Example sentences of "of [adj] [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 Mike Benton 's ideas are reminiscent of those of Tony Swain and Gillian Cooper-Driver who proposed that dinosaurs became extinct through their dietary requirements They suggested that the development of alkaloidal synthesis of cyanogenic glycoside precursors in the early angiosperms made them unpalatable to the dinosaurs , effectively starving them into extinction .
2 Here he uses a telling quotation : ‘ Evolution is the root of atheism , of communism , nazism , behaviorism , racism , economic imperialism , militarism , libertinism , anarchism and all manner of anti-Christian systems of belief and practice . ’
3 The structural lacuna in the intentional scenario is , I am suggesting , to be filled by something like Sampson 's account of the evolution of hierarchical arrangements of stable sub-assemblies .
4 Examples of technical failures of mechanical means of soil conservation have already been given in Chapter 5 .
5 The high level of technical ability of Roman engineers , together with the well-developed commercial economy , meant that major civil engineering schemes could also be undertaken for the first time in the landscape .
6 For the purposes of technical research of course ; - ) .
7 The transfer of program-software to optical media invokes a raft of technical issues of operational compatibility that would require prohibitively large ( for a museum with a conventional mandate ) engineering and hardware design investment to solve .
8 While Self knew that the pressures were great , and respected the engineers ' need to retain control of technical aspects of contracts and tender assessments , he also knew that the engineers were deliberately fending him off and impeding the agreement on procedures which he felt was essential for Central Authority financial control .
9 This is a zero-sum game ( particularly in the United States ) in that each occurrence of technical upgrading of a TNC plant in a developing country is at the same time proudly announced for host-country consumption by the TNC , and seized upon in the home country as evidence of job destruction .
10 There were several partial carcases in the nest consisting of articulated legs of mammals and wings and limbs of birds .
11 In contrast , a significantly higher extent of cytoplasmic expression of pre-S1 and pre-S2 was noted in patients without active hepatitis B virus replication than in those with .
12 Semiquantitative analysis revealed that the degrees of cytoplasmic expression of pre-S1 as well as pre-S2 were significantly higher in patients without active hepatitis B virus replication than in those with ( Table III ) .
13 Moreover , a significantly higher degree of cytoplasmic expression of pre-S1 and pre-S2 was noted in patients without active hepatitis B virus replication than in those with ( Table V ) .
14 Specific mention is made of , among others , the Ignalina nuclear power station , which is badly constructed and lacks proper safety procedures ; the Akmene cement works , which causes respiratory diseases and dermatitis among local people ; the Jonava fertilizer plant , the site of a major accident in 1989 involving the emission of 7,000 tons of ammonia ; and the Mazeikiai oil refinery , which emits 62,000 tons of pollutants , including phenol and acetone , directly into the air every year .
15 The first 10 years ' capacity of 7,000 tonnes of spent fuel is taken up and full provision for the decommissioning of all THORP facilities will have been covered during this period .
16 Mitchell also announced the release of 7,000 acres of state-owned land to form 1,500 smallholdings as part of the government 's land distribution programme .
17 " This is the century which sees the erosion of half-free forms of labour , the decline of living-in , the final extinction of labour services and the advance of free , mobile , wage labour . "
18 Unfortunately , the overwhelming majority of surviving herds of deer either died off or escaped when country houses were requisitioned during the Second World War ; the ‘ Dig for Victory ’ campaign meant that much ancient pasture was ploughed and used as arable land which was often never reseeded .
19 The idea of commissioning artists to decorate ceramics in their own individual styles was a tradition first established in the 1770s when Josiah Wedgwood employed the services of noted artists of the time .
20 Each year it belches out the sum of 325,000 tonnes of sulphur .
21 He admitted theft of 320 kgs of feed on February 10 and theft of 1.79 tonnes of feed before his arrest .
22 The draw itself is expected to last no more than 10 minutes , although there is always the chance of the sort of hiccup that occurred before the 1982 tournament when Belgium and Scotland ended up in the wrong groups — and there was the embarrassed re-examination of screwed-up slips of paper such as might be seen when the vicar 's wife wins both the turkey and the hamper in the Christmas raffle .
23 Bush had still to convince the US Congress , however , to release the US$94,000,000 in economic and military aid which it had frozen in July because of doubts about the government 's commitment to an anti-drug programme and because of persistent reports of gross human rights abuses by the military .
24 Relations between the two countries had been severely strained because of persistent allegations of support by the Solomons for the secessionist rebellion on the island of Bougainville which , although formally a part of Papua New Guinea , was geographically and ethnically closer to the Solomon Islands .
25 Examples may focus on differences in the structure of their language or parental relationships or the lack of parental knowledge of child development .
26 Accuracy of parental recall of birth weight and length of gestation have been studied by Seidman et al .
27 This plays upon the naturally alienistic attitudes of hearing parents who desperately want their deaf children to speak because of parental fear of physical expression and the implications of having to express themselves in a predominantly physical mode in order to achieve basic communication .
28 These considerations will suffice to save Anselm from the charge of contumacious neglect of recent papal policy .
29 Since the Congress Kingdom of Poland was only one of a number of outlying parts of the empire which required his attention , and since he could hardly afford a forward policy in western Europe or the Balkans until his own peripheries were fully integrated into the imperial structure , he spent more time in the 1830s and 1840s on his own non-Russian subjects than on dealings with foreigners .
30 The only difference between the two species is that splurge-weed reproduces by hiving off chunks of itself consisting of indeterminate numbers of cells , while bottle-wrack reproduces by hiving off chunks of itself always consisting of single cells .
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