Example sentences of "the night in a " in BNC.

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1 On the evening of April 16 , 1988 at about llpm we left the nunnery and stayed the night in a cave below .
2 Three trouserless murderers fleeing through the night in a quite Cape Town suburb ?
3 They went to Zliten and spent the night in a guestroom ; in the morning the Zliten boy asked to borrow the vehicle for a few moments , drove it away , smashed it and abandoned both the vehicle and his Zuwayi friend who had to find other means to get back to Benghazi .
4 Imagine the scene : the Prime Minister 's son , a Member of Parliament and the officer commanding a specialist raiding unit together with their companions , in the middle of the night in a town several hundred miles behind the enemy lines .
5 Late that afternoon we made a perfect three-point landing at the RCAF airstrip in Whitehorse , capital of the Yukon Territory , where I found shelter for the night in a bare but adequate room at the Whitehorse Hotel .
6 Nigel Cramer spent the night in a plain , bare room in a Tudor grange , screened from the nearest road by a belt of trees , in the heart of Surrey .
7 At Myitkyina we camped out for the night in a mission schoolroom and early next morning managed to get a lift out to the airstrip two miles away .
8 We had arranged with the agents that if we were interested we would stay the night in a local hotel and the next day meet the builder who had done much of the reconstruction of the place .
9 Ziba 's 35-year-old brother , Meho , who worked at the dairy and fought with the Sarajevo defence force , had been killed during the night in a skirmish a few blocks away .
10 To paint Prague would be to paint a dream , a city of ideas , where the intellect and emotions meet and boogy away the night in a haze of ideology .
11 It led to an abandoned fishing hamlet called Hamningberg , where we camped for the night in a grassy field studded with interesting saxifrages and other flowers .
12 Harrison had arrived for the Sports on the previous evening , taken a couple of glasses of beer in the Fish — complimented the landlord on his brew — and then gone to sleep out the night in a barn .
13 I 've heard them before like that , distanced but there , singing beyond the night in a daytime of their own .
14 Ah you spent the night in a Holiday Inn great on a train you 're stuck on the train .
15 Had she not been nervous , Lydia would have been angry , for she had realised that she was , herself , a domestic beast penned in against the night in a frightening little box of night that was all her own , vulnerable to destruction by the very bounds of its definition .
16 They stopped for the night in a small village a day 's ride from the foot of the mountain .
17 Then Gene Tierney , emerging out of the night in a ridiculous hat , surprised Dana Andrews , the cop who thought he was investigating her murder .
18 I decided to spend the night in a village outside the town and go home early in the morning .
19 ‘ Great , ’ he reiterated , ‘ sampled a bit of the local night-life , lost a few francs at the gambling tables , and then found that we could n't drag ourselves away from each other , so we spent the night in a hotel . ’
20 Of course , one of the advantages of waking up in the night in a sweat is that you tend to have your best ideas whilst failing to get back to sleep .
21 Here 's you thinking you 'll be lying the night in a comfortable bed with someone whose fingers are n't as calloused as a piece of old limestone , and what 's happened ?
22 I spent the night in a motel on Hannan Street-the main thoroughfare in Kalgoorlie — named after Paddy Hannan , the Irish prospector who discovered gold there in 1893 .
23 Rex Mundi , Lazlo Woodbine and the two-headed offspring of a popular show-biz couple put up for the night in a room above the Tomorrowman Tavern .
24 In the night in a vision , God speaks to him and says , " Moses , you were wrong .
25 Two teenagers have chosen to bed down for the night in a freezer as part of their training for an expedition to the Artic Circle , They hope that a good night of shivering in sub-zero temperatures will prepare them for the trip .
26 The judge has asked for a unanimous verdict and the jury will now spend the night in a hotel before returning to court to continue their deliberations .
27 We were in the middle of a landfight and spent the night in a Serb Police APC .
28 A jury convicted Christopher How on two fraud charges yesterday , and delivered five more guilty verdicts after spending the night in a hotel .
29 Dr John Apps , whose practice is in Neasham Road , Darlington , spent the night in a frozen food store in preparation for a trip to the Arctic on April 5 .
30 They had become suspicious after two men with Irish accents said they had spent the night in a pub that did not exist .
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