Example sentences of "of [verb] [pers pn] with " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I came to my senses , ’ she said , economising with the truth until she felt more capable of handling it with any degree of calm .
2 The basic guidelines is erm if somebody is a danger to themselves or other people then perhaps there is some way of helping them with an enforced medication or hospital treatment .
3 I was not desperate to make money at that time , rather I thought of helping her with the commission she would take .
4 Once this idea is accepted in principle , it remains to ask at what stage a grasp of the mutual dependence between social theory and social science might be capable of helping us with the problem of holism .
5 As far as the Science Museum is concerned it 's a question of helping it with the whole game of raising finance and all the other things they have to do .
6 It was kept clean by the simple method of scrubbing it with fine sand — a commodity in no short supply during Richard 's desert campaigns !
7 no would of drawn that , I would of checked it with the
8 To be fair to myself , ’ she added with a faint smile , ‘ if you will insist on looking like the original swinging teenager it 's small wonder that the thought of trusting you with a really ill man put the fear of God up me . ’
9 She wondered if there was the faintest chance of impressing them with the significance of her position .
10 I 'm gon na also sort of preface it with erm instructions to sort of say okay look
11 On Friday , though , Alesi had been the top man as he claimed the overnight pole , but he lost any chance of keeping it with a wall-bashing incident , which came as no surprise to anyone who had watched his outrageously extrovert efforts .
12 What do you think of launching it with pictures of Deneuve ? ’
13 Lake Windermere 's ranger 's annual report has accused boat owners of polluting it with raw sewage and spent fuel , leading to noxious smells in warm weather .
14 He rubs it absently , accosting strangers in the street , seeking out a friend and within minutes exclaiming that he wants to be by himself , watching children wistfully , accusing wellwishers of persecuting him with their kindness ; until at last he explodes on the brink of confession in a terrible universal cry : ‘ Oh , if only I were alone and nobody loved me , and if only I had never loved anyone ! ’
15 England lost all three of their Tests and West Indies won two of theirs , but neither side liked the arrangement of interspersing them with one-day games that were part of the new Benson and Hedges World Series Cup .
16 And he was on the brink , she sensed , of surprising her with a confidence .
17 He has a great advantage , for seldom need anything be done to alter its physical features : it is merely a question of dressing it with suitable plants .
18 Instead of showering it with bouquets for its achievements , he prefers to see it , in the words of the popular song ,
19 Sec. in his report gave a resume of the year 's business and in particular referred to the proposed museum and the difficulties of establishing it with the very limited resources at the Society 's disposal .
20 I 've thought of replacing him with heroin .
21 This must be done with the object of replacing them with a single rational religion compatible with human needs and unrelated to blind and futile faith in unproven ‘ gods ‘ .
22 There has been an undercurrent of anxiety about the hospitals for many years and lip service has been paid to the idea of replacing them with community hostels .
23 ‘ We 're in the process of replacing them with beta-carotene and the packaging will be changed to indicate that . ’
24 A GIS is capable of identifying such slivers and allowing the user the choice of leaving them as they are or of replacing them with an average boundary position .
25 Supervised by Rover apprentices , the pupils ripped out an old lecture theatre and are in the process of replacing it with a multi-purpose room which , it is hoped , will help to bridge the gulf between industry and education .
26 There is no need to introduce any technical terms for discourse types , nor should we hesitate to name them to our students for fear of burdening them with jargon .
27 Once stomachs had settled to life at sea their owners got down to the serious work of filling them with the gargantuan meals offered .
28 Then it 's simply a case of filling them with whatever you want .
29 Yar , I think I got a copy but I just sort of filed it with all the Quality Manual stuff , as there were various different things which needed .
30 What are the prospects of obtaining a quantum theory of gravity and of unifying it with the other three categories of interactions ?
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