Example sentences of "the [noun prp] took the " in BNC.

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1 In 1971 the SAAF took the five remaining Daks of national carrier South African Airways ( SAA ) .
2 The ECJ took the view that the acquisition and holding of shares in other companies , without any involvement ( either direct or indirect ) in the subsidiaries ' management , did not constitute a business activity .
3 The Habsburgs took the Turkish threat more seriously than Matthias had done .
4 The validation procedures were designed to be rigorous , and all levels of the CNAA took the question of rigour extremely seriously .
5 Maui was a little better — at least the interior decorator finished , even if it was in the worst possible taste , but the Seychelles took the cake. ! . ’
6 Klementiev of the USSR took the C1 from Bouchalov of Bulgaria by a mere 0.07 sec .
7 The Serbs took the Turks by surprise , and the local garrison troops were soon isolated in Belgrade , whilst the rest of the pashalik was firmly in Miloš 's grip .
8 Instead the Kadets took the lead in issuing a series of demands for far-reaching reforms , including the appointment of a government responsible to the Duma and the redistribution of private land .
9 The Shah took the news with his usual appearance of calm .
10 The Maldives took the view , along with several other SAARC states , that bilateral problems among members should not impinge on the SAARC and that Sri Lanka 's decision to refuse to host the 1989 summit could set a bad precedent .
11 During the week the BBC took the opportunity to broadcast part of another pre-recorded interview on Radio 4 's ‘ File on 4 ’ , while Capital Radio broadcast a four-part feature on AIDS , again including a ‘ canned ’ interview with Patrick .
12 The UK took the view that it should have been based on Article 100 of the Treaty of Rome ( general harmonisation of national laws ) , which requires unanimity ( in which case the adverse vote of the UK could have prevented the Directive being adopted ) .
13 In 799 the Franks took the Balearic Islands , which faced repeated attacks from Saracen fleets , but were held under the government of the Counts of Genoa and Tuscany .
14 Shanta Kumar of the BJP took the oath of office as Chief Minister on March 5 , replacing Virabhadra Singh of Congress ( I ) .
15 Logic suggests that 16 should be the age of consent for this conduct , too , but the CLRC took the view that young men of 16 and 17 need protection from this kind of behaviour , whereas they do not from other kinds of sexual contact .
16 One experiment conducted by the Rumbaughs took the following form .
17 The Left Wing of the ILP took the same view , though eventually it became more sympathetic to the Communists .
18 On April 19 the EPRDF took the hydroelectric power station at Finchaa ( also in Welega province ) , and by April 24 it had taken the town of Ambo , 100 km west of Addis Ababa , although this area was retaken by government forces four days later .
19 One can only speculate that the GMC took the easy option and avoided testing the issue of clinical ecology head on because it feared a lengthy presentation of evidence on both sides , with the risk of an inconclusive result .
20 The T'ang took the folder from him and opened it .
21 On 16 June the CRS took the Sorbonne .
22 The ITA took the 1964 competition very seriously , none-theless .
23 Before the Observer leaked extracts , ministers in the DTI took the view that publication would allow the Labour party to accuse them of jeopardising the rights of any defendants to a fair trial .
24 Kick-off time was 3.30 , but when the Cobblers took the field at 3.25 , there was no sign of the Coventry party anywhere in the town .
25 Then they watched helplessly as the Tay took the land back again .
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