Example sentences of "of [pron] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Even in the so-called ‘ permissive ’ 1960s , there were no gay switchboards or lesbian lines , and Chad Varah made it part of his mission to encourage self-acceptance in lesbians , most of whom at that time felt ‘ guilty or freakish ’ .
2 A group not given βblockers included the remaining 2688 patients , none of whom at any time received a β blocker of any sort , including atenolol .
3 Nor was it only their tenants who were resentful , but they also had to face envious glances at their lands from the laity , some of whom at any rate seem to have considered them suitable prey .
4 The first surveyed 2,500 individuals of whom about one third had received training in the last 3 years .
5 Indeed , the EEC , in anticipation of its enlargement , had also begun to consider how it might accommodate the remaining EFTA states , all of whom for varying reasons could not consider joining the EEC , or were precluded from doing so .
6 There were certainly more people in the world who resembled the French , 88 per cent of whom in 1861 lived in the département of their birth — in the Lot département 97 per cent in the parish of their birth — than resembled more mobile and migratory populations .
7 Again , it was clear that the ministers and their parliamentary colleagues , many of whom in any case disliked the scheme , would not pass into legislation any bill which had been declared contrary to church teaching by the bishops .
8 The relatively relaxed stance of most of the leading Bolsheviks , many of whom in any case were themselves not Great Russians , was met at least half-way by the malleable reactions of the Belorussians .
9 It should be within the competence of everyone of moderate ability who has worked properly and who directs his mind to what he is being asked .
10 When you are at the beck and call of everyone for 14 hours a day for four days and for 8 hours on the fifth day each week you want a short space in which you relax and do just what you like . ’
11 They can even be used allopathically ( as in orthodox medicine ) and this is just what is happening in the situation above when one or two remedies are advocated for the treatment of everyone with one disease label .
12 American poets can be so thunderstruck by the sheer oddity of being a poet in America at all that they often deny to the poet , in advance , any claim to represent a people or even a social class ; and classic New York drama in this century , as in the plays of Eugene O'Neill and Arthur Miller , has concentrated painfully and insistently on the pre-eminence of family ties and the ineluctable need of everyone in that world to be loved , as they continuously imply , by their closest relatives .
13 1992 marks a major change in which Europe ceases to be a matter for specialists and becomes the concern of everyone in local government .
14 The EEIBA is clearly a good cause , well worthy of the support of everyone in Scottish Nuclear .
15 But they 've also got breezy tunes reminiscent of Thousand Yard Stare and slow , twisted torch songs reminiscent of no-one in particular due to awkward , obnoxious rhythms backing them .
16 ‘ Well now , Barney , ye may think yerself an old man but I do n't think of meself as such ! ’ he exclaimed testily .
17 Since the hero takes the castrato to be a woman and makes a sculpture of him/her in female form , castration is linked to problems of representation .
18 And also you said , you were going , you were taking the piss out of me about that thing I told you about something to do with Aaron erm
19 " He thinks of me as such . "
20 I have always been exclusively attracted to girls and wimmin in any sexual or deep emotional way ; it has always been a part of me as grey eyes or dark hair .
21 The sail had been a hindrance , making sport of me at each whim of the wind , so I lowered it .
22 Perhaps they were afraid of me at first .
23 There is a photo of me at fifteen : round face , shoulder-length mousey-brown hair , grey eyes .
24 But I felt dreadful , like a bloated lump with one leg and no hair , so there are n't any photos of me at that time at all .
25 ‘ If you 've thought of me at all since we last met I 'd be very surprised . ’
26 I was never going to be a replacement for his wife , just a diversion , and I hope that , if he thinks of me at all , it is with the same shiver of half-remembered pleasure with which I think of him .
27 ‘ Well , he made like he wanted no part of me at all .
28 She 's not frightened of me at all and I like that very much .
29 The clouds covered most of the sky and there was little light from the moon , and none ahead of me at all .
30 Just before my mother 's death , playing around with the photographs on the bedroom mantelpiece , my niece discovered an old photograph underneath one of me at three .
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