Example sentences of "the same [noun] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 The same materials produced exciting work from one group , ordinary and rather drab work from another , and moderate interest in the other two .
2 The same cat enjoyed jumping from chair to chair when his owner pointed at each in turn .
3 We were so far behind the group that King Hussein got us permission to fly the pipeline across Saudi Arabia ; the group which did not have the same permission had to backtrack to Luxor , before crossing the Arabian Peninsula .
4 The second prohibited steps order prevented the mother from having any verbal or personal contact or contact by correspondence with the father and in the same way prohibited the father from having any form of contact with the mother .
5 Today men are not in the same way held to represent women : there are two sexes and women represent themselves .
6 The same realization came to the King , pushed towards his precipice by Hardinge harshly telling him that he could not go on without a decision .
7 Speeches from the main security ministers during the same session gave conflicting signals .
8 The same thoughts had been going through the minds of two other women with disabilities .
9 In September 1952 the same countries began to discuss a European Political Community ( EPC ) , which was provided for under the EDC treaty .
10 The doctrine is that whenever you are faced with a decision , you always follow what the last person who was faced with the same decision did .
11 More broadly , a leader comment of the same date drew attention to the confusion which arose when the NCC reduced the curriculum workload and concentrated a single obligatory unit on twentieth-century British , European and world history in a particularly busy part of a secondary-school student 's academic life .
12 Two years ago , another resident of the same building did get her money back when it was shown her solicitor had been negligent .
13 If Day-Lewis is the movie 's greatest strength then its most noticeable defect is that it was shot by two different cinematog-raphers , often with the same scene lit very differently as if taking place at contrasting times of day .
14 The same proportion thought that the feedback had not been very useful or of no use at all .
15 But then the same lady found Tim for me .
16 The same refrain kept going round in his head like an infuriating jingle which refuses to be forgotten : the drawing-room at Buller 's Hill House , the kitchen at Jordan 's Farm , the sitting-room in the house on stilts and Laura Passmore 's living-room .
17 Curious how the same thought had struck him , McLeish reflected , as he looked properly round the warm , untidy comfort of Miss Williams ‘ s sitting-room , which smelled cheerfully of woodsmoke and wet dog .
18 The same thought had occurred to me . ’
19 The same thought had crossed Dalziel 's mind much earlier , but he still found it hard to believe .
20 And she was aware that the same thought had occurred to him as he observed , ‘ If your own car has suffered any damage in the incident , I 'm afraid it 's rather hard to identify .
21 Juliet did n't like to admit that the same thought had crossed her own mind .
22 She was getting quite neurotic , Harriet reflected , and the same thought occurred to her now as she checked her image in the full length mirror , tucking her camisole top more neatly in at the waist of her pants and straightening the ornamental clasp of the loose belt she had fastened around her hips .
23 The same thought occurred to me .
24 This covered 69 judges of the Supreme Court , House of Lords and Judicial Committee of the Privy Council and showed that 76 per cent had attended ‘ major public schools ’ ( not further defined ) and the same percentage had been to Oxford or Cambridge .
25 The same poll found that his satisfaction rating with voters now runs at 48 per cent , compared with 39 per cent for Margaret Thatcher .
26 But the same poll showed more opposing than supporting the idea of bombing Serbian guns and supply lines .
27 Six months later , the same newspaper produced a similar story from the same magistrates ' court : ‘ COME TO BED ’ PLEA BY GIRL , 15 ( ‘ A saucy schoolgirl sent a sexy message to prisoner [ NAME STATED ] .
28 He knew Blanche would be much happier with the file photo the same newspaper had used of her .
29 Similarly , on June 29th 1970 , the same newspaper reported Portuguese troops as having crossed the border from Angola in order to kidnap the inhabitants of a remote Zambian village .
30 A page-one column in the same newspaper admired the play 's moral honesty , insisting : ‘ It is worth Prime Minister Kaifu 's time to see the musical before his trip to South-East Asia . ’
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