Example sentences of "the same place and " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We had a very successful festival last year in the same place and many local people came and enjoyed themselves .
2 But we always stood roughly in the same place and we knew the forty or fifty people around us 'cos they were always there .
3 An instant later she recalled the forty-year-old lady , who twenty-five years earlier had stood in the same place and had waved at her father in the same way .
4 The die study has become one of the most important tools used by the numismatist because it provides a physical link between two separate objects and thereby provides evidence that they were made at the same place and time .
5 Of course , it would be much too simple if die links always proved that two objects were made at the same place and time .
6 In the 1970s the police were often concerned with the need to keep apart two rival groups , each of which had gathered together for a demonstration in the same place and at the same time .
7 When we finished the tour , we ended up in the same place and he comes back to me with the most beautiful guitar I 've ever seen — handcrafted in under a month !
8 We all worked and lived at the same place and it seemed pretty cool to me at the time , but it started to become more and more negative until it got to the point where I wanted to leave … and I realised that they would n't let me !
9 Many rabbits spend all their lives in the same place and never run more than a hundred yards at a stretch .
10 The normal expectation in the construction and interpretation of discourse is , as Grice suggests , that relevance holds , that the speaker is still speaking of the same place and time , participants and topic , unless he marks a change and shows explicitly whether the changed context is , or is not , relevant to what he has been saying previously .
11 ‘ Friends who want the same place and the same wife , ’ the pretty girl replied .
12 Then I realized that we kept returning to the same place and stopping for a few minutes , before moving off again around a similar route .
13 He fired the Lee Enfield again ; Rory was getting the hang of this now , and aimed the shotgun at the same place and fired it , almost before the noise of Fergus 's shot had stopped echoing .
14 Leave both glasses in the same place and keep an eye on them for about half an hour .
15 The French recovered the lead but two laps later they tried the same move in the same place and there was a collision between the two boats .
16 Claudia raced for the towel ; he was still standing in the same place and still looking helpless as she dealt briskly with the spill .
17 The expression for dva can be written compactly as where is defined by All the vectors v , da , and db appearing in ( 7.2 ) are quite arbitrary ; dv is the difference between local vectors at the same place and is also a vector .
18 Okay , just about it now Okay , gon na ask each group what marks they 've given and why , now it 's not for the other team to justify it because it 's all a subjective thing but the thing is we 're hopefully marking them against the same criteria as everybody else because we 've all been in the same place and listened to the same things and read the same things , however , now we know obviously it does n't necessarily mean that everybody 's taken in the same things .
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