Example sentences of "the time [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 in the ‘ fridge for the time stated on the pack
2 All refunds under money-back guarantees should be made within the time stated on the ad .
3 All refunds under money-back guarantees should be made within the time stated on the ad .
4 This is clearly a mistake for 1.21 a.m. which is itself earlier than the time stated by the inspector .
5 This section covers additional accommodation and travel expenses incurred in reaching the overseas destination or returning home as a result of the failure of public transport services in getting the insured to his departure port or airport by the time stated in the itinerary .
6 It had been there all the time hidden beneath the forced gaiety , the conversational duelling .
7 On the other hand , an employer who dismisses a redundant employee for going on strike during his notice period will still have to make him a redundancy payment unless he serves a ‘ notice of extension ’ in accordance with the Consolidation Act requiring him to make up the time lost through the strike .
8 Peace within the new boundaries allowed Milan to make up for the time lost during the bloody years of Napoleon 's campaigns and the Risorgimento .
9 Thanks to an over rate of 11.2 and the time lost to the weather being made up at the end , that fourth day became the longest in Test history , not finishing until 7.40 .
10 The time lost by such failures will be determined by the duration of the interruption to the power supply .
11 But the legal tangle surrounding ‘ culpability ’ was never really unravelled : no eye-witnesses , contradictory evidence on possible mechanical faults , discrepancies about the time recorded for the breathalyser test — these factors resulted in Kemp getting away comparatively lightly , being banned from driving for three years only , with what must have seemed to many the derisory fine of only four hundred pounds .
12 The time recorded on two different watches , for example , can be perfectly associated : the time on one of them can be correctly predicted from the time on the other , but not because the time on one of them causes the time on the other ; altering the time on one of them would have absolutely no impact on the other .
13 FORGET the time recorded by Clydal Pal in the opening heats of the Ulster Derby ( 550 ) and give him some support in the first semi-final at Dunmore Stadium tomorrow night .
14 The following are also void : marriages between parties who are not respectively male and female ; marriages between persons , either of whom is under the age of 16 ( see p. 43 ) ; and a polygamous marriage entered into outside England and Wales , if either party was at the time domiciled in England and Wales ( for domicile , see pp. 61–3 ) .
15 Like other people , Richard Pearson recalled the attraction that simple , conventional family life held for Ken — the bachelor who was so very confirmed in his status was most of the time frightened of anything else .
16 The graph plots the slope of the rising phase of the evoked response ( population e.p.s.p. ) , recorded from the cell body region in response to constant test stimuli , for 1h before and 3h following a tetanus ( 250Hz , 200ms ) , delivered at the time indicated by the arrow .
17 Indeed , some verbs seem to have no lexical content beyond one which is aimed at providing some kind of reservation about applicability of the adjectival property , examples being become and turn which place a temporal restriction on the adjective 's applicability ; the subordinate property only holds after the time indicated by the tense of the verb .
18 He argued , convincingly , that noun phrases taken as a whole may quite often have a different temporal assignment from that of the verb which they accompany , as in : ( 37 ) I used to be a good friend of the police chief The underlined phrase may be understood as past relative to the time of utterance ( and hence in agreement with the time indicated by the verb ) or as present ; the two different time-values correspond to the two different continuations in : ( 38 ) … before he joined the force … until he was shot for corruption The first continuation would be compatible with an expansion of the subject phrase to the man who is the police chief , while the second would support the man who was the police chief .
19 Now is not the time to arrive at the friary .
20 Many people will say that they do not have the time to pause before acting , but this is a false economy ; if you do not pause then nature has ways of making you stop through illness .
21 Again she was a busy young mother who did not really find the time to mourn for the loss of her unborn children .
22 I also want to express my deep appreciation especially to those who took the time to pray for me .
23 It was this last point which at the time led to some discomfort about OD .
24 I was asked to be a coachman for Cinderella with my best friend , of course I was very excited and as the time grew nearer my costume was made and fitted .
25 Thus the time passes until three , when I go … to a Dutch officer to give him a lesson in galanterie and thoroughbass , for which I receive … four ducats for twelve lessons .
26 On let-down patterns a specific distance is flow outbound and the time adjusted for this distance according to groundspeed .
27 They immediately brighten , become more animated and are often quite grateful that someone has taken the time to listen to them .
28 As I found when I took the time to listen to parents and hear what they said , the views advanced did not always fit the latest fashion or an approved passage in a book on sociology .
29 When we arrived the carp were present all over from our margin to the far bank but as the time went on the fish moved out and only seemed catchable from the far side .
30 ‘ Like when the time came at school to plan his future after he left .
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