Example sentences of "the [noun pl] have at " in BNC.

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1 The courts have at times taken an uncompromising attitude towards express legislative provisions designed to exclude judicial review .
2 De Smith has adumbrated four different tests which the courts have at one time or another used .
3 They had not yet given their opinion to the present proposal — given outline permission by East Hampshire District council 's northern area planning sub-committee on March 24th — because the plans had at that stage only been submitted in outline .
4 But most of the groups had at least two members who were able to rectify the situation .
5 The conifers have at last eliminated water as a transport medium for their sexual processes .
6 The authorities have at their disposal a range of criminal , civil , and disciplinary deterrents .
7 But it does not take long to decide that the experiment is being conducted with skill , and that the pursuits have at least a little in common .
8 ‘ The boy and girl are with you , ’ the Trapper repeated like a man slow of thought , to whom the words had at last revealed their significance .
9 Although all the words have at least one sense bearing the property for which the root was originally selected , it must be noted that to locate all words bearing a particular semantic feature must involve the careful selection of several roots ( e.g. to find nouns with a [ +female ] feature , sprouts should begin from ’ female ’ , ’ woman ’ , ’ girl ’ and possibly ’ wife ’ ) .
10 As a consequence the struggle for Palestine has been carried out on many levels , creating a complexity which even the participants have at times found difficult to follow .
11 Against the $9.5 billion of deposit liabilities outstanding at the end of 1985 , the banks had at that time only about $1.5 billion of assets in the form of dinar credits .
12 It was apparent as the light grew that the rocks which lay scattered among the trees had at one time been arranged in order .
13 Thus , although the bonanza expected by some has not yet materialised , exploration has far from exhausted the possibilities , and the results have at least demonstrated beyond question that gas accumulated and survived in producible quantities in the Eastern Overthrust Belt , despite the disturbed condition of the strata and the passage of time .
14 Struggles and strategies in the fields have at stake not just the value of symbolic goods but also the degree of autonomy of a given field .
15 In group A the Paper Tigers with their amazing bouncing ball have lifted their rounders difference to great heights while Dr Blobby and the Blobettes have at last picked up some points from a game , which means that all teams this year have managed to win at least one point .
16 In several African countries in which marriage or first union takes place comparatively earlier in life , one half of the women bore their first child before reaching age 19 ; in Bangladesh , 50 per cent of the women had at least one child when they were 16.5 years old .
17 The brewers have at last woken up to the fact that their high-street shops have become dinosaurs slouching towards extinction .
18 The colonies had at first been left to look after themselves because the king had no money to spare for defending them nor any forces he could send across the Atlantic , but after 1650 it was accepted that the colonies had a right to expect to be protected against European attack , though not against Indian or other local problems .
19 In 1671 8·2 per cent of the householders had at least six hearths ( the squire had twenty ) , 23·8 per cent had three to five hearths , 17·2 per cent had two hearths , and 50·8 per cent had only a single hearth .
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