Example sentences of "of [noun] [vb pp] the " in BNC.

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1 Dr John Prescott of the CSIRO , Australia 's national research organisation , and colleagues at the Sensory Research Centre in Sydney looked at how different amounts of capsaicin affected the flavour and intensity of solutions of sugar and salt .
2 Below the urethral meatus is the orifice of the vagina , surrounded on each side by small folds of skin called the labia minora .
3 In this context the question of jobs being created by West Belfast people themselves inevitably arose , but there was a general lack of hope given the effect of political vetting on community economic initiatives .
4 Thousands of miles of cable linked the armies of both sides , but reception was often poor and the cables were repeatedly severed by bursting shells .
5 The distinction was drawn in the following terms : both types of function involved the resolution of a dispute , but whereas the former involved resolution by recourse to law , the latter allowed and often required recourse to considerations of public policy .
6 John Hampden 's Regiment of Foot guarded the inaugural meeting of the Hampden Society and made sure everyone paid their initial £5 subscription .
7 As he said ( through the journal of his grandfather ) ‘ I will never be free from this old tyranny : I believe with a perfect faith … ’ ( which is how the statement of faith called the 13 creeds begins ) .
8 Richard Hoggart , for example , notes in 1951 that the adult tutor is necessarily forced to face challenges to the self evident value of literature given the types of student involved .
9 Since Fate was the power that kept order in the universe , as revealed particularly by the stars and planets , the prevalence of Stoicism influenced the growing belief in astrology in Hellenistic times and in the days of the Roman empire .
10 The petition can be signed by the parliamentary agent himself , and this is of value because last-minute instructions are frequently received , and I have known cases where the client has not even seen the petition until after it was deposited , although he has of course cleared the content by telephone .
11 His violent death was only a matter of course given the way he lived .
12 And of course the woodwork 's what saved them twice ; erm Martin Foyle 's header hit the underside of the bar then your free kick , when he was actually beaten , of course hit the post .
13 She had of course questioned the decision that had left her heiress to Tara , while Fergus , so indisputably a leader , so plainly possessing the natural authority Grainne believed she lacked , was relegated to the command of the Fiana .
14 In industry , scientific research effort is often directed at increasing profit rather than improving the quality of life ( although science has of course improved the quality of people 's lives in many ways ) .
15 I have of course had the advantage of considering this matter er previously , and I have had the chance also to look at the various objections that have been made .
16 Silver smiles A GREAT variety of activities marked the silver jubilee of the Holy Family Primary School in Sale .
17 Sidney and Beatrice Webb , who wrote the syllabus for British socialism and the Labour party , explained that the social theory of collectivism required the state to ensure that only the fittest survived .
18 By 1979 only 9 per cent of employers regarded the Plan as very important .
19 A recent poll showed that only 2% of Germans regarded the United States as a suitable model for their newly united nation — Switzerland topped the pops .
20 Among the grievances of some of the rural rebels in the sixteenth century were complaints about the enclosure of lands by lords — this occurred in the north-west sector of the Pilgrimage of Grace , and the casting down of hedges marked the start of the Norfolk rising of 1549 .
21 One of my favourite presidents , Theodore Roosevelt , president from the early part of the twentieth century and known as the damned cowboy erm you might be interested to know how people become president erm Theodore Roosevelt was an arch imperialist and got very excited about the er war with Spain er America had a s little brief war with Spain at the end of the nineteenth century erm over the possession of Cuba , and erm in eighteen ninety eight , and this aroused great patriotic feelings in all red blooded Americans and especially in Theodore Roosevelt and er er Roosevelt formed his own company of cavalry called the Rough Riders and erm Roosevelt wore glasses and was asthmatic but he had this group called the Rough Riders , sort of early kind of Clint Eastwood stuff , and erm anyway he g he was engaged in the war with Spain er and there was one wonderful moment in the war Spain in which the Spaniards were at the top of a hill called the San Juan hill er and er Teddy , as he was known , of course he gave his name to the teddy bear , did you know that did you ?
22 An Act of Parliament abolished the very surname and ordained that the property outside Perth should henceforth be called Huntingtower .
23 Here and there gleams as of a few scattered pieces of silver marked the windings of the great river ; and on the nearest of them , just within the bar , the tug steaming right into the land became lost to my sight , hull and funnel and masts , as though the impassive earth had swallowed her up without an effort , without a tremor ( 5 ) .
24 In terms of crude numbers , the implementation of closure involved the transfer of around 350 long-stay and elderly patients from Banstead to upgraded wards in Horton .
25 The one change in the overseas holdings was the reluctant sale of Berlitz given the uncertainties that followed the Maxwell collapse : these included doubts over the ownership of the Maxwell holdings .
26 Later , a container of tea punctuated the morning training .
27 The cumulative number of words assigned the correct ranks for these texts are shown in diagrammatic form in fig 4.9a and 4.9b .
28 In terms of effect achieved the form of energy applied is immaterial but in theory the four are totally interchangeable ; a concept evident from the example of cleaning a dirt layer from an oven interior .
29 In this study , differences in the histological sites of amyloid deposits between the chemical types of amyloid affected the clinical signs of intestinal pseudo-obstruction .
30 He had in those days of innocence seen the Edition as a finite task that would lead on to other things .
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