Example sentences of "the [num ord] [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 On the timber side , an enormous selection of old doors ranging from the 17th century to Art Deco is available .
2 Nor did they plan portfolios of prints , as Die Brücke did ; a practice , by the way , followed by a variety of artists ' organisations including the Senefelder Group in England , which has sold its members ' lithographs from the nineteenth century to the present day .
3 During the nineteenth century to be noticed was good fortune , while to be praised was a professional advantage .
4 The criticism of anthropology , from Lévy-Bruhl 's attack on the nineteenth century to Lévi-Strauss 's critique of Lévy-Bruhl , followed by Derrida 's deconstructions of Lévi-Strauss , has largely been an expulsion of perceived romanticism .
5 In the transition from the nineteenth century to the twentieth century , clitoridectomy , it appears , ceased to be acceptable .
6 Right down from the last quarter of the nineteenth century to the 1960s one can indeed construct a counter-grandadology to Pearson 's ‘ history of respectable fears ’ .
7 There is now a considerable literature on the public schools , none of which unfortunately comes to grips with what seems , with respect to the subject of this book , to be perhaps the central issue : the fact that for a hundred years , from the middle of the nineteenth century to the middle of the twentieth , the British governing classes were educated in an atmosphere which combined the toleration of a merciless brutality with perpetual exhortations to be good .
8 An attractive broadside group are the so-called Beadle and Bellman 's Verses , addressed in the first half of the nineteenth century to such town and city dwellers as ‘ the worthy inhabitants of the Parish of Barnes , Surrey ’ or ‘ the worthy masters and mistresses of the Holborn End Division of the Parish of St. Giles in the Fields ’ and designed to be proclaimed by the public crier or parish bellman .
9 Francis Seymour Haden 's ‘ earth to earth ’ wicker basket , Dottridge Brothers ' lacquered papier-mâché ‘ earth to earth ’ coffin , the metallic shell with glass face panel and gutta-percha seal — so convenient for viewing the remains of the repatriated — and the shallow cremation coffin with its combustible metal fittings and recessed lid ( tailored to fit Gorini 's furnaces at St John 's , Woking ) were four of the better-known alternatives available at the end of the nineteenth century to those interested in the sanitary disposal of the dead .
10 It is illuminated by brilliant passages of interpretation and convincing proposals for source material for Magritte 's imagery , ranging from Egyptian and Greek sculpture , fifteenth-century frescoes and Symbolist pictures of the nineteenth century to photography and film stills , pulp fiction and popular postcards of a mildly erotic flavour , and illustrations published in the Larousse encyclopaedia .
11 Following this last point it is significant that the birthrate tended throughout the nineteenth century to be highest in areas where employment opportunities for women were lowest , for it is likely that knowledge was more easily acquired by factory workers than by those in service or those who stayed at home .
12 This is perhaps the main contribution of the sexual economy of the nineteenth century to that of the twentieth .
13 Even the RP ‘ broad ’ [ a ] ( as in path , dance ) seems to have acquired its high evaluation only recently : Mugglestone ( 1989 ) cites evidence from the nineteenth century to the effect that it was stigmatized as a vulgarism by some commentators : it looks as though it may have been ‘ borrowed ’ from a low-status dialect ( such as ‘ Cockney ’ ) .
14 Today ( i.e. from the end of the nineteenth century to today ) the competitive market base of nation states has been superseded by the concentration of capitalist markets and the internationalisation of large monopoly and oligopoly capitalists firms .
15 From the Lincoln presidency at the end of the nineteenth century to the 1920s , Mills argues , an economic elite directed the nation 's affairs .
16 In the United States the obvious involvement in the political process of the Supreme Court is due to the court having laid claim early in the nineteenth century to the power of judicial review , that is the right to review the constitutionality of executive and legislative acts .
17 In whatever fashion the contrast is formulated ( we might say , for example , that the two revolutions — political and industrial — which had inspired the new political science began to move in different directions , towards greater equality in one case , away from it in the other ) it embodies a large part of the substance of political enquiry and of political doctrines from the nineteenth century to the present time .
18 The first , from the end of the nineteenth century to the First World War , was characterized by rapid scientific and technological advance , the growth of large corporations and trusts , as well as large financial institutions which played an increasingly important role in the economy , and growing tension and conflict between the leading European imperialist powers .
19 The project aims to develop a data bank on the origins , career patterns , wealth and creative role of business leaders in England and Wales from the last four decades of the nineteenth century to the generation of business leaders who retired in the 1970s .
20 chart the migration history from the Indian subcontinent to Scotland from the nineteenth century to the present day ;
21 Such was the rapid rate of expansion that ensued that the workforce in Britain 's mines rose from a mere 50,000 at the beginning of the nineteenth century to over 1 million on the eve of the First World War .
22 International relations in Europe from the middle of the nineteenth century to the First World War were more and more influenced by several factors which , if not always new , were growing rapidly in importance .
23 In 1920 , the Nineteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution was ratified , having reached the necessary three-quarters support among the State Legislatures : as figure 5.4 shows , however , all of the recalcitrant Legislatures were in the country 's southeast , with only Tennessee in the area of the Confederacy voting for the Amendment .
24 The new matrix is symmetric , since both its i , jth and j , ith elements are unity ; moreover , its determinant is -1 , since in moving the jth row to the ith position unc we cross j — i rows ; but the original ith row is now the i + 1th and so in taking it to the jth position we cross j — i — 1 rows .
25 xj is the jth input to this node .
26 With the publication of the Foreign Relations of the United States volumes on the Korean War and the release of the British documents it was evident that Britain had played a major role in the important decisions taken in the early stages of the war , and in particular the decision to change the aim of the operation from being merely to repel the aggressor north of the 38th parallel to that of achieving a unified Korea .
27 General Roberts stated that on 6 May a unit of the ROK army had advanced north of the 38th parallel to a depth of 2.5 miles ( 4 km ) and had attacked several settlements .
28 A very likely explanation is that it is a form of hyll = hill , found in the West Midlands and the south-west as the Middle English hull , and this in combination with the first syllable forms a byname given in the fourteenth century to a person who lived ‘ up the hill ’ .
29 The exhibition examines the period from the fourteenth century to the third century BC .
30 A Gothic choir was begun in the fourteenth century to a design similar to the contemporary one at Augsburg Cathedral , but was not completed till 1513 for lack of funds .
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