Example sentences of "of [noun] [coord] a " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Aye , ’ Bull replied laconically , accepting a glass of whisky and a pint of pale beer that appeared in front of him .
2 The first leg of the first occasion I had flown horses from Heathrow was made bearable by a bottle of whisky and a regular itinerant groom .
3 She levered herself away from the door , crossed to the heavy old sideboard and took out the bottle of whisky and a glass .
4 In another cupboard they found half a bottle of whisky and a dribble of brandy in the bottom of a Courvoisier bottle .
5 When Lili came back from Scotland with a bottle of whisky and a biscuit box emblazoned with the tartan of the clan Campbell I told her that I was frightened of growing old .
6 She jumped violently , spinning round to see Guy sprawled in an armchair by the window , a half-empty bottle of whisky and a glass on the black marble table beside him .
7 Bottle of whisky and a snowball .
8 Tin of Quality Street erm , tin of Quality Street , Dundee cake , bottle of Whisky and a bottle of Stones Ginger Wine , all we got last year was a Quality Street and that .
9 er a bottle of Whisky and a bottle of Stones Ginger Wine .
10 On the death of his wife Lambarde feared he might lose the right to stay at Halling and petitioned a request to Lord Burghley through his friend Lord Cobham , to ask for custody of Maximilian and a lease to the Palace , which was granted a few days later .
11 Ernst & Young fielded a former Inland Revenue Inspector of Taxes and a former VAT inspector — gamekeepers turned poacher as it were — to talk about the changes brought about by the Single Market to the regulations governing direct taxation and VAT .
12 Grandmaster Chess offers nine levels of play and a special level for board analysis or postal chess but , like most chess sims of its day ( it first was released in 1982 ) , the higher levels take for ever to make a move — Level Nine takes up to two hours !
13 This is a mixture of tiredness and a kind of boredom and it produces a deterioration in mental performance .
14 In the centre of the field Aenarion faced four greater daemons : a Lord of Change , a Great Unclean One , a Keeper of Secrets and a Bloodthirster .
15 The programme continued on 5 January 1990 , when Mr G Vincent ( Society Member ) of Wolverhampton and a former Chairman of the Tal-y-Llyn Railway , gave a talk and slide show dealing with the minor railways of Shropshire , of which there were quite a number in the heyday of steam .
16 Antonio Gramsci , who spent most of his adult life in one of Mussolini 's prisons , elaborated on Marx 's insight that the ruling ideas of an epoch are the ideas of its ruling class , to create a theory of hegemony and a theory of classes of intellectuals whose function it is in any literate society to propagate or to challenge these leading ideas .
17 The general form of the argument is always that ‘ real ’ elites find the political formulas and consecrated myths of decentralization or a fragmentation of powers a convenient cover for their monopoly control of the key decisions of state .
18 Self inspection- : Every step in cleaning should be automatically accompanied by a critical review of progress and a repeat of that step if necessary .
19 Because successive political elites import political commitments into office with them , they do create a distinctive ‘ atmosphere ’ for policy-making inside the state apparatus — a set of values and a terminology for expressing them which has to be widely adopted by other personnel , such as bureaucratic agencies .
20 Law and the legal system thus have to be seen in a differentiated way , no longer consistently structured by one uniform language and one common principle ( such as a hierarchy of values or a grundnorm ) , but as being to some extent split into a plurality of legal arenas ( Lowi , 1972 ) .
21 Pre-tax profits for the six months to October 1 came in at £134,000 as against a full year 's loss of £128,000 and a previous half time profit of £258,000 .
22 A herd of deer , a pride of lions or a pack of wolves has a certain rudimentary coherence and unity of purpose .
23 The canteen ran in this form , with a day and night shift throughout the war and after until around 1960 , when the night shift was withdrawn through lack of support and a skeleton staff supplied tea and snacks to order to the Works night shift .
24 There is also a full range of support and a proper user note .
25 But it 's something that I think someone can only have a go at if they have a great deal of support and a chance to experiment in a way that still gives them the option erm not to change if they feel that they ca n't handle it any other way erm so I think there are a lot of difficulties associated with this kind of problem .
26 And a bit of change and a bit of change , a bit of pocket money
27 All my notions — notions of good or evil , of pleasant and unpleasant , of funny and serious , of ugly and beautiful are essentially middle class notions ; my taste in books and food and clothes , my sense of honour , my table manners , my turns of speech , my accent , even the characteristic movements of my body , are the products of a special kind of upbringing and a special niche half way up the social hierarchy … to get outside the class racket I have got to suppress not merely my private snobbishness , but most of my other tastes and prejudices as well .
28 This means old-fashioned armchairs , cotton blankets or a feather duvet , and a traditional type of mattress or a futon .
29 The ‘ not invented here ’ or ‘ not discovered by us ’ syndrome runs strongly in British official circles and official inquiries are more than capable of requiring standards of rigour and a quality of proof from external or ‘ independent ’ evidence which are never applied to the government 's own sources .
30 When it closed , a statuesque elderly lady in curly grey hair , several laps of necklaces and a sweeping gown that may have been bombazine ( a word I have often pondered over ) showed clearly by her bold carriage that she was a power behind the Kenny throne .
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