Example sentences of "of [pron] the [adj -est] " in BNC.

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1 She had three brothers , of whom the eldest was Walter Sickert [ q.v. ] , the artist .
2 He explained that it was a unanimous decision by Butcher , senior coach Alan Jones and second-team coach John Steele , that Maynard , a gifted but erratic player of whom the best has probably not been seen , should have the chance .
3 Another Select Committee reported in 1875 that ‘ the continued operation of the Deer Removal Act 1851 ’ would ‘ render the rights of common existing over the New Forest worthless , and by so doing … extinguish a large class of small freeholders and tenants of whom the highest character has been given ’ ; furthermore it would ‘ destroy almost the only specimen left in England of a primeval forest , a priceless source of enjoyment to all classes of the nation ’ .
4 The change involved no religious problems because the larger colony had been launched for much the same reasons : a number of Puritans , of whom the largest single group came from East Anglia , had formed the Massachusetts Bay Company and obtained a charter to settle there in a firm determination to cut themselves off from England and the elements of Roman Catholicism they detected in the Church of England .
5 Batting was a hazardous business against another variation of the West Indian pace quartet of whom the quickest was Linden Joseph .
6 Eastern religions — some of them the oldest known to man — have taught people for millennia to find their gods within themselves .
7 Typical cold desert soils have three layers ( Figure 3.6A ) , of which the lowest is permanently frozen sand or gravel .
8 Their Lordships also had to look after half-a-dozen Caribbean islands , of which the newest , Jamaica , was much the largest and looked like providing the best prospects for the future .
9 This had generally taken three forms , of which the largest was remittances to their families by the large number of Palestinians from the territories working in the Gulf and elsewhere .
10 North of the town centre on the Stroud road , several old stone-built mill buildings survive , of which the largest is Dunkirk Mills , dating partly from the eighteenth century .
11 The Archbishop held other considerable estates in the county , of which the largest was the Manor of South Malling , a solid block of land stretching from the Ouse outside Lewes to the Kent border .
12 The other bill , dated 31 July , was for £400 , plus disbursements of £530 , of which the largest item was £500 for Coleman & Co. 's charges .
13 Euphausiids , of which the largest are over 5 cm long , may form dense shoals several hectares in extent .
14 HATs clearly reflect the Conservative government 's view that urban development requires the creation of autonomous , centrally-controlled and funded agencies , of which the best example is the Urban Development Corporation .
15 There is very little furniture : a mattress on the floor ; three chairs , of which the best has no back and only half its stuffing ; and three or four old mats to stop objects dropping through the cracks in the floor on to the donkeys below .
16 The northern part of the Adriatic coast was under Italian influence , of which the best example is Poreć ( Parenzo ) already described on pp. 116 , 119 ( 202 , 203 ) , while the mountainous central area extending as far as the southern part of the Adriatic coastline contains Serbian Byzantine churches .
17 There is , however , a suggestion that there is a hierarchy of vortices of different sizes , of which the thinnest are the most apparent in flow visualization .
18 The main classes of vessel which made up a fleet were first-class armoured ships ( which were to hand out and absorb the punishment of a pitched battle ) , other ironclads used for cruising , coast-defence and the many functions of the old sail frigates , and the ‘ flotilla ’ of smaller ships , of which the commonest were gunboats and the newest , torpedo-boats .
19 While Baptist fundamentalists are powerful in the ‘ Bible Belt ’ of North and South Carolina and Virginia , they can only ever succeed at federal level by working in alliance with other conservative blocs , of which the biggest is that of American Roman Catholicism .
20 The sleepy period was from midnight until noon , of which the worst part was about dawn .
21 Accuracy , which is first and last its claim to existence , has many aspects , of which the simplest is mimicry ; and Kingsley Amis happens , not coincidentally , to be a notable mimic in conversation .
22 If both , in what combination ? etc. — we shall refer to a pseudo policy rule , of which the simplest example is , is the unemployment rate which is expected to prevail in period t , this expectation being formed at the end of period t - 1 with the aid of a knowledge of .
23 Politicians tend to act from baser motives , of which the strongest of all is an instinct for their own survival .
24 Such irony is , inevitably , part of the effect of what the fullest analysis of the narrative structure of the French fabliaux published to date , that of Mary Jane Stearns Schenk ( 1987 ) , finds to be an indispensable element in the fabliaux : a deception played by one or more characters on one or more other characters followed by a misdeed committed by the deceiver(s) .
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