Example sentences of "the next time you " in BNC.

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1 The next time you step out in the same bout , a half-point penalty is incurred .
2 The next time you call at your local council offices to collect some forms for making a Building Regulations application , do n't be surprised if you are asked , ‘ What type of forms do you want — Full plans or Building Notice ? ’
3 People can enjoy reading about you even if they do n't like your music and if enough of them do , it improves your chances of more coverage the next time you need it .
4 However , next time you go to a large supermarket for your supplies ( or if you shop daily , the next time you go to your local shops ) consider your buying habits .
5 The next time you roast duck or chicken , cook thick slices of pineapple in the pan with lashings of black pepper .
6 The next time you are along the river and you spot a shoal of chub , or an individual fish , see how close you can get before they , or it , take fright .
7 Just take a careful look the next time you are out shopping ; how many people look happy ?
8 The next time you feed your cat , take a close look at its eyes .
9 Maybe the clothes , you think , but the next time you wear that outfit you 're The Invisible Man .
10 The next time you will be much more on your guard to avoid the same interviewing fault .
11 Keep listening until you are sure that you will recognise the sounds the next time you hear them , then withdraw the spade and push it back into the ground some feet away .
12 ‘ Not till the next time you come , anyway , and that might not be for ages . ’
13 Never neglect to thank a coblynau for indicating the whereabouts of ore deposits , else the next time you visit that tunnel it will be barred with mounds of stones .
14 The next time you are in a meeting , or even on a crowded train or at a social gathering watch what people do .
15 You look out of your window and then the wind blows and the next time you look it 's all different .
16 Uk Brother owners please note — the next time you phone Manchester , be thankful that there is someone to answer your problem , even if it may occasionally take a couple of days when all the staff are at a show .
17 Bacteria can grow in dirty works and the next time you use them , you can give yourself a nasty infection or blood poisoning .
18 Remember the next time you 're on the fells it 's up to us — only we can prevent the hills from vanishing , so watch where you 're putting your feet .
19 When your heart is beating sufficiently fast , the next time you try to pick up Wilma she 'll follow you home ( wish that technique still worked today , it 'd make my life much easier ) .
20 If any other readers would like to save money and the rain forests , call in at a local reclaimers the next time you need timber .
21 The next time you see a GP rider in a post-race sweat , do n't wonder why .
22 The next time you hear a noisy 747 thundering over your roof in the early hours of the morning — you can smile and sleep well in the knowledge that the airline have just been fined one third of a landing fee , approximately £1,300 !
23 So the next time you are browsing lazily through a holiday brochure , stop and study the possibilities of a holiday in Spain , away from the coastal resorts , English-speaking waiters and mounds of ‘ paella ’ .
24 Think about that the next time you hear about a Palestinian child murdered by the Israeli army ( who are Irgun in new uniforms ) , for throwing stones .
25 In this instance you can put it across the eyebrow , right , across the eyebrow , ask them to hold it and if you 're doing a bandage like this the way to keep it on is to have one part of the bandage going above the ear and the next time you go round go below the ear right , go above the ear and the next time you go round go below the ear okay and then finally just tie it off , get the idea ?
26 In this instance you can put it across the eyebrow , right , across the eyebrow , ask them to hold it and if you 're doing a bandage like this the way to keep it on is to have one part of the bandage going above the ear and the next time you go round go below the ear right , go above the ear and the next time you go round go below the ear okay and then finally just tie it off , get the idea ?
27 okay , round the base of your thumb , basically what we want to do is we want to clamp these fingers in so they ca n't come un unstuck , we want to push them together because she ca n't keep them shut like that , but the next thing is that you come round to the back where the little finger is , the next time you come round here , you 're gon na come round to about the first thumb joint okay and then you 're gon na go over the top okay and if you come round again the little thumb , by , by the little finger , you come round again to the thumb joint okay , come over the top again , round , we 're just making really like the figure of eight , but all the time we 're keeping off of this wrist here and I 'm keeping her fingers in , are you alright still ?
28 But the next time you see him he appears from behind you , and lands vertically on the South Pole . ’
29 The next time you may not be so lucky , ’ Burun pointed out .
30 And the next time you buy something from a shop and find there 's something wrong with it do n't just jump to conclusions that you 've been deliberately cheated .
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