Example sentences of "of [noun] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In the Forest of Dean the A-forty eight near Chepstow is closed .
2 Beeney was solid as a rock , dealt with the back pass superbly , and only kicked ONE out of play the whole match .
3 Work on the index began in July 1983 , and at the present rate of progress the initial data preparation phase should be finished by January 1988 .
4 And we should perhaps add to this list of discourses the critical one which organises an anecdote , which may not have taken place at all , to re-iterate a point about Shakespeare and power .
5 At this level of support the electoral system begins to work very handsomely in a party 's favour , and Labour came first in over three-quarters of the wards .
6 They could find out what kind of support the Irish comrades would accept .
7 ‘ Support one day can turn into lack of support the next . ’
8 In such a climate of change the 29th Edition Rules for Automatic Sprinkler Systems can only indicate that required sprinkler protection for broad categories of commodity .
9 We have already mentioned Equity , and for a number of reasons the entire question of how to enter the actors ' union needs discussion at this point .
10 Unlike Weber , therefore , who argues that in advanced industrialised societies representative democracy is for a variety of reasons the best available method by which to recruit political leaders , Schumpeter has little interest in recommending political participation for any reason .
11 For a variety of reasons the European nobility of the eleventh and twelfth centuries were coming increasingly to need money : to indulge their taste in war , to meet a higher standard of living , to pay for their ever more costly gifts to their friends , their superiors and inferiors , and above all to the Church , to indulge their taste for extravagant building , and to give dowries to their daughters and patrimonies to their younger sons .
12 With that backdrop of hair the small round shoulders gained in defencelessness and pallor — but come on , the Isles was no place for local contrasts .
13 It was the sort of route the British had long been anxious to create , an all-red one , passing through either British-owned , British-run or British-controlled territory .
14 The only gleam of hope the Prime Minister could offer was that the Cabinet had on the previous day agreed to ask the Bank of England whether an increase of cuts from 56 million to 76 million , including a ten per cent cut in unemployment benefits , would be enough to ensure an American loan .
15 Consequently their influence on the Left of the Labour Party was greatly diminished and for several years after the departure of MacDonald the Labour Left was mainly represented by small groups based on defectors from the ILP and , to a lesser extent , from the Communist Party .
16 ‘ What about that man who kept buying copies of Fight the Good Fight by Angela Truebridge ? ’
17 From the small town of Urubamba the fifty kilometres , journey from Pisac to Ollantaytambo was in a colectivo so packed it was difficult to see anything .
18 But with a shake of his head and a gentle smile he decided against doing so , for he liked the feeling of freedom the open window gave him .
19 Using a conversion factor of 1,250 feet per inch of mercury the approximate height above ground , at least in relation to the take-off point , could be calculated .
20 er Abraham Lincoln actually supported a constitutional amendment which would guarantee the right of people to own slaves so the idea of Lincoln the great emancipator and friend of black people , it needs to be corrected slightly .
21 With a bit of luck the three of us should be able to get together tonight . ’
22 Despite this absence of co-ordination the British government was eager to move against the French and make sure they could not endanger the American colonies .
23 Couple 's joy : Alison Kitchen , 28 , and her husband David , 31 , who live in Hartlepool , are celebrating the birth of triplets the first test tube babies to be born at the town 's general hospital .
24 Example 4:3 Index-linked rent : upwards only YIELDING AND PAYING the annual sum of £ … ( " the basic rent " ) payable quarterly in advance on the 25th of March the 24th of June the 29th of September and the 25th of December in each year and in addition such sum payable on each of the above dates in advance ( " the index-linked rent " ) as bears the same proportion to one quarter of the basic rent as is borne by the figure shown in the General Index of Retail Prices ( " the index " ) for the month immediately preceding the months in which payment of any particular instalment of rent is due to the figure ( which is the figure shown in that index for the month of … ) minus one quarter of the basic rent PROVIDED THAT ( 1 ) if after the date of this lease the index is calculated by reference to a different base date or base figure then the index-linked rent shall be calculated as if that change had not taken place ( 2 ) if the index ceases to be published or if for any reason it becomes impossible or impracticable to calculate the index-linked rent then either the landlord or the tenant may by notice require the rent to be thenceforth reviewed at such times and in such manner as may be agreed between them or in default of agreement be determined by a single arbitrator to be appointed by the President for the time being of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors who shall have regard to market practice prevailing at the time of such notice in relation to new lettings of property of the same type as the demised property ( 3 ) in no circumstances shall the total rent payable under this lease be less than the basic rent
25 By the end of March the 15 members of the IT department at Courtaulds Fibres in Grimsby will have completed an ITED programme .
26 By the end of March the Iraqi armed forces had suppressed the southern rebellion and had recaptured a number of northern towns from Kurdish guerrillas .
27 Hassan , all our naughty boys are called Hassan , sorry , I 'll re-phrase that , all Hassan 's in our school are naughty it 's the equivalent of Jason the Pakistani equivalent of Jason
28 However , in the case of mergers the proposed changes are largely procedural , and no significant reorientation of present policy is envisaged .
29 As a result mechanization in agriculture has wrought a spectacular change in the implements that the workers use to produce the crop and an equally drastic change in the pace at which each step in the productive process is carried out , but in most branches of agriculture the fundamental sequential organization of production remains undisturbed .
30 In the case of Aplysia the former possibility is the real one .
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