Example sentences of "the [det] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The fifth man is , he was a gunner and armourer and flew in the and the man furthest on the right standing is from Chualar C H U A L A R California , he was a waste gunner for two waste gunners on the each end of the standing group .
2 At Bikini shallow water reef limestones have been proved to 780 m ( approx. 2 600 ft ) , while the least depth of the volcanic basement is 1 600 m ( approx. 5 300 ft ) .
3 Overall it appears that the very oldest age group , those aged 75 + , express the least criticism of the services provided .
4 On July 12 Castro congratulated the deputies on " not having made the least concession in these difficult moments " ( referring to the growing economic crisis ) .
5 It does not go so far to ensure proportionality as other variants , but would involve the least departure from the existing system , would retain single-member constituencies which many regard as being a valuable feature of the present system , and would be much the simplest to understand in operation .
6 To make the conserve , boil the elder fruit ( the berries ) with the least quantity of water to produce a pulp .
7 The children with whom I worked had the least opportunity in terms of personal development and careers , and they were likely to be drawn into a variety of different forms of behaviour , among which the first was often the use of and then addiction to tobacco .
8 And so the poor man had been obliged to die in as Christian a manner as possible in the arms of the atheistical Magistrate who had , of course , listened without the least sympathy to Mr Bradley 's last pious ejaculations , impatiently muttering : " Yes , yes , to be sure , do n't worry about it , " as poor Mr Bradley , looking up into that last , glaring , free-thinking , diabolical , ginger sunset of the Magistrate 's whiskers , commended his soul to God .
9 I have come across deaf mutes educated by all systems , and as I have met and conversed with the deaf in various parts of Great Britain and Ireland , France , and the United States , I have not the least hesitation in saying that the combined method as advocated by Dr. E. M. Gallaudet before the recent Royal Commission certainly confers the greatest benefit upon the greatest number .
10 Why does Britain have the worst maternity rights , the fewest equal opportunities and the least protection against poverty pay ?
11 From his knowledge of ‘ Romances , & Relations of Giants & Magicians , & Genii ’ , his mind was soon ‘ habituated to the Vast ’ , and when , walking home to Ottery one winter evening , his father told him the names of the stars ‘ and how Jupiter was a thousand times larger than our world — and that the other twinkling stars were Suns that had worlds rolling round them ’ , Coleridge listened with profound delight , ‘ but without the least mixture of wonder or incredulity ’ .
12 Then unc otherwise unc for some t ε T so that [ since unc and since no integer lies between k and k+1 ( why not ? ) ] t = k +1 is the least integer in T [ contradicting the assumption that T has no such least integer ) .
13 Oddly she never felt the least guilt in accepting money from Rachel to help her bring up Maggie .
14 The privatisation programme has been an enormous success in recent years and not the least part of that success has been the extent to which it has widened and deepened share ownership around the country .
15 Could he bear to see them wired-made vulnerable to the least whim of their lords and masters ?
16 Alas , however , we speak here of a democracy of those with the least sense of urgency to correct what is wrong , the best insulation through short-run comfort from what could go wrong — a democracy run by and for the contented majority , in which those who do not share in its benefits do not participate .
17 ‘ There comes ’ , he says , ‘ through his writings , not the least sense of the dialectical processes of social change , of ‘ revolutionising practice ’ . ’
18 Yet Clark had known all along of the military preparations ‘ Musketeer I ’ and ‘ Musketeer II ’ and had been dismayed when Dulles seemed to have aborted them with his Suez Canal Users Club ; and after the Anglo-French meeting in London in September he had put out ‘ a dull communiqué , and no one has the least idea of what big things were abroad' .
19 She had not the least idea of what she should do next , other than perhaps to fasten the strange garment about her waist .
20 And he has n't the least idea of how much it will come to .
21 She opened her mouth and was ready with her invitation that they dine at her hotel , but as the thought that winged in from nowhere that Ven was probably hitting the high spots in Prague that night — and with some lovely Czech lady in tow , she would n't wonder — Fabia , with not the least idea of what a koliba was , promptly did a switch .
22 ‘ If it 's not anything too absolutely awful , I think I 'll try the Špíz ze srnčiho či jeleního masa , ’ she answered , without having the least idea of what she was ordering .
23 The policy of this council over the last couple of years has been to get down to that figure enforced upon us as gracefully as possible with the least damage to our services and the least damage to the morale of our staff and our staff are after all the most important asset that a local authority possesses and that is what we 're trying to consider .
24 The policy of this council over the last couple of years has been to get down to that figure enforced upon us as gracefully as possible with the least damage to our services and the least damage to the morale of our staff and our staff are after all the most important asset that a local authority possesses and that is what we 're trying to consider .
25 When challenged about this you replied , Yes , but you have the least experience in the golf industry .
26 the most expedient course to consult the architect who had already been employed to prepare plans for the particular office now to be built , and who from his official position in connexion with the Board of Works might be resorted to with the least invidiousness to the professional public .
27 Again it 's cheap , and offers the least resistance to outside interference .
28 Then [ by the given property of U ] t — 1 + 1 ε U. That is t ε U. But t ε T [ we chose it as the least element of T ] and so unc a contradiction .
29 But [ since m is the least element of S we have ]
30 The prouder and more articulate seaman had seen his pay and status in continuous decline from 1815 when , at the , end of the Napoleonic wars , " the government , without the least consideration for those who had battled on the ocean in defence of their king and country , disbanded the Fleets and cast adrift some thousands of Seamen suddenly to find employment in the merchant service " .
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