Example sentences of "the [num] had [verb] " in BNC.

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1 In 1811 or 1812 he returned to Edinburgh to set up practice , and by the 1820s had become the leading country house architect in Scotland .
2 The eight had claimed that their actions had been justified by their religious beliefs which held that US immigration laws were forcing many people to live under threat of death in El Salvador and other countries in the region .
3 A generation later the political opportunities which had been available in the middle of the fifth century were closed , but equally the restrictions of the 470s had lifted .
4 The 80s had arrived , and with it a new form of ‘ exercise ’ which caught on fast .
5 The great office blocks of the 1890s had taken over that role , and the office-block stations had made some attempt to match them .
6 For studying the economy it matters little whether the population of England in the 1520s had recovered to the level it had reached before the Black Death .
7 The Six had reverted to Schuman 's view that political union could be achieved in the long run through a sustained effort at economic integration across a broad front .
8 By spring the Six had become bitterly divided .
9 During the nine-day appeal , which began on March 4 , the court heard that the two main strands of the case against the six had collapsed .
10 Mary and Reggie said , " Do sit down and join us , " but just as the six had repelled Mary and Reggie , so now did Mary and Reggie seem surrounded by an invisible current : Keep off .
11 The third proposal before the EEC involved the finalisation of the financial regulations concerning the adjustment of the several national agricultures , on which the Six had agreed in principle in 1962 .
12 In May 1960 the Six had agreed to quicken the process of economic co-operation , so that internal EEC tariffs were already reduced by half in July 1962 .
13 In addition , the Six had learnt some lessons from the past , and hoped that the adoption of a long-term perspective would also avoid a clash of economic interest with the OEEC .
14 Meanwhile , without damaging the prospects for enlargement , the Six had continued to improve the EC .
15 Wordsworth concludes The Prelude with tributes to his sister Dorothy , and to S. T. Coleridge , both of whom , in their different ways , helped him to resolve the personal crisis into which the events of the 1790s had led him , and I have given a short biography of each .
16 Kleon , in Aristophanes ' Knights , is represented as a ‘ lover of the demos ’ , but Philodemos occurs as a proper name in an Athenian casualty-list of as early as c.460 ( ML 33 ) ; more important , Kleisthenes in the sixth century had taken the demos into partnership , as Herodotus puts it , and Pericles in the 460s had won over the people with jury pay .
17 Among Poor Law administrators at all levels the change in LGB policy from the 1870s had created some confusion .
18 The Milan Congress gave impetus to those who favoured the Pure Oral method to agitate for the inclusion of education of the deaf in the proposed Royal Commission that was to be formed to look at educational provision for the blind in Britain , on the grounds that the Education Acts of the 1870s had ignored educational provision for the deaf and dumb .
19 It provided answers to every conceivable question with an assurance and a seemingly impregnable logic which the romantics of the 1940s , the nihilists of the 1860s , and the populists of the 1870s had sought but never found .
20 All over Europe , the flood of transatlantic grain in the 1870s had brought grain prices tumbling down .
21 Just as the closing of the pleasure houses of the 1870s had thrown prostitutes onto the streets , so the suppression of brothels after 1885 probably increased street prostitution , at the same time pushing prostitutes into massage parlours and flats , and into the arms of ‘ bullies ’ , who became mythical figures of popular fears in the new moral panic over the white slave trade before 1912 .
22 A number of test cases through the Seventies had established precedents for what courts would and would not accept as ‘ fair ’ in existing contracts .
23 The three had travelled to the Russian capital to watch their team play Spartak Moscow in the European Cup Winners ' Cup .
24 Well I thought the three had gone .
25 It was so still in the room that it seemed the three had suspended their dealings by mutual consent in order to catch the barely audible undulations of a distant ambulance siren .
26 It was not known yesterday if the three had returned to Scotland or to the Costa del Sol where they had been living before their arrest .
27 We learned that Duke Michael and the Three had left Strelsau , and that Antoinette de Mauban had also left .
28 Within a few weeks of setting eyes on Judith he had managed to supersede Zacharias in her affections , and the three had dwindled to a blissful two .
29 A further fifty cases followed up showed a bereavement or separation in forty-six cases and thirty-nine of the forty-six had associated guilt , anger or resentment .
30 Roughly speaking , the country with the highest mortality rate in the 1940s had achieved a level comparable with that of England , but not as good as the lowest rate , in 1880 .
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