Example sentences of "of [verb] the good " in BNC.

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1 It is very important that we recognize the possibility of accepting the best features of comprehensive schools while getting rid of the worst , remembering with reasonable humility that the schools were introduced in the first place as experimental , and that all the trial and error may not yet be over .
2 He had an intuitive capability of bringing the best out in people .
3 This , some researchers think , is not an effective way of stimulating the best research : some element of competition or selectivity is necessary .
4 ENGLAND are planning a tour of South Africa in 1994 as part of their long-term aim of becoming the best rugby side in the world .
5 The Arsenal pair might just be capable of staging the best road show since Hope and Crosby — but Ipswich had very few laughs at Highbury .
6 With close colleagues there is more chance of explaining the best way of ‘ making it easy for them ’ , of getting them on your side as allies .
7 As a result , they have the knack of employing the best architects , but not getting the best out of them .
8 He wanted people to get on with the urgent business of living the good life set out in the Eightfold Path , and not to waste time or energy in speculation and debate .
9 Though her long musical career has seemed very erratic , the overview provided by Greatest Hits 1965–1992 from I Got You Babe and the brilliant Gypsies , Tramps and Thieves right up to The Shoop Shoop Song — proves she has a great voice and a devilish way of picking the best tunes .
10 And yet , for this crucial deciding match , they stopped short of picking the best XI for the circumstances .
11 Evil and aggression , in this sense , exist in every society , as a means of defining the good and the peaceful ( or cowardly ) ( see Campbell , this volume ) .
12 When you accept these books , you not only save £21.51 ( and the Lotto Game comes free ) ; you automatically become a member of this celebrated Club with over twelve years ' experience of recommending the best children 's books .
13 Prospects for long-term forecasting are being examined , with the aim of recommending the best approach to use .
14 The Monnet Plan however , committed France to economic growth , with the aim of surpassing the best pre-war levels of industrial output by 1950 , and thus marked a revolutionary change in attitudes from the economic stagnation of the Third Republic .
15 Now that it is a more viable way of getting the best possible house , young design talent could quickly transform domestic building .
16 STEPHEN BROADBENT from Gloucester reminds us of a useful way of getting the best of both worlds .
17 I ought to say , however , that I am in the habit of writing on any scientific topic which may arise , and have such excellent opportunities of getting the best scientific information , that I have no doubt I could please you on any subject connected with my department of science which you may suggest .
18 It took many years for linguists and sociolinguists to devise ways of getting the best of both worlds .
19 But kids have a long tradition of getting the better of adults , going back to the Famous Five and beyond .
20 Although clients like to boast of buying the best advertising advice , they do n't always have the sense or the courage to take it .
21 Mr Clarke said social services departments would ‘ use their own , voluntary or private provision , according to which they judge the best way of providing the best quality service ’ .
22 If is the total cost of providing the good , then the change in per capita costs of providing the good is
23 Without any grant from central government , the preferred position is output ( i.e. where marginal benefit for the median voter is equal to marginal cost to the median voter of providing the good ) .
24 I feel that children should be brought up with the idea of doing the best they can — for themselves . ’
25 Biblical leadership is an act of love , because it has the long-range goal of doing the best for those being led .
26 method is their best chance of doing the best they can with what they have got .
27 ‘ The endeavours of a man truly good , ’ he once wrote , ‘ are not confined to this or that particular design , but lay hold on all opportunities of doing the best service he can to the souls and bodies of mankind . ’
28 Questions were asked after each problem , and at the completion of the task , to obtain the following objective information : 1 ) the ease of use of each program , 2 ) the insight gained from using each technique , 3 ) the aid given by each technique in attaining a solution , 4 ) the user preference , and dislike , for the techniques , 5 ) the technique thought to be most capable of giving insight , 6 ) the technique thought to be most capable of giving the best design , and 7 ) the subject 's engineering and computing background , and knowledge of the polar second moment of area ; this being the sectional properties of a component that allows the shearing stresses to be deduced from the applied torque .
29 ‘ A small minority of competitors are very much in danger of spoiling the good image of equestrian sport , ’ she said .
30 Are we not being taught the lesson that parents want independence for their schools — whether or not they are in the state sector — because that is the best way of achieving the best possible education for children in Ealing , Cleveland and everywhere else ?
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