Example sentences of "the [det] [noun pl] but " in BNC.

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1 THE WELSH used to be a hindrance rather than a help to the All Blacks but , by giving Grant Fox permission to practise his goalkicking at the Arms Park prior to tomorrow 's game with Cardiff , they might be contributing to their own downfall .
2 Dwyer told the players how he wanted to win the two-match series against Scotland and how he not only wanted to reclaim the Bledisloe Cup from the All Blacks but complete Australia 's first ever 3–0 series whitewash .
3 The results at 32 weeks ( Tables V and VI ) confirmed the former findings but also showed significant interactions by calcium or small bowel resection with the carcinogen .
4 It 's a like er using the same components but put together in a different way .
5 The standard weapon of an infantryman in the British army , a type of camera and the latest aid to computer games playing may all share the same initials but that 's about as far as any similarity between them can be made to stretch .
6 Oh yeah , I , I 'd give them the same options but
7 City Index will keep the same hours but its seats betting has already closed .
8 Of course , I had reached the same conclusions but he was always better at presenting the facts .
9 he , we shagged the same bird me and Nick , not on the same times but oh I went out with her after he went out with her .
10 The girls of the same families included in the formation by these direct relationships shared the same interests but were , in majority , beyond the immediate formative system .
11 I mean for every great Cure record you get an inferior follow-up with all the same ingredients but without the spark .
12 Most people still find work in the same towns but in a greater variety of industries .
13 Gliding frogs use much the same devices but can also , like the snakes , make the underside of their bodies concave .
14 Deaf people , too , seem sensitive to the same patterns but do not recall as effectively with overt speech rehearsal .
15 It is not enough to say what a course is about ; physicists and engineers , biologists and doctors , economists and managers may each be concerned with the same phenomena but for different reasons and in different ways .
16 He got out of bed and put his clothes on , the same clothes but a clean shirt .
17 Before the war at a luncheon party like this people would have said precisely the same things but they would have sounded different , because in those days they were accompanied by a sort of humming noise , not articulate , but musical , exciting , which changed the value of the words themselves …
18 Clover , Luke , Mum , Dad , Granny , Grandpa and Speedy the dog all do the same things but in their own , different ways .
19 It obviously wo n't be the same questions but the same sort of areas will be covered on it .
20 3 When it is time for interrogation , vary your approach — do n't always begin questioning from the same point in the classroom ; do n't always start with the same students but criss-cross about the classroom in a pattern that can not be identified by the students .
21 There is another way of achieving the same ends but with your favourite programs as opposed to those from a single publisher , and that involves the use of a ‘ manager ’ such as Caxton 's Memory Shift which lets , say , Wordstar , dBase and Multiplan , all co-exist in RAM .
22 To make a stunning group arrangement use the same flowers but in different containers .
23 ( W ) is a women 's model , which usually has the same features but is built on a narrower last .
24 Yes , but I probably tried to create my own personal brand of Dadaism , just as each of them had their own brand of Dadaism based on the same ideas but expressed in an intensely personal way .
25 A change of appearance was like hanging a net over a mirror , she had the same eyes but consoled herself by looking at herself differently .
26 Other experimenters have varied the procedure , following Lawrence in training subjects on two discrimination tasks involving the same stimuli but changing the response requirement not by changing from the simultaneous to the successive arrangement but in some other way .
27 He sat at his desk looking over the same papers and repeatedly having the same conversations but unable to take decisions or achieve anything .
28 The question can be answered by using homophones : printed words with the same pronunciations but different spellings and different meanings , such as frays and phrase .
29 My Lord the paragraph four of statement of claim contains the allegations of breach of contract and paragraph five makes effectively exactly the same allegations but under the heading of negligence in breach of the deal of the care owed to the plaintiffs by the defendant .
30 Opinion on the exchanges was divided about the likely reaction to Labour as the party with the most seats but no overall majority .
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