Example sentences of "of [adv] [art] [det] " in BNC.

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1 That women writers all suffered the same disadvantages , entertained approximately the same ambitions , and approached their writing out of basically the same experiences is manifestly untrue .
2 To a large extent this is due to a natural tendency , already mentioned earlier , to simplify the whole issue by treating experiences as logically on a par with other phenomena , and hence as being tractable with the help of basically the same conceptual machinery .
3 A long way behind everyone else came France , with an increase of only a little more than 5 per cent .
4 One of man 's great intellectual adventures — the exploration and understanding of his own nervous system — is progressing at a rate undreamed of only a few decades ago .
5 Mr Murphy says eligibility levels which took account of variations between households and actual , rather than assumed , figures for tax and housing , could be definitively assessed by further analysis of detailed Family Expenditure Survey statistics at the cost of only a few thousand pounds .
6 The daily body rhythms are timed similarly in different individuals , and in the same individual on different days , with regular differences of only a few hours between the timing of , say , the body temperature rhythm in ‘ larks ’ and ‘ owls ’ , for example .
7 These differences in athletic performance might not be very large , a matter of only a few per cent , but for world-class athletes , the difference between a world record and a mediocre performance can be only fractional .
8 She and her companion lived in a paddock of only a few acres and so required daily feed of grain and hay .
9 Not only has much explanation had to be included , but it is also difficult to make many useful comments after a visit of only a few days .
10 Blue whales are no longer hunted , but their numbers were depleted to such an extent in the past that present populations ( perhaps of only a few hundred individuals ) may be too small to recover .
11 He could hear the loud yet muffled interchanges between his father , John Carter , and his stepmother of only a few months , Rhoda .
12 Roman sculptors appear to have made use of only a few set measuring points , which sometimes survive , raised off the surface like pimples .
13 A plasmid is even smaller than a virus , and it normally consists of only a few genes .
14 So volcanic rocks are composed of only a few mineral groups , each group having its own characteristic atomic structure .
15 In the space of only a few years , they regularly flitted around Manchester .
16 It is particularly appropriate for young patients with diabetes of only a few years ' duration and without complications .
17 But the ground conditions in some parts of Europe make good results extremely difficult to obtain : some areas of Portugal , for instance , have field sizes of only a few metres and exhibit multi-level and multi-seasonal cropping .
18 Hydrocarbon exploration in overthrust belts is encouraged by these results because the highly disturbed and sometimes metamorphosed rocks of the near-surface have been shown to overlie extensive areas of flat-lying and relatively undisturbed strata , separated by a fundamental detachment zone which is commonly at a depth of only a few kilometres .
19 As breeding birds Moorhens are common , occurring wherever there is water ; even ponds of only a few square yards frequently hold breeding pairs .
20 Its telescope will have a mirror 60 cm across , and will be cooled by liquid helium to a temperature of only a few degrees above absolute zero ; and its detectors will be sensitive to wavelengths up to a maximum of 120 micrometres .
21 Many small birds have escaped with the loss of only a few feathers because of a smartly delivered peck with a sharp beak .
22 Miraculously , however , the books hold together , with the loss of only a few pages , until the end of the year .
23 But mistaken loan decisions or pricing policies swiftly come home to roost in an organisation with a balance sheet of only a few hundred million .
24 In fact they have to be trained — starting with distances of only a few feet from , and within sight of , the loft .
25 The centre of the Sun is at a temperature of fifteen million degrees and at a density 150 times that of water ; in Richter 's experiment , the density of the gases would be a mere fraction of water density and the spark that was supposed to ignite the thermonuclear explosion would have a temperature of only a few thousand degrees .
26 The scientists stressed that it was little more than a laboratory curiosity , the energy coming from the fusion of only a few hydrogen atoms and ‘ was scarcely enough to register on highly sensitive measuring instruments ’ ; although the process had no immediate commercial value it suggested ‘ possible industrial uses of immeasurable importance ’ .
27 Sometimes the most immense-changes are given to us in a short story of only a few pages : Chekhov 's ‘ Let Me Sleep ’ sees an exhausted , brutalised servant-girl murder a baby in six pages ; Katherine Mansfield 's ‘ Revelations ’ sees a woman who longs for freedom and independence rush for security to an unloved but ardent suitor — because everything feels strange at her hairdresser 's , where she learns that a tragedy has occurred — in seven pages .
28 A good idea can therefore be brought to a successful and polished conclusion in a very short time at the cost of only a few sheets of paper and with the minimum of effort .
29 With the declaration of the Schuman Plan in May 1950 , European union was to acquire a new momentum and dimension , one that would proceed on a narrower front with the involvement of only a few countries , and in policy terms with a much more specific focus than that held by those who dreamed of European political federation .
30 Yet within the space of only a few years , all this optimism , not for the first time , was in tatters — against a world backdrop that was also changing : the waning of American economic strength ; the rise of Japan ; the rapid expansion of decolonialisation ; new superpower hostility with the Cuban missile crisis ; the slowing down of economic growth and indications of problems to come .
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