Example sentences of "of [noun] she feel " in BNC.

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1 She says that the police did n't offer the level of protection she felt locals needed .
2 Of course she feels strongly that as 65 per cent of women in Britain are actually larger than size 14 , clothing manufacturers ignore them at their peril .
3 He did n't deserve it , yet she could n't stop the cold sick waves of fear she felt at what might happen to him .
4 He stepped further away from her and she was shocked at the sudden , inexplicable sense of loss she felt .
5 He leaned up on one elbow to gaze down at her and instead of Ruth feeling a rush of panic she felt incredibly calm .
6 Wantonly she twisted her arms around his neck , revelling in the great shudder of desire she felt in response , but with surprise she quickly became aware that he was holding back , almost as if he was having second thoughts .
7 ‘ Not much to tell , ’ she confessed , her voice as soft as his because talking seemed an intrusion , as though it might break the spell of enchantment she felt wrapped in .
8 The pain was intense , gripping her with its cruel talons , biting deep , but not so deep that it wiped out the sudden rush of anger she felt at his blind stubbornness .
9 And Dr Rafaelo was the kind of man she felt she could talk to openly .
10 ‘ No way , ’ he said emphatically , and she could not deny the jolt of relief she felt on heating this .
11 She tried phoning him with a variety of invitations she felt he would n't refuse , but he always made excuses for not meeting her .
12 Her voice tight with the renewed surge of dislike she felt for him , Lisa demanded , ‘ So , if I 'm the prime suspect , what are you doing here ?
13 Robyn narrowed her eyes and found that the depth of dislike she felt for this hard-faced , over-made-up woman was plunging to a new-found low .
14 The flood of gratitude she felt at Guy 's surprise appearance was as illogically powerful as the tide of resentment she 'd been harbouring earlier .
15 When the three girls arrived she was surprised to find that in spite of their sophistication they were not much older than she was and as she watched them glide out in the first selection of fashions she felt a small prickle of excitement .
16 She was looking after her father in his old age as she had always said she would , but instead of satisfaction she felt only guilt — guilt at her own impatience when he behaved not as her father but like a disobedient child .
17 The heavy feeling of emptiness she felt would not be helped by listening to a man who had turned her life upside-down with his arrogance and insensitivity .
18 It was hard to conceal the sudden rush of nerves she felt when she saw the way he was watching her with that barely hidden amusement .
19 No , thank you , ’ said Breeze hastily ; but as a matter of fact she felt very much perturbed .
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