Example sentences of "the [adj] year [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Man himself has grown considerably taller during the quarter-million years he has been on Earth .
2 During the eight years I worked for Fred Workman he never lectured me on the practice or ethics of journalism , and in assigning me to a story he never told me what to do .
3 For all the eight years I attended school in Parma there was always the problem of where to eat the midday meal at that time no school in Italy provided lunches .
4 In the eight years she 's been showing the plants she 's won hundreds of awards .
5 One of his men had been foolish enough to point out that the Company Captain was unlikely to want to use the cooker and that there had n't been anybody in that cell in all the eight years he 'd been there .
6 The initiative in convening meetings at intervals of every two or three months was taken by David Faulkner while an Under-Secretary at the Prison Department in 1981 , and continued during the eight years he was the Deputy Under-Secretary of State in charge of the Criminal and Statistical Departments and the Research and Planning Unit at the Home Office from 1982–90 .
7 That might be my luck this year that 'll be the bloody year they give me a query .
8 I bought a little farm near Oakville some years ago at four thousand an acre … sold it two years ago at fifteen thousand an acre … was n't that lucky ! … after all the hard-up years I lived through … almost starving at times … it was Mr Workman who gave me your address for this letter … poor old Fred … he 's getting old like the rest of us …
9 During this three-year period they applied two dressings of farmyard manure and in the intervening year they applied an indigenous legume crop as green manure .
10 In the intervening years it is estimated that 111 died while trying to escape and a further 77 lost their lives on the Berlin Wall itself , with most of these deaths occurring in the 1960s .
11 It employs 1,000 people now , just as it did in 1981 , but in the intervening years it has had to take on far more duties — most notably the upkeep of its building which was looked after by the government from 1816 to 1988 .
12 In the intervening years I allowed myself to be gradually undermined and finally succeeded in losing most outward traces of my cultural identity .
13 I went to change me poll tax and er I says to her , I says , I should be court to Monday oh she says you 've got a fifteen pound court thing , I says aye , she says oh well that 's fifteen pound , I says it 's not cos I 'm not paying it I says I 'm not paying the fifteen pound to the court , I says , I says how come last year I did n't pay right round to February last year I said and yet I , your last payment 's next month , you know , she said oh well they 're stricter this year she says , she , if you 'd pay the half year you 'd of been alright
14 I know that the teenage years I describe are years when feelings about your self-image are more intense than any other , and I wanted to give young women themselves the chance to express what these feelings are .
15 During the 30 years I have lived in the US , as a student and university teacher , I have never seen the large carbuncles and boils described by Robert Mandeville ( ’ The natural history of boils ’ , 20 January , p164 ) , although they were common during my school days and army service in England from 1944 to 1952 and I suffered from them myself on three occasions .
16 He commented : ‘ In the 30 years I have been with Unilever these are the first redundancies .
17 He commented : ‘ In the 30 years I have been with Unilever these are the first redundancies .
18 These little shrubs are also known as ‘ hedgehog ’ hollies , and probably have been for all of the 300 years they have been grown in gardens .
19 ‘ In the 22 years I have sat on the North Eastern Co-op 's board I can not recall a year in which so many negative factors have combined .
20 In the twilight of the old year I tried a sneak preview by dipping into an offering from Ski Alternatives steamily entitled ‘ Charlotte 's Verbier ’ .
21 If , however , a married man had children young enough to keep his wife at home , then during the high-price years he could not have earned enough to support his family without supplementation .
22 Well apart from the nineteen year he 's gone to university .
23 Roy 's performances earned him a deserved reputation as a neat and clever footballer and he came to be regarded by press and public alike as one of Palace 's most consistent performers during the six years he was on our staff .
24 During the six years he spent as the AAT 's Public Relations Officer , their membership rose from 30,000 to 100,000 .
25 ‘ We decided Mervyn 's tremendous contribution — one of imagination and professionalism — over the six years he was secretary had to be acknowledged in some way .
26 There can be no doubt that in the 112 years it has been standing on the embankment it has become a part of the London scene .
27 Koch provides the former , but in only one instance , Weber 's Freischütz Overture , are we told the actual year it was issued .
28 In the early years they manufactured and supplied both hand and machine knitting yarns in natural fibres , principally wool and mohair .
29 In the early years I spent every Sunday bashing rhododendrons — it was like being a nineteenth-century explorer .
30 Pentagon hardliners , who have opposed a chemical weapons ban on the grounds that it could not be verified adequately , suggested the idea of seeking continued production of the new ‘ binary ’ weapons during the 10 years it would take to eliminate all arsenals .
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