Example sentences of "of [adj] [vb base] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ( i ) 0.245g of X are found to occupy 122 cm at 293 K and at a pressure of 5.20 Calculate to three significant figures the relative molecular mass of X.
2 The precise nature of these underlying problems and the manner in which the policies of 1945–51 relate to them , will be discussed in the chapters which follow .
3 The relative amounts of each depend on a number of factors of which the most important are pH and temperature .
4 Although rights of set-off subsist at law , the inclusion of set off clauses is common , and equally common are clauses excluding those rights .
5 ‘ First , registers of title made pursuant to the Act of 1925 consist of three parts , namely the property register , the proprietorship register and the charges register .
6 Now what does F of that come to ?
7 Thanks er , did the provision for er , properties like Penguin and four and a half million for the year , did all of that come in the second half , because it 's noticeable that Penguin is ahead something like what , thirty two percent , second half on second half .
8 Cos of that come in front again .
9 The only thing that occurs to me er er and now yo your veteran day from last year a a does any of that , how does you know , cos he does it , how does any of that sit with Rob or do we just say right well we do cos
10 What would a quarter of that look like ?
11 how does the tan of that , the slope of that compare with that ?
12 it would be quite good idea to wait till next Friday , but the , the chances of that seem to be totally remote
13 Here the amount of uplift computed from the reflectance values may include a considerable fraction which can be attributed to removal of Carboniferous overburden in Hercynian times .
14 I 've noticed that most people over the age of forty whinge like a chainsaw about their memory not being as good as it used to be , or not being as good as they wish it were .
15 Like new things , Act like barometers of social want to be trendy .
16 The vestiges of this remain in the legal requirement that spouses should support each other financially .
17 Over the past few years we have been working on such an account , and in this paper we focus on the implications of this account for a central tenet of the mental models approach : that the mental model of the text so far provides ( part of the context for the interpretation of the current sentence or clause .
18 Much of the family 's influence derived not from land , but from office holding within the royal demesne , and the implications of this tend to be overlooked .
19 Much of the family 's influence derived not from land , but from office holding within the royal demesne , and the implications of this tend to be overlooked .
20 There are substantial differences in the way aids are dispensed in the UK and French LFAs and several aspects of this explain in good part why a major nature conservation/agriculture conflict has resulted in the UK uplands but not in France .
21 CRP was added to a final concentration of 0.6 ng/µl , cAMP to a final concentration of 50 µM , CytR was added to a final concentration of 3.3 ng/µl in the reactions in lanes 4 and 9 , and a final concentration of 44 ng/µl in the reactions in lanes 5 and 10 .
22 Norway to resume whaling In announcing its decision , the Norwegian government said that its intended catch of 2,000 minke per year was justifiable on a " sound , scientific and sustainable basis " .
23 Vitrinite reflectance data have been used in structural studies with the principal applications being the estimate of removed overburden at unconformities and the recognition of repeated section caused by faults ( Dow , 1977 ) .
24 Many of these remain in name alone , but there are two mills on the lower reaches that still contain much of interest .
25 Wistfully , Jaq quoted to himself the words of an ancient leader of the middle kingdom on bygone Earth : ‘ In the land of a thousand million people , what does the death of one million of these count in the cause of purity ? ’
26 Many of these integrate with costing and management reporting systems using common data drawn from the basic data recording process .
27 Several of these centre upon the fact that innovation takes time while markets change rapidly .
28 There are special schools for visually handicapped pupils in different regions of the country and the majority of these cater for pupils within the full range of visual impairment from total blindness to useful but impaired vision , although in a minority of cases there still remains an emphasis on meeting the needs of pupils who require either tactile or visual methods of working .
29 Of the 69 coarse ware vessels described in this Report , only 12 have been given any indication of date and most of these refer to Wroxeter and Newstead parallels .
30 Both of these stem from the original adoption of the pointed arch .
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