Example sentences of "of [pron] [pers pn] might " in BNC.

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1 Nor was he the only imperialist of his day of whom it might have been said , as one of his biographers said of him , that he had ‘ a genius for backing into the limelight ’ .
2 In relation to the concept of a new settlement the Department very firmly has an open mind at a time , we 've heard many statements drawing on the various P P G s , and from some of them you might have been excused for thinking that the Department had indeed turned it turned its back on the idea of a n new settlements , knowing that sort of situation we felt it appropriate before the start of this examination to sound out the residents of two Marscham Street
3 And so for each one of them you might 've started by , having got all this , what you could do then is write for each individual element , a tank base , a tank wall a bedroom or a bathroom , you can produce , I would suggest , a little bar chart which might look like that , for one unit .
4 Well I mean if they 've got the key to both might have n't decided on both of them you might as well go and see them .
5 some of them you might just ignore and say Oh I 'm not bothered about that others
6 Ten more of them I might be .
7 We 're nothing , of ourselves we might have thought we had but it was of no value whatsoever , but he took us , he says , now you 're something because you belong to me .
8 There is nothing essentially new in thus narrowing the scope of will ; most of mankind throughout most of its history seems to have taken it for granted that they were moved by forces from beyond them and mysterious to them , which might lift them above or drag them below the capacities of which they might presume to be in command ( in Christian theology , the unpredictable visitations of divine grace assisting a will otherwise impotent to resist the Devil ) , and in the present century , ever since Freud demonstrated that the same conception of man could be translated from a religious into a psychological language , we have found ourselves thinking our way back to it .
9 Nor does he consider that animal behaviour might provide us with prototypes of human understanding on the basis of which we might consider something akin to different language-games , reflecting both the similarities and the differences implicit in the respective cases .
10 And it has solved the problem of accommodating Bach 's tessitura , which often extends beyond the capabilities of violin and viola , in an ingenious manner of which we might easily imagine Bach himself to have approved .
11 There are many other products and services available from your bank , some of which you might never need , but some of which you probably will .
12 Finally , there is the Governing Board of the College , of which you might be one of the student representatives .
13 I am trying to set up a seminar on Ethics in Communications ( which may also touch on more general issues of ethics and management ) — do you have any relevant texts of which you might send me a complimentary copy and to which reference could be made in the publicity for what should prove a stimulating event !
14 Jamie is propped up in a neatly made bed on which lie two discarded magazines of which he might have read the covers .
15 So she knew that in the few years since she had last been in England great changes had begun to take place from some of which she might clearly benefit .
16 She held the bag between them , suddenly not daring to put it down in case it signalled something , the consequences of which she might regret .
17 He followed the principles set out in the Gillian case and concluded that a local authority had a ‘ governing reputation ’ capable of being damaged by libellous statements in respect of which it might sue for injury to reputation without the need to prove damage to its property .
18 The roars and cheers of the crowd covered any sound she made and , like a wraith , she made for the stairs , sweating even in the bleak February cold at the thought of who she might meet in the unknown upstairs .
19 you know , can you think of one you might 've had last night or one that you particularly remember or something like that
20 ‘ The death of the remand prisoner , ’ Fairham interjected , as if reminding Nicholson of something he might have forgotten .
21 You can use abstracts as an indication of something you might want to read , or you can just read and learn from the abstracts themselves .
22 Besides , I have not wanted to play the redresser of wrongs , the polemicist who denounces the work of whoever it might be .
23 By the look of him he might well have left a genuine World War Two leather bomber jacket in the bedroom .
24 But perhaps , by telling him of it she might break through the shell of quiet self-sufficiency and recollection that had kept her at bay since his return from Student Cross .
25 Sorry , when I say in the main , some of it I might , I just want to clarify with the quality committee as to whether they agree or not .
26 Of course the reverse may be true in some cases — but at least you are now aware of which areas of yourself you might wish to change in order for your Outer Face to conform with your Inner one .
27 But many interviews carried out in social research are of samples of what we might call ‘ ordinary ’ people — people who have characteristics , opinions and knowledge of a much more general nature .
28 It must also be remembered that the working life of what we might regard as identical batteries tends to vary .
29 Originally 254cm ( 100in ) and since made at 3/4 size 198cm ( 78in ) , the Spinoff also contributed to the arrival of what we might call third generation stunters by its eventual introduction of stand-off struts .
30 Instead of what we might call a vertical analysis of society — one which builds upon a single kind of term — Althusser attributes a horizontal analysis to Marx .
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