Example sentences of "of [verb] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Yet let us always beware of jumping to conclusions , of assuming too readily that those experienced parliamentary draftsmen did not know their business and , perhaps above all , of attributing legislative intention too readily simply because we think that we , the judges , had we been the legislators , would have found such an intention sensible or morally or politically desirable .
2 It sees ways of making certain that small points of correction are dealt with speedily , and thus the chance of devoting extra energy to the broader guidelines and the delineation of greater issues .
3 It sees ways of making certain that small points of correction are dealt with speedily , and thus the chance of devoting extra energy to the broader guidelines and the delineation of greater issues .
4 But a combination of factors , including a high proportion of broken or at least deteriorating homes and single-parent families , an absence of parent-child contact due to migration and possibly compounded by the necessity of devoting excessive time to earning a living and , as I will argue shortly , a distorted appreciation of the parent 's function vis-à-vis education crystallize to release the black youth from the influence of his parents and jettison him into a world in which his peers , with whom he shares the common experience of being black in a white society , are the dominant forces .
5 Instead of devoting more time and money to the inherently unlikely possibility that this organism alone among replicating particles contains no nucleic acids , researchers should concentrate on cracking its tough proteinaceous capsule .
6 It must be borne in mind , that after 14 months of lay each flock should be depopulated , and the house/s completely cleaned out and creosoted .
7 Mr. Nicholas Bennett : Does my right Hon. Friend agree that one of the major ways in which unemployment has been reduced in Wales is through the Governments regional policy of re-locating Civil Service and other Government agency jobs to the regions and Wales ?
8 A charge of theft and a charge of handling stolen property .
9 A more sensitive way of handling elder abuse , including counselling and the rapid introduction of relief services could show that this phenomenon is a recognised concomitant of the excessive strains of caring , especially for mentally impaired elderly people ( Traynor and Hasnip , 1984 ) .
10 The ROK armed forces were to be developed so as to be capable of handling internal dissent but the issue as to its capacity for reacting effectively to North Korea was side-stepped .
11 More than capable of handling any situation , she thought , while unobtrusively studying his athletic form and strong line of jaw .
12 One breed that seemed capable of handling any distraction was the Connemara and it was from that section that both Champion and Reserve came .
13 A GIS should be capable of handling this problem .
14 Because these routines are already in the video processor , the main chip is spared the slog of handling this information .
15 Maybe the only way of handling this situation , she told herself , fighting for calm , was to refuse to be provoked .
16 Thus one way of handling this dilemma is to share group maintenance with another member of the meeting who seems to do it well .
17 provide a system of selecting subordinates who will be capable of handling delegated authority in a responsible way .
18 ‘ The package was capable of handling different account groups .
19 The emphasis of woman-centred methods on particular ways of articulating personal experience also makes it highly socially specific , but it rarely recognizes this .
20 Although Said rejects them , and Foucault characteristically does not mention them , the most effective ploys that have recently been played in this project of articulating another form of knowledge , of redefining the basis of knowledge as such , derive from a different although related body of work to that which Foucault describes — namely the phenomenological tradition of Heidegger , Levinas , and Derrida , which , seemingly like all twentieth-century European philosophy , also traces its apparent origins back to Husserl .
21 For the purposes of quantifying phonological variation it is usually sufficient to take note of the immediate segmental or morphological context .
22 Non-belief in God also means there is no way of shirking collective responsibility for each other and the planet .
23 Do not the figures given by my hon. Friend underline the point that many pensioners are well off — and we welcome that — and that that is a justification of the Government 's policy of targeting extra help on those who really need it ?
24 Equally , as will become apparent in the ensuing analysis , Nizan 's willingness to link literature and propaganda does not originate in a philistine effort to destroy culture but , on the contrary , in an attempt to show that literature , ideology and politics are intimately interconnected , and that the task of the revolutionary writer is to seek out artistically convincing ways of fusing revolutionary ideology within the matrix of literature .
25 The return of the aircraft went against a European Community embargo on arms to Libya imposed in 1986 after the United States had accused Tripoli of sponsoring international terrorism .
26 Royal Geographical Society ( London ) The Society was founded in 1830 with the object of sponsoring geographical research and exploration .
27 We may arrive in sight of the same conclusion , near enough to see the possibility of rooting all valuation in a single principle of awareness , by an approach from the opposite direction .
28 But the problem of rooting racial discrimination out of the health service and medicine is a deeper one that needs a broad strategic approach .
29 But it should n't make people scared of touching each other .
30 They have developed the pleasant habit of touching each other on the shoulder in time of trouble , as a sort of physical sympathy .
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