Example sentences of "the [noun sg] for its " in BNC.

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1 The Commissioner responsible for Agriculture , Ray McSharry , announced on July 12 that the Commission intended to increase the funding for its controversial " set-aside " scheme , whereby farmers were paid grants to keep farming land out of production , in a further effort to reduce over-production .
2 Mr Welsh , who congratulated The Scotsman for its sponsorship of the tournament , described the standard of performance as high .
3 The time limit for appeal can only be extended under this section if the reasons stated by the board for its decision are reasons requested in terms of s.18(2) .
4 The site for the new theatre was given by the governor , but the money for its building was donated by the Milanese , mostly the rich who bought boxes well in advance .
5 Much of the money for its new accident and emergency department came from public donations .
6 These moans apart , The Late Show long ago clinched the case for its existence and this edition also included a thoughtful report by David Walker on the bidding for television interviews with ministers .
7 Nuclear Electric said it will spend £800,000 on modifications to the plant and the case for its operation at lower power levels , which it hopes to submit by autumn for restart by the end of the year .
8 If an object can not be removed without serious damage to , or destruction of , some part of the realty , the case for its having become a fixture is a strong one .
9 The hunting lobby has been trying to improve its public image with a campaign to put the case for its controversial sport .
10 The LTTE for its part blamed government forces , saying that the killings were " meticulously planned and executed , and blamed on the LTTE at a time when the Sri Lankan government is trying to purchase weapons from Middle Eastern Moslem countries " ( a reference to a visit made by Ranjan Wijeratne , Plantations Minister and Minister of State for Defence , to Iran , Libya and Egypt in early August ) .
11 Although Novell does support TCP/IP in its UnixWare offering , the mainstay for its networking ( and the bulk of its business ) is provided by Netware 's IPX/SPX protocols .
12 The argument would now tend to be that a child refusing to be toilet trained is not simply enjoying the experience for its own sake .
13 The Lancashire Division publicized this viewpoint through its paper Northern Voice , and at the York Annual ILP Conference of 1934 an NAC Report , censuring the Division for its actions , was carried by 135 votes to 31 .
14 The company , whose cars were driven by stars such as Clark Gable , Cliff Richard and Henry Cooper , blames the recession for its collapse .
15 The report , which therefore predates WAB , will be presented to the University for its consideration and will carry considerable weight because its membership , which comprises a majority of university members together with representatives from public sector higher education , consists of men of influence .
16 ‘ The CVCP audit team would like to commend the University for its commitment to quality assurance , manifested in various ways and in particular
17 Quite independent of the social merits of re-using a redundant building to provide comfortable dwellings for local people at modest rents , a main factor encouraging the retention of All Saints Church was the value accorded by the local authority planners to the building for its contribution to the townscape .
18 According to press reports Karami believed that his government had been penalized by the West for its close links with Syria and for its strong commitment at the Middle East peace talks to an Israeli withdrawal from southern Lebanon .
19 To date , such experiments have failed under dual pressure — from the Marxist-based Left , which has been unwilling to concede the fight for its class interests , and from the Right , which has continually threatened to halt the reform process .
20 The budget for its first year was set at F66 million and at F100 million for the next 12 months .
21 The docks project was praised by the association for its scope and imagination .
22 I was tired and thirsty and my shin was ablaze , but I could not stop : on , on , on — through a pool of sand — past one dead cow and then another — race across shingle to hit more sand and sink deep — turn backwards — heave , jerk , shout — firm ground again — race into sand — kick the wheelbarrow for its stupidity — stop , heave — trip and fall — get up and heave again — fall face down — spit sand — up and on again .
23 Like Cobbett , many suffragettes would have said that it was not so much the vote for its own sake that they sought as the improvements in the status and conditions of women which they believe would be achieved as the result of women 's enfranchisement .
24 The only job the words ‘ I feel ’ have , in a report of one 's bodily sensations , is to prepare the hearer for its being a report about one 's body qua sensitive and not about one 's body qua sensible .
25 Clearly , Knowland agreed with BP colleagues ( see p 13 ) who have taken to lambasting the industry for its inability to plan .
26 Mr Moore flew the Spifire for its owners Rolls Royce .
27 What this appeal is concerned with , however , is only the landlord 's obligation to repay once the lease has expired without breach of covenant , there being neither any obligation on the original landlord to pay over the amount of the deposit to an assignee of the reversion nor any obligation on the original tenant to assign to an assignee of the term his contractual right to receive back the amount of the deposit when and if the condition for its repayment is fulfilled …
28 Journalists ' delegate Colin Bourne won a standing ovation when he slammed the EETPU for its past bad behaviour .
29 The zoned method of operation has also been utilised in the ‘ intermediate zoned system ’ , which operates in the same way as the detector-operated zoned system , but depends upon the secondary detector at the valve for its operation , the line detector being omitted .
30 The CIGS , General ( later Field Marshal ) Sir Francis Festing , felt the price of Sandys ' Reformation was too high and considered resignation , but the other Chiefs would not support him , believing that such gestures would have little impact on a government that had the full support of Parliament and the electorate for its Defence policy .
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