Example sentences of "the [num ord] year [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This was the 316th year of the society , but events such as wars with Napoleon , ‘ Kaiser Bill ’ and Hitler have occasionally prevented it from taking place .
2 Part of the reliquary consisted of a gold inscription plaque which referred to the fourteenth year of a particular Gadhara king , enabling the experts to date it precisely .
3 If , for example , the landlord has the right to break at the expiry of the twelfth year of the term , rather than at the expiry of the fourteenth year of the term , the tenant 's right to compensation on quitting may be halved .
4 Next year every member — new or renewing — will receive a ‘ free gift ’ to mark the 35th year of the Medau Society .
5 The family seems to have died out about the 31st year of Edward III .
6 An anniversary of a different sort is also being celebrated this month in Manhattan : the thirty-fifth year of Jasper Johns 's association with Leo Castelli , his first and longtime dealer .
7 But the second year with HRC very nearly did n't happen .
8 Once you are starting the second year at the school you see faces that are familiar and through brothers and sisters who are in the years above you get to know them .
9 That will cost the Treasury £400m in the second year of the poll tax , £200m in the third , and £85m in the fourth .
10 In the second year of the war , he was asked to deliver some lectures at Bangor — the University College , North Wales — and he chose as his theme Milton 's Paradise Lost .
11 Demand for his services exceeded his capacity to meet the many requests and in the second year of the scheme he acquired a car to provide greater mobility .
12 ATs and PS for maths and science were introduced in the second year of key stage 3 , and those for design and technology in the first year of key stages 1–3 .
13 This axiom is worth remembering as we enter the second year of the International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction , declared by the UN .
14 I mentioned earlier the finding that ( from as early as the second year of life ) boys are , on average , more aggressive than girls ; and there are also differences in the way in which the sexes express their hostility .
15 Students who show evidence of sufficient merit may on completion of the course and at the discretion of the Course Committee be given the opportunity of transferring to the second year of an appropriate degree programme within the Faculty .
16 The second year of the course is spent on industrial placement which helps students to relate theory to practice and to make more informed career choices .
17 Students who have performed well in Year II of the BTEC HND in Mathematics , Statistics and Computing ( code JN 1111 ) ( see page 168 ) may proceed to the second year of the honours degree course .
18 At the end of the first year of this course students may , subject to satisfactory performance , transfer to the second year of the BSc Hons/Ord Applied Computing at Magee College ( see page 160 ) .
19 Students whose performance is exceptional may transfer to the second year of the BSc Honours Computing and Information Systems course at Jordanstown ( see page 159 ) .
20 Students who successfully complete the course may transfer to the second year of the BSc Hons Mathematics , Statistics and Computing course at Jordanstown .
21 O'Leary is in the second year of a leisure management course at West London Institute where he says he is adjusting to minor celebrity status .
22 I am confident that by January 1994 , as the Institute reviews the second year of audit regulation , we shall be able to demonstrate that professional regulation is working and is working well .
23 During the second year of life children start to develop some understanding of what will upset and annoy a sibling .
24 ( 1961 ) conducted such interviews at the end of the second year of their research with medical students , using a schedule organized around material gathered from participant observation .
25 Only a day after reporting the second year of falling personal computer sales ( CI No 2,157 ) , the Japan Electronic Industry Development Association says that Japanese manufacturers ' shipments of personal computers jumped 6.2% in unit terms during the January to March quarter from a year earlier , and the rise in combined exports and domestic sales to 688,000 units from 648,000 units in the year-earlier quarter marked the first quarterly rise in two years ; exports rocketed 31% to 144,000 units but domestic shipments only inched up 1.1% to 544,000 units , but was still the first quarterly increase in two-and-a-half years ; because of the price wars , combined export and domestic shipments of made-in-Japan micros — when measured in currency terms , fell 8.3% — exports and home sales each off 8% .
26 The region 's Women 's Desk has already entered the second year of its life .
27 The course would run for seven years , at the end of which graduates would enter the second year of residency programmes .
28 But unlike most schools which set the 2nd MB at the end of the second year of the course , before the students start their clinical studies , Southampton has moved the exam to the end of the third ( first clinical ) year .
29 Character is calculated exactly to support the theme of hierarchy on shipboard in Trial Trip , where a galley boy discovers that he is not entirely free to resume a schoolboy friendship with Tich , now in the second year of his apprenticeship , and in Out of the Shallows , where a sixteen-year-old apprentice with a decided chip on his shoulder suffers from the complications which friendship with a steward brings , particularly as the steward , a thoroughly shifty individual , is merely using him as a way of furthering his own ends .
30 Karen made application early in the second year of the course to a number of major national travel companies as an overseas representative .
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