Example sentences of "the first [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The first dated coin was issued by Valdemar II of Denmark in 1234 , but this is an isolated and untypical example , and dates became a frequent part of the design only from the sixteenth century .
2 You 're the first non-Jewish girl I 've ever said more than ‘ Nice day ’ to .
3 During the first simultaneous space walk by three astronauts or cosmonauts , the 4.5-tonne satellite was snatched by hand and brought into the shuttle 's recovery bay , where a new motor was attached .
4 The first serial section from each block was stained by haematoxylin and eosin .
5 The first O-bahn track , 1–3 km long , was opened in 1980 in Essen .
6 It is a matter of months only before a learned historian unearths evidence which proves that the first sole normande was simply a mixture of fish boiled in a bucket of seawater on board the ship which took William of Normandy to Hastings .
7 MEGIDDO , Israel ( Reuter ) — A Syrian air force major yesterday landed a Soviet-made MiG-23 fighter in Israel and an army statement said he requested political asylum , becoming the first Arab airman to do so in more than 20 years .
8 President Assad had been the first Arab leader to criticize the Iraqi invasion , but there was considerable apprehension in the West that Saddam Hussein 's emergence as a focus of anti-Western Arab radicalism might open the way to a rapprochement between Iraq and Syria .
9 During the talks Mubarak became the first Arab leader to accept the US suggestion that the Arab countries should drop their economic boycott of Israel in return for an Israeli freeze on its settlement activities .
10 Blix , in Libya for the opening of the first Arab conference on the peaceful uses of atomic energy , visited Libya 's one declared nuclear reactor , the small Soviet-built Tajura research reactor outside Tripoli , and found that it had been shut down since June 1991 because spare parts were no longer available and most of the Soviet scientists who had worked there had gone home .
11 For many Arabs the invasion of Kuwait confirmed Saddam as the foremost pan-Arab nationalist leader and the first Arab ruler since Egypt 's Abdel Gamal Nasser who was fully prepared to stand up to the USA .
12 Birkwood Lock , the first mechanized lock with control tower and traffic light gantry .
13 The first criminal prosecution against nine Indian officials of the United States company Union Carbide , implicated in the Bhopal gas disaster of December 1984 [ see pp. 33647-48 ] , opened in Bhopal on July 17 .
14 It will be the first grand event after the Christmas and New Year celebrations , and I am determined to make it a success .
15 The artist 's impression of Ivan 's majestic features and lavish robes captures the awe inspired by the first Grand Prince to be crowned ‘ Tsar ’ .
16 It was not until 1903 that the famous rope of Ravanel , Giraud and Comte completed the first grand traverse of the Drus in the opposite direction .
17 The first Grand Theogonist was Johann Helsturm , and he became one of the most powerful men in the whole land , with many thousands of loyal followers .
19 Among those missing from the first Grand Slam event of the year are Andre Agassi and Jimmy Connors , who has not played the Australian Open for more than a decade .
20 It was another good example of why the sooner it is possible to delay the first round of the World Group matches so that there is more than a full week between them and the first Grand Slam tournament of the year , the better .
21 And that raises the first crucial question : in which branches of retailing do economies of scale give a real benefit to the big players ?
22 Johnson 's prowess was quickly recognised and , when the first representative match was staged between the Southern League and the Football League , on 11 April 1910 at Stamford Bridge ( Y-2 ) , it was our man who was between the posts for the Southern League .
23 Although SVR4 MP was the first technical success for the UI technology committees , Price says SVR4.1 ES should be regarded as UI 's technological linchpin for the future .
24 Few practical results followed , and it was not until 1889 that the first Technical Instruction Act was passed .
25 Tony was the first Technical Adviser for the lager operation and ran the training programme for all the breweries that handled the brand in the 1960s at the beginning of the later boom .
26 Well a very close fought encounter at the stadium ; we had to wait for quarter of an hour for the first actual goal chance when Dave Bristow hit the ball from twenty five yards , which just cleared the bar .
27 The impact of the oil crisis and its associated inflation led to the first actual decline in income for OECD countries for over a quarter of a century .
28 As far as I know , the first actual record of an objective mechanical test , which had results of practical consequence , occurs in Pepys ' diary for 4 June 1662 .
29 The dates on the letters are quite clear , but a vague possibility is that they refer to the first actual parachute operation and that the dates are confused — by perhaps a month .
30 The Committee for Hereford Amateur Rafters is the organization that was formed following the first 100 mile race and , as such , is the backbone of UK rafting , acting as an administrative body providing information , advice and assistance to new teams as well as organizing the premier UK events .
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