Example sentences of "the [adj] first [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It had happened repeatedly , from the short-lived first National Guidance Committee of 1967 to the second NGC established in response to Camp David and suppressed by Ariel Sharon in early 1982 .
2 It is killing on both sides , Mr Gibson 's death is the fifty first this year , lives taken , families destroyed .
3 NIMBUS ( ‘ PRIMA VOCE ’ ) — Nimbus 's ‘ Prima Voce ’ series now numbers some 27 single CDs , two three-CD sets devoted to ‘ Tenors ’ and ‘ Divas ’ plus Charpentier 's Louise and the historic first complete recording of Die Zauberflöte made by Beecham in Berlin in 1937 .
4 The outstanding first round game between Orangefield OB and Cliftonville Olympic , takes place at Solitude on Thursday night .
5 A pair can be safely introduced at the same time ; the male can be recognised by the extended first dorsal ray which is absent in the female .
6 Being born and brought up next to a butcher 's shop in a Somerset town in the closing years of the 18th century may not have been the healthiest start in life for a child , but those who saw out the dangerous first two or three years seemed to have stood a good chance of survival thereafter .
7 to start the , the talk or the story by asking er ladies here , if they know where the , or the know where knitwear started as a craft , the actual first knitted fabric started ?
8 Never be tempted to forfeit the last two bouts of a male team match , or the last bout of a female team match if you have already seen your team take the deciding first three/two victories .
9 At the same meeting at which the Vial memorandum was read , on 6 September 1791 , a letter to the secretary from Messrs Kirkman and Hendy ( who were present ) was produced : ‘ Sir , In consequence of your Advertisement we beg leave to inform you , that we have contracted with Lord Camden for about 100 acres of building land , near [ Old ] St Pancras Church , abutting on the Turnpike Road leading to Kentish Town , which is intended to be called Camden Town conceiving the situation eligible for your truly valuable Institution we request you will lay this our proposal before the Society — We hold this Land under his Lordship for 99 years from Michaelmas last , the three first subject to no Ground Rent , our proposal is , that Lord Camden does and he will under our direction grant the Society a lease for 99 years from that time , the three first subject to no rent but for the remainder of the term an Annual Rent of thirty pounds per acre , should this proposal meet with approbation , the Society have only to direct their Surveyor to make out any quantity of land and in what position they conceive will best answer their purpose ’ .
10 At the same meeting at which the Vial memorandum was read , on 6 September 1791 , a letter to the secretary from Messrs Kirkman and Hendy ( who were present ) was produced : ‘ Sir , In consequence of your Advertisement we beg leave to inform you , that we have contracted with Lord Camden for about 100 acres of building land , near [ Old ] St Pancras Church , abutting on the Turnpike Road leading to Kentish Town , which is intended to be called Camden Town conceiving the situation eligible for your truly valuable Institution we request you will lay this our proposal before the Society — We hold this Land under his Lordship for 99 years from Michaelmas last , the three first subject to no Ground Rent , our proposal is , that Lord Camden does and he will under our direction grant the Society a lease for 99 years from that time , the three first subject to no rent but for the remainder of the term an Annual Rent of thirty pounds per acre , should this proposal meet with approbation , the Society have only to direct their Surveyor to make out any quantity of land and in what position they conceive will best answer their purpose ’ .
11 That is the worst first nine I have ever played , and probably one of the best inward halves . ’
12 Phil Clarke , Andy Platt , Martin Dermott , Steve Hampson and Jason Robinson are already out of the televised first round encounter , while Joe Lydon is struggling with a twisted ankle .
13 A. griegi can be recognised by the following characters : the lack of scales on the ventral interradial area , the spine-like first oral tentacle scale and oral papillae , the tentacle pores with two scales and the shape of the arm spines .
14 It is thought that the very first placental mammals were tiny insectivores , but no fossil evidence of them remains .
15 The full first round line-up is : Ards II v Holywood ; Carrick v Lisburn ; RUC v Instonians II ; Cooke v Bangor II ; Civil Service v North II ; Donaghadee v Malone II ; CIYMS II v Grosvenor and Ballyclare v Queen 's II .
16 As you are aware , in the forthcoming first annual meeting of the Trust , all directors resign but are eligible for re-election .
17 The second oral papilla is in fact the superficial first oral tentacle scale .
18 Property repossessions in the Nord Northern region up by forty seven percent in the first first six months .
19 This unit had played a major part in the successful First Libyan Campaign , and included a number of experienced fighter pilots in its ranks .
20 Strasbourg was also the birthplace of the modest first Calvinist psalter in 1539 .
21 — Plug in … zero the counter numbers ( the same first five steps as in Routine one ) ;
22 Pupils will be encouraged to use printed lists of keywords when the system is fully operational , One difficulty here is to create keys for subjects which begin with the same first three letters e.g. FARMING and FAROES but the school librarian sees this as a useful information problem for pupils to tackle .
23 It sounds pretty good and it would be around about May the twenty first twenty second , so it would be after the football season has finished er so we 'd have a tour of Old Trafford , the Manchester United football ground behind the scenes , go to the special museum there , see all of their trophies , do something similar at Anfield the following morning and in the afternoon on the Saturday go to Granada T V studios and er on the Sunday we 'll be going er around Liverpool and their various er little places of nostalgia around the er the Beatles .
24 The plaintiffs ' claim in these proceedings is based on allegations of a complicated fraud said to have been perpetrated by the first defendant Mr. Tully in conspiracy with his wife the second defendant , Mrs. Tully and with all or some of the other first 16 defendants .
25 Took the two first first-class tickets for C. Arms from this station numbered respectively 00 and 01 .
26 It does not seem ever to have been satisfactorily answered why the two first operational atomic bombs were used — against the strongly voiced wishes of the leading physicists responsible for developing them — to destroy two cities instead of being deployed in the equivalent of spectacularly shooting out candles .
27 Does n't matter if you remember the adjacent first that 's fine .
28 A second round was held on June 17 in 81 constituencies , where no candidate had succeeded in obtaining the necessary first round overall majority ; the turnout in this second round was 84.14 per cent of those eligible .
29 This concept of proportionality was to become one of the key issues in the debates in the late 1920s regarding the formulation of the Soviet First Five Year Plan , as we shall see .
30 Owned and trained in Roscommon by Tom Clyne , the brindle clocked 31.45 secs , by far the slowest of the four first round heats .
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