Example sentences of "the [det] time [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ( One of the few times we missed out was with a 200lb sturgeon caught in the North Sea .
2 And er we , one of the few times my dad came to Foundry Lane he I got a book , I think it were called Tiger Tim and , on the back they gave a model that you cut out with scissors and pu
3 Did , even with the few times my parents have gone away , I 've never held parties , I may of had a couple of mates round just to let them kip over or something , come back I 've never , ever held a party , I would n't , I respect them , well I mean I would n't respect them make , every er penny they earned in the last fifteen years gone into that house , they 've had one holiday in that time and erm , gorgeous house , no its a lovely house , full of nice stuff as well , I , I , I would n't dare have a party
4 It was one of the few times he did n't get up and down from trouble , and that put us level .
5 One of the few times you will find big bream in waters which do not match up to the points I have mentioned is when they are the result of a recent stocking operation .
6 In fact , it was one of the few times I had seen him act in a civil way towards his stepmother .
7 ‘ As I told you , I did n't go out much when I worked in London , but I 've got a silk dress which I wore on the few times I went to the opera .
8 I blush in light of the many times we have floundered recently , not to mention my straying .
9 Constance remembered the many times she had seen her mother and him alone together either in the village street or at home ; she had been uneasily aware of their absorption in each other .
10 We found that the larger the group , the less time its members tended to spend on task .
11 The dilemma can be expressed as follows : the more accessible teachers seek to make themselves to all their pupils as individuals , the less time they have for direct , extended and challenging interaction with any of them ; but the more time they devote to such extended interaction with some children , the less demanding on them as teachers must be the activities they give to the rest ; and the less demanding an activity is of their time and attention as teachers , the more the likelihood that the activity in question will demand little of the child .
12 The lower the choice of field is made , the fewer fields are within reach and the less time there is to decide which one is best .
13 The more time and energy you give to developing residencies in hospitals and working with other people the less time there is for your own work .
14 While the less time she spent in Vitor 's proximity , the less wear and tear there would be on her nerves , his mother 's appeal made insisting on an early exit seem impolite .
15 He wanted more of DeFries ' time as well and the more DeFries saw things going on that he did n't like , the less time he wanted to put in to both of them .
16 The longer you stave that off , the less time you will spend building fatigue toxins .
17 Another important point is that the less time you have in which to do something , the more it costs because you start to run into things like overtime and special delivery payments , rush jobs and so on .
18 ‘ I certainly have made a lot of mistakes and I have learned that the higher up the ladder you go , the less time you have in which to make your decisions .
19 Well I must n't keep you talking because the more I , the more I keep you talking the less time you have to do it .
20 The later it comes , the less time it stays . ’
21 Graham Ward , the Price Waterhouse partner on the Prudential audit and vice-chairman of the Institute 's Auditing Committee , says : ‘ The more efficient a company 's accounting function might be , the less time it should take to do the audit . ’
22 The more people there are helping the less time it takes .
23 The more people there are around , the less time I have to spend trying to be civil to Piers Morrison ! ’
24 The more times we successfully complete a manoeuvre , the more opportunity we are giving the mind to reproduce the same movements .
25 Just dial any of the above numbers , the more times you enter the better chance of winning ! !
26 A number of those with their own businesses commented that the more their wives undertook on the farm the more time they themselves had to earn off-farm income .
27 ( 8 ) The more female ducks the males have to look at the more time they spend looking at them .
28 Second , most workers believe that the more time they spend searching for a job , the more likely it is that they will obtain one which meets their requirements , particularly in so far as the wage rate and working conditions are concerned .
29 The more a person is integrated into a close-knit social network , the more time they spend speaking to the same group of people and the less they spend in contact with others who might change their speech .
30 The sad fact is that many of these ‘ irruptive ’ birds spend their last days in the islands , because if they do not move on immediately while they still have the strength , the more time they spend searching for what is n't there , the less chance there is of their being able to make another long sea crossing .
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