Example sentences of "of [verb] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He is clearly rather tired of preaching the design gospel when it has been evident to him for many years the fundamental role it plays in good business practice .
2 The exercise of decomposing the system models will aid this process , progressively bringing the systems ideas closer to what can be observed in practice ; imaginative use of unsophisticated computer software can also help , particularly where the level of detail makes manual analysis impracticable ; simple matrices similar to those employed to good effect in many of the studies described in this book can also be of benefit ; not forgetting , of course , the significant value of discussing ideas with experienced staff from the organisation being studied .
3 When the game was adjourned after 60 moves and six hours play , he was still a pawn behind but is now within sight of salvaging a draw .
4 This process of elaborating a concept and moving toward empirical indicators is the crucial step in variable analysis .
5 A revisionist history 's emphasis on ‘ local knowledge ’ does usefully challenge a creation of the easy narrative which balances a symbolic reading of some specified cultural documents ( literary texts , material artefacts , theatrical performances ) with the critical desire of re-energising the past .
6 It is the equivalent of respecifying a car fleet from Ford Escorts to Sierras for the same price .
7 The process of attributing the blame to Paisley continued the next day with a debate in Stormont in which a Labour member said :
8 To this it might be objected that one learns the meaning of ‘ blue ’ through seeing blue things and being told they are blue ; learning the meaning of the word is a matter of attaching a word to the look of something ; the look is basic .
9 One of the more useful ways of attaching a boundary to a singular space-time is by a b ( bundle ) -boundary construction .
10 Some have a built-in weight strip to provide the weight to hold bottom when the feeder is empty , or a means of attaching a weight of your own choice .
11 Later , after Picasso had denied any knowledge of African art in the Enquête sur l'Art Négre conducted by the review Action in 1920 , Paul Guillaume , the first Parisian art-dealer to become interested in African and other primitive sculptures as works of art , wrote : ‘ Picasso owns a certain number of pieces of very different origins ; he makes a pretence of attaching no importance to their chronology . ’
12 The means of attaching the mast to the mast track .
13 It was not however , until I arrived in the country , and found myself surrounded by objects as strange as if I had been transported to another planet , that I conceived the idea of devoting a portion of my attention to the mammalian class of its extraordinary fauna . ’
14 But this is , unfortunately , an inefficient way of mastering a subject and one grotesquely inappropriate to the Prime Minister of a leading Western country in the last decade of the 20th century .
15 In the breathless explanations that followed , apparently the WAAFs had been sent to relieve the airmen of manning the bombing quadrants but no action had been taken about withdrawing the RAF .
16 ii Consider the value of manning the exhibition by a planner , even for limited periods .
17 The sixty-four wives who said they were confident of handling an emergency on their own represented 42% of the farms in the survey .
18 Excessive violence can conveniently be interpreted as paranoia , which makes drugging an acceptable way of handling the behaviour without having to examine anything in the prison system which is causing that behaviour .
19 Since then a number of people a great deal abler than ourselves have worked on the problem but , because of the sheer labour of handling the algebra they were forced either to assume that the crack tip was infinitely sharp , that is had zero radius , or else , with a finite tip radius , to use very approximate methods , or at least to map the stress system only in certain regions .
20 Are they capable of handling the case alone or will they require significant supervision ?
21 Without equipment the children are able to enjoy the sensation of handling the sand , whether wet or dry .
22 Learn the easiest and most efficient ways of handling the patient , so that you can help him move about without hurting yourself or wasting energy .
23 If you can not be sure of handling the glider safely , turn it out of the wind , hold the wing down and wait for help .
24 A better and more organised way of handling the music feed , though , is to pre-record it onto a cued sound tape which can then be fed to the mixer non-stop .
25 Maradona scored against England in 1986 , accused of handling the ball he claimed to have had a little help from high places ( see remote control and questionable decisions ) .
26 The new ‘ box had to be capable of handling the torque of the highest performance versions whilst still fitting into a very small space .
27 So lawyer C took on a notoriously troublesome client — and indeed , found a satisfactory way of handling the client himself , as well as his many debts and difficulties !
28 Individual registration forms could be given to the tour operator for completion by the guests en route to the hotel ; it is then a simple matter of handling the registration forms at reception on arrival .
29 ’ Anyone who has had the privilege of handling the book , even though he may never possess it , will not dispute the wisdom of the £13,000 it has fetched .
30 A gearbox can be identified as providing a means of handling the power of an engine and doing so in a useful form to an output shaft .
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