Example sentences of "the [noun prp] had [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Milan can be circumspect about visiting conductors , but on this occasion even the orchestra was stamping its approval for Lorin Maazel , a phenomenon I was told the Scala had not witnessed for over two decades ( you would have thought they might have managed it in the recent past for Muti , watching with no evident rancour from the box : but apparently not ) .
2 Announcing the agreement a US Defence Department spokesman said that the Pentagon had so far committed US$191,000,000 of the US$400,000,000 allocated by Congress to help Russia transport , dismantle and store nuclear and other dangerous weapons .
3 US intelligence reports of ‘ northern redoubts ’ where Cuban advisers have been training the militia and storing arms and ammunition could also mean a far longer military operation than the Pentagon had originally envisaged .
4 The Lord of the Manor had apparently lied to us .
5 Although the CGT had broadly endorsed a package of protectionist economic measures announced on Oct. 28 [ see below ] , there had been an angry reaction in early November when Economy Minister Domingo Cavallo announced that senior government officials were to receive 200 per cent salary increases .
6 Euratom would probably have run into similar difficulties even if the EEC had not been in place .
7 Trade within the EEC had expanded at a rate double that of trade with non-members , and the EEC had also become the world 's largest trading power .
8 In addition , under strong pressure from France , the EEC had also taken the basic decisions on a common agricultural policy , to which it was committed by the Treaty of Rome .
9 The Lombards had soon occupied an area that extended as far south as Perugia , though not all the way east to the Adriatic coast .
10 Men of Commando were originally to be parachute troops , but the RAF had even greater difficulty in finding planes than the Royal Navy had in finding craft .
11 As crowds in Khartoum celebrated , an SPLA spokesperson in Nairobi said that the SPLA had now laid siege to Torit .
12 According to Rose Mannion , the Maxwells had now sold the house to someone else .
13 The Sierra had not started .
14 Because of the story the Baronessa had just told her , Molly thought immediately of death .
15 The Turners had long been associated with the ironmongery trade in Dublin .
16 JP : ‘ We did n't nick the riff from ‘ Elves ’ because The Stooges had already done that . ’
17 However Denmark and the Netherlands had both exceeded 51 .
18 On Sept. 27 , 1990 , Piet Bukman ( CDA ) replaced Gerrit Braks as Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries after Braks resigned in connection with reports that the Netherlands had consistently landed fish catches above its national quota under the common fisheries policy of the European Communities ( EC ) .
19 According to the authorities , the DSL had more than 900 members spread between 45 universities , and had operated by infiltrating student groups and the military .
20 This was despite the fact that two state prosecutors in the Jesuit murder case had resigned and that the FMLN had recently ended a five-week military offensive in accordance with a further US congressional stipulation for the maintenance of the military aid ban .
21 By 1983 , the EPA had already either approved or proposed to approve 150 bubbles , with a saving to industry of $500 million .
22 In her book Riding Through My Life she revealed that the KGB had then made several ham-fisted attempts to spy on her .
23 However , and central to its existence , the WEA had originally developed as the organised ‘ voice ’ of the needs of working people to secure provision for liberal adult education essential in its view to the emergence of an educated democracy .
24 After first suggesting that the U2 had accidentally wandered over the Soviet Union , the President admitted that such " spy " flights were a regular occurrence .
25 Williams explained in the court that the MRF had just had a new intake of NCOs .
26 Concerning costs , it has been reported in the financial press that FIMBRA merely had to take the word of Dunsdale that it was investing in gilts , as the SRO had too few staff to adequately deal with each individual firm .
27 prior to 1972 the MCA had strictly forbidden member firms to use executive search when recruiting for their clients .
28 London Ambulance Service workers claimed the system crash last October led to people 's deaths , but yesterday 's document said an examination of 26 cases considered by coroners ' courts showed the LAS had not been blamed for a single death .
29 The PDC had previously threatened to leave the administration on Jan. 31 if the government was not opened to other political parties , and party officials described the change of stance as a gesture of goodwill in response to continuing negotiations .
30 The PLO had earlier announced that it had approved talks with Baker .
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