Example sentences of "of [art] same [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The proceeds would be in aid of the same charity as our garden opening .
2 That was the approach of Lord Oliver of Aylmerton in In re K.D. ( A Minor ) ( Ward : Termination of Access ) [ 1988 ] A.C. 806 where , in relation to an argument based on articles 6 and 8 of the same Convention and a previous decision of the European Court of Human Rights , R. v. United Kingdom ( Case 6/1986/104/152 ) , The Times , 9 July 1987 , he cited with approval the argument of counsel in the following passage , at p. 823 :
3 And until we do so , fresh shoots of the same philosophy will continually arise from its underground roots .
4 Concrete of the same consistency as is used for pool construction is used to form the waterfall , which like the pool benefits from being 15 cm ( 6 in ) deep .
5 It was significantly increased in comparison with the % cytotoxicity of the same serum samples against untreated target cells ( 11.6 ( 2.6 ) % ) ( Fig 3(A) ) .
6 Where the people rest with their wood or timber and unload it from carts outside the close of the franchise of the Charterhouse among the towns , and afterwards take up their loads of the same wood or timber , the Foresters attach them and amerce them grievously at their will without right .
7 The floors were of the same wood , some bare , some covered in linoleum , and everything appeared in a state of decay .
8 ‘ I even had a piece of the same wood specially stained for you . ’
9 They went through a large hall where the debtors were jailed , furnished with side benches of oak and two long tables of the same wood , all covered in greasy filth .
10 Note : Your two answers should be the same since they are both giving the area of the same triangle .
11 For lexical units with identical grammatical properties , two alternative criteria for membership of the same lexeme will be proposed .
12 Hopes that a woman would make it to the last hurdle are receding as the Soviets have made it clear they would like the two candidates to be of the same sex .
13 As we saw there , Segal and Irigaray have recently elaborated this view , but its origins are clearly in Freud whose early case-studies , as Mitchell observes , originate the idea that ‘ the homosexual was choosing not another of the same sex , but himself in the guise of another ’ ( Psychoanalysis and Feminism , 34 ; see e.g. Freud , ix .
14 And any relation between members of the same sex which allowed their difference , did not assimilate both to one fantasy , would be heterosexual . ’
15 A new and controversial question will find out how many couples of the same sex are partners ( or , more accurately , how many are prepared to report the fact ) .
16 Sexual selection depends on the success of certain individuals over others of the same sex in relation to the propagation of the species ; whilst natural selection depends on the success of both sexes , at all ages , in relation to the general conditions of life .
17 The sexual struggle is of two kinds ; in the one it is between individuals of the same sex , generally the male sex , in order to drive away or kill their rivals , the females remain passive ; whilst in the other the struggle is likewise between the individuals of the same sex , in order to excite or charm those of the opposite sex , generally the females , which no longer remain passive , but select more agreeable partners .
18 The sexual struggle is of two kinds ; in the one it is between individuals of the same sex , generally the male sex , in order to drive away or kill their rivals , the females remain passive ; whilst in the other the struggle is likewise between the individuals of the same sex , in order to excite or charm those of the opposite sex , generally the females , which no longer remain passive , but select more agreeable partners .
19 Darwin 's argument emphasized that sexual selection depends on the ‘ success of certain individuals over others of the same sex in relation to the propagation of the species ’ .
20 This model did not have to be of the same sex .
21 Sometimes portraits of mature adults were used for children and adolescents , not necessarily of the same sex as the intended subject .
22 Granted , hypothetically , that it may be a flexible legal concept , it nonetheless is of a nature which does not extend to the union of two people of the same sex .
23 Such a negative criterion could be that the parties should not be of the same sex , as could be the notion that one party should not be an animal .
24 Children quarrelled most often with those of the same sex .
25 This goes for couples of the same sex too , and for friends who live together .
26 Many retired couples say that they have always shared the chores , but even a couple of the same sex sharing a home may have allocated each other certain jobs over the years , and need now to rethink who does what .
27 In addition , the likelihood of concordance is far greater in twins ( or sibling pairs ) of the same sex .
28 to remember that teenagers normally go through the phase of being attracted to someone of the same sex .
29 In the extremest form of love of the mirror image , a person does not form a close heterosexual attachment at all , remaining more comfortable and much safer in the love of a member of the same sex .
30 If the parent of the opposite sex was unconsciously seductive with this adult when a young child , and if the excitement of the love of and for this parent was felt to be too dangerous , or was disapproved of by the parent of the same sex , passion and excitement within marriage may continue to be forbidden by an inner imperative .
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