Example sentences of "of [verb] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 Instead of apologising for the article , the Mirror , in an act of ‘ pure undiluted hypocrisy ’ , published a second article ‘ Maggie 's Clay Test ’ and a leader on the subject the following day .
2 On the second day , she wrote Louise a letter that she knew was inadequate but told all that she felt capable of confiding for the moment .
3 Both legal literature and the documentary evidence attest the use of what can be called trust clauses , as well as the practice of using for a single disposition the wording of both legacy and trust .
4 Among attractions of a combined survey is the economy of mobilising for a larger survey with fewer turns for the ship .
5 Thus , leaving the graduated scheme out of account for a moment , the position we have reached today is that the state pays to all retired persons , without regard to means , a pension roughly of subsistence value .
6 It will clearly be in the interest of the headtenant if the service charge is left out of account for the purposes of the rent review under the headlease .
7 It will cover many kinds of shaping for a huge variety of subjects and once learned will save you a good deal of time in making up and garment fitting .
8 Historically , this arrangement provided a residual form of financing for the government — meeting any financing requirement not satisfied by sales of other forms of debt .
9 Ann has n't done a lot of cooking for a long time though , have you really ?
10 It was too much , even for the sake of cooking for the Prince of Wales .
11 Yesterday we observed that Mr Jeffrey Archer ( whose idea of canvassing for the Tory Party has revived the lost art of burlesque ) had bet £10 that the Tories will win with a majority of 27 seats .
12 Moira Griffin , of Edgecombe Drive , explained that the death of a homeless man had given her the idea of knitting for the people who use the hostel .
13 Producers were so busy fighting their own corner , and so mesmerized by the success of Hollywood , that they did n't have the strength to argue that keeping the industry fragmented and flexible , learning from Hollywood 's example without simply imitating its outward forms , might be a better way of catering for a market the size of Britain than heading up the road of monopoly .
14 The section allows a licensing board to grant an occasional permission to a representative of a voluntary organisation whereby liquor may be sold during specified hours in the course of catering for a function outwith licensed premises , which function arises from the activities of the organisation ( subs .
15 ( 1 ) A licensing board may grant an occasional licence to the holder of a licence authorising him to sell alcoholic liquor , during such hours and on such day as the board may determine , in the course of catering for an event taking place outwith the licensed premises in respect of which he is the holder of a licence .
16 other than the holder of a seamen 's canteen , refreshment or entertainment licence.In the case of an application by a licence-holder the occasional licence allows the sale of liquor " in the course of catering for an event taking place outwith the licensed premises " ( subs .
17 ( 1 ) A licensing board may grant an occasional permission to a person representing a voluntary organisation or a branch of a voluntary organisation authorising him to sell alcoholic liquor during such hours and on such day as the board may determine , in the course of catering for an event , arising from or related to the activities of the organisation , taking place outwith licensed premises .
18 Three hundred years of catering for the City of London were celebrated by Ring & Brymer at the Museum of London last week .
19 Ian 's mother-in-law , Mrs Jan Waller , is in charge of catering for the four walkers and 17 back-up crew .
20 The fourth aim of catering for the different levels of ability is more likely to be teacher-dependent .
21 The art of palpating for a pyloric mass should be taught by experienced senior staff to junior staff and students .
22 Students say that pedalling helps their concentration — they have to use their brains because they do n't have hands free to open dictionaries — and that the class helps to reduce the boredom of pedalling for an hour .
23 Doubling of the stamp duty threshold to £60,000 was also viewed as the right sort of nudge for the depressed housing market , while the exemption of whisky from excise duty increases was a desperately-sought boon for the industry .
24 He thought longingly of returning for a cup of cocoa and a slice of toast to the TARDIS .
25 Havant take over the daunting task of challenging for the European Cup in Amsterdam , with Hounslow moving to the south of Holland to compete at Vught where a favourable draw puts them among the favourites to reach Monday 's final .
26 Lazio 's manager , Dino Zoff , says that Gascoigne is all he needs to have a team capable of challenging for the title .
27 The Profitboss , in developing his contacts , never forgets that the friendly Steven Cook he met at the conference last month might just be the head of purchasing for a major customer in two years ' time .
28 In brief , if schematic knowledge is in short supply on a particular occasion , then the more we need to invoke systemic knowledge as a means of compensating for the deficiency and if we are thereby able to convert symbol to index , then the act of meaning negotiation itself has the effect of extending or altering the schematic knowledge we started with .
29 Far from being outdated , this old and broad conception of democracy holds out the only hope of compensating for the weaknesses of elected representative assemblies , dwarfed as they presently are by the bureaucratic and monopolistic structures of power which surround them .
30 In urban areas , where the range of health professionals at the primary care level is still variable , a fully multidisciplinary approach to the assessment and management of cases is a valuable means of compensating for the limitations of particular general practices .
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