Example sentences of "of [verb] [pers pn] in " in BNC.

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1 If you read Totem and Taboo , and I , by the way I do expect all of you er to read it , because it is one of the set er books , and one of the things I 'm not gon na do in these lectures on the black books , is to tell you what the book says , and just kind of repeat it in the lecture .
2 As his hand came to her arm she lashed out at him and he caught her close to save himself the trouble of subduing her in any other way .
3 The advantage of using them in this situation is their low cost and the speed with which the wall can be built up .
4 Surely you no longer suspect me of using you in some devious plan to make Lotta jealous ? ’
5 Sophie got the idea of using it in France when she made a scarecrow for a friend .
6 Since citizenship has become a fashionable and acceptable word , it is easy to slip into the habit of using it in preference to ‘ individual rights ’ or ‘ human rights ’ , but it is important to bear in mind the desirability of keeping the private sphere of the life of the individual separate from his role as citizen , an essentially political role and status .
7 You , you can set as your tar as one of your targets to er you know just t t to sort of make it in smaller steps that you will have appraised two of your staff in th in
8 If inviting an elderly parent to come to live with you in your own home seems to be the best way of helping her in her last years , the first overtures you make to her on this subject need to be very tactful , bearing all the hallmarks of a really welcoming invitation .
9 The challenges facing it were daunting : a considerable proportion of the UN was opposed to its existence ; the predominant political forces in south Korea regarded it simply as providing a veneer of international respectability for the creation of a south Korean state ; north Korea had no intention of helping it in any way and the United States believed the commission should complete its task swiftly and without asking awkward questions .
10 The Museum also has two General Electric 1–16 engines ( one reportedly restored to operational status ) and , at one time , was exploring the possibility of remounting them in the aircraft in order to make some taxi runs .
11 you 'd think he would of listed 'em in a list would n't ya ?
12 We need therefore to consider policies which integrate older workers into society , either in terms of maintaining them in the workplace or facilitating options which develop new social roles which may or may not have a work element .
13 ‘ It was n't so much the shock of seeing him in a metal cage , it was the atmosphere of the place .
14 When I look at a natural object for a long time , like looking into the burning embers and the flames of a fire , there appears a new vision or facet of that object or a new way of seeing it in relationship to some other world of thought .
15 The climax of his tale is to profess to excuse Cassio — ‘ But men are men ; the best sometimes forget ’ ( 237 ) — an extremely effective way of indicting him in the eyes of those present .
16 If your foe stoops on a ground unit and is locked in combat you 'll have a good chance of catching him in the flanks .
17 The story was that Puig-Aubert would often snatch a smoke when play was downfield , and we lived in hope of catching him in such an act of Gallic braggadocio .
18 Other people may be frightened by your blunt arrogance , but do n't make the mistake of including me in that category …
19 Randy , going amazingly steady for him , had spent the fortnight screwing Trace Coley , who was as pretty as she was spoilt , because he 'd heard rumours that Kevin was thinking of including him in his team next year .
20 ( Every boy had a penknife , but none would ever dream of sticking it in anyone ) .
21 Well that 's the object of cooking them in herbs
22 In 1682 a printer gave a boost to cannibalism by substituting ‘ if the latter husband ate her ’ instead of hate her in the verses on the Mosaic law of divorce at Deuteronomy xxiv.3 .
23 Not that the Irish manager , Noel Murphy , has too many doubts : ‘ If only the Irish selectors had chosen him for their second game instead of bringing him in halfway through the campaign , he would be inked in by now . ’
24 No definition is spot on really , you can always find difficulties with it but they do sort of discuss it in the first paragraph .
25 Sorry we should never of let them in first
26 And you you you have to sort of attack it in that way .
27 But instead of basing it in Northallerton , where he runs the Sundial Hotel and founded the now defunct York Trailers , it will be in Shildon , near Darlington .
28 Michael Howard at Environment , assisted by John Redwood , will be compromised by the need to make the council tax work , a useful means of keeping them in tow ; and Peter Lilley has been kept on board , though demoted , to Social Security .
29 Experienced social workers were given a case manager role for a small case load of such elderly people , with the task of keeping them in their own homes on a budget of two-thirds the cost of residential care in a local authority home .
30 I would have liked to have gone to Venice , where there was a faculty of languages , or Bologna , where I could have read Economics and Commerce ; but the war was on , and the expense of keeping me in a distant town was beyond the means of my parents .
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