Example sentences of "of [noun] look [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Last October , just before a visit to Hong Kong by a Chinese team of experts looking into the airport , the Hong Kong government suddenly announced that a bridge that is a big part of the project would be paid for entirely with public money ; before , it had said the bridge would be private .
2 The timber industry , which offers jobs and promises , is popular now , but will it be so fondly regarded in 2005 when all of Sarawak looks like this ?
3 The second phase will involve more detailed case study work with a small number of authorities to look at techniques in practice .
4 In a volte-face that makes Germaine Greer 's change of heart look like a tiny emotional trifle , the former feminists ' champion has switched from the red corner to the blue corner without a blush in the process .
5 And I will also give you a good deal of freedom to look at the sea . ’
6 On that first visit to Iceland we made Lake Mývatn our turning point , but before retracing our route back to Reykjavik and the ferry , we made a detour up the valley of Bárðardalur to look for one of the breeding places of the pink-footed goose .
7 She had combed the shops of Windsor looking for work , and at last had found some .
8 What does a stable of artists look like ?
9 To give but one example , it allows us to search a database of tens of thousands of objects looking for ‘ wooden bowls from Ghana which are greater than 12cm wide ’ , and to get an answer within seconds of posing the question .
10 The British also established an Imperial Bureau of Entomology to look into ways of dealing with insect pests in their various colonies .
11 These small rows of houses look as if they had been dumped down like baggage on a railway platform while the owner goes for a sandwich .
12 Do you remember looking over the ship 's side at the flying fish , and the phosphorus gleaming along the side of the ship at night — and of course looking for the Southern Cross in the stars at night ?
13 However conditions seemed promising in the morning and we set off with lunch packs in our bags and hope in our hearts ! on the two-hour boat run there are always lots of birds to look at , and soon after we left ‘ the narrows ’ of the harbour entrance we were aware of black-browed albatrosses .
14 Everything he said or wrote was calculated for posterity , in her view , he sounded like a sheaf of notes looking for a history book .
15 The second set of strategies looks to outside sources of support .
16 And I would ask you to have regard to that erm when you look at the technical criteria which we 've spent the last couple of hours looking at .
17 Our Lady of Lourdes looked at the doorway opposite her in a gesture of supplication .
18 We have now been a week living in our big bungalow and it is working out well — at least we are saving lots of money looking after ourselves .
19 Oliver wondered why the old man lived in such an old , dirty place , when he had so many watches , but then he thought that it must cost Fagin a lot of money to look after the Dodger and the other boys .
20 She could n't take any more of Naylor 's aggression , of Naylor looking at her with such dislike , of Naylor thinking she was anybody 's .
21 There 's enough explosive power in a really big display to make the twenty kegs of powder Guy Fawkes planted below the Houses of Parliament look like a damp roman candle .
22 Farmers , too , need to understand more about the social impulses which prompt an increasing number of urbanites to look to the countryside for relaxation and enjoyment .
23 But with Karen such frankness was out of the question , and without her cooperation , getting rid of Dennis looked like just another of the many pipe-dreams I had indulged in over the years .
24 ‘ I think a lot of supporters look for that because they all want to be leaders themselves — they want to be the boss , they do n't want to be the tea-boy . ’
25 Ten miles out , you say , and there 's a squad of kids to look after ? ’
26 Then the noise of the rats stopped again , and Moore became conscious of another pair of eyes looking at him .
27 We had to do plenty of research looking at cars and in books .
28 There 's another piece of research looking at unemployed people around the whole country , which was titled ‘ Out of sight and at home ’ .
29 With the edge of the island visible on either side , Manhattan sits in murky river , an absurd chunk of metropolis looking like a Gothic spaceship working up to an explosive departure from the planet .
30 I began 1982 with a series of visits to look at the issues which were facing the health service .
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