of any other , and this led increasingly to the claim that the God of Israel is the only one that exists .
12 On 23 September 1954 Blake married his secretary Gillian Allan and on 14 April 1955 he was posted to West Berlin , just about the time that the Berlin tunnel became operational .
13 It remains a subject of some curiosity that this apparently exceptional event occurred just at the time that the Greenpeace boat was moored offshore .
14 In his report Layfield concluded that there was only a one in forty chance that a coal station would be cheaper than Sizewell B. By the time that the then Energy Minister , Peter Walker , gave his seal of approval to the project in 1987 the odds had been reduced to one in seven .
15 By the time that the Educational Facilities Laboratories and the National Endowment for the Arts were producing their two excellent booklets on the reuse of railroad stations in 1974 and 1975 , only one per cent of all inter-city travel was by train .
16 From the time that the tribal Belgae and then the Romans invaded England , rivers dictated the positions of many towns and villages .
17 It is scarcely conceivable in the political climate of the time that the alternative would have been adopted as a matter of policy , but that it was avoided at the cost of serious reductions in the level of policing in much of the country suggests a conscious choice .
18 It seemed to me at the time that the teachers of science at school , who had certainly shown themselves to be opposed to me were , if not actually off their trolleys , a trifle on the demented side and undoubtedly strangers to coolness .
19 By the time that the truth had been publicized it was sadly too late for many unfortunate cats , and even now the ghost of the ‘ Feline AIDS ’ still stalks the world of cats and cat owners .
20 He said that he had been in a corner of the bar talking to the landlord and friends during the time that the incident took place .
21 At precisely the time that the Party leadership was extolling the horse as a modern and fuel-saving means of transport , it was also planning to increase the journey-times of the rural population and make them more dependent on motor transport — or perhaps to shorten the time they had left to themselves , to sleep , think and so on .
22 It seemed to me at the time that the Tanzanian Government feared that papers could be used as mouthpieces for dissident political groups anxious to advance their own positions .
23 It is clear that all resistance to shearing has vanished by the time that the atoms are balanced on top of each other , which will occur when the whole material has been distorted in shear through an angle of 30° .
24 Schrödinger 's question was this : during the time that the box is sealed , is the cat alive or dead ?
25 It was true that there were usually two of them together and he remembered thinking at the time that the other one was probably in a shop begging .
26 About the time that the 4AD single was released , in 1981 , we parted with our bass player due to ‘ musical differences ’ .
27 By the time that the OEEC Council agreed in October 1957 to set up the so-called Maudling Committee , named after Reginald Maudling who was appointed by the British premier , Harold Macmillan , in July 1957 to conduct the negotiations on Britain 's proposals for a wider free trade area , the Six had in a sense already passed the point of no return .
28 Dr van der Merwe 's bones or , rather , those of the Crow Indians of the Ohio valley , are helping to trace the spread of maize across the Americas and establish how , by the time that the conquistadores arrived , it was powering not only the imperial civilisations of Mexico , but the modest villages of what was shortly to become New England .
29 Predominant sugar conformer and per cent of the time that the individual sugar is in that conformation have been estimated from multiplet widths measured from DQF-COSY ( Fig.2 a ) according to the method described in Rinkel and Altona .
30 At the time that the present series of transplant patients were referred for surgery our transplant centre was one of a fairly small number seeking suitable donor organs , not just in Britain but in continental Europe .
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