Example sentences of "the [adj] [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 Moreover , the farther apart the spots are , the faster they will be moving apart .
2 Air refuelling has come a long way from the first attempts in the thirties where the co-pilot literally popped out and grabbed the hose .
3 After all , back in the Thirties even the holiday posters would tell of ‘ Healthful Hartlepool — the most bracing air in the kingdom ’ .
4 If however the adhesive strength of the interface is less than about one-fifth of the general cohesive strength of the solid then the interface will be broken before the main crack reaches it and a crack trap or crack stopper has been created .
5 Only the rich not the poor , they 're increasing poverty
6 His Jewish mother had narrowly escaped from Romania in the 19305 when the local Iron Guard goon squad began slaughtering Jews with a barbarity which sickened even their Nazi German allies .
7 Neither made a significant provision before 1820 , and their rivalry still persisted in the 1830s when the government began at last to assist them with grants .
8 She could no longer see the Steep yet the feeling of the dark airless room she had left behind , the sound of her foster-parents breathing heavily in the close darkness , still seemed to hang about her and draw her back .
9 Taken together with the replacement of the solid , load-bearing external walls by rows of brick piers flanking narrower infill panels , this development allowed the area of window relative to wall to increase to a maximum in the 1900s when the façades of mills became more glass than brick .
10 Now , it is not at all surprising that in the 70s both the deep ecologists and the animal liberationists were slow to see that need .
11 They 'd have the ten o'clock feed and then it , it 'd sleep through till , till the six o'clock the next morning for the next morning feed .
12 It began to break down by the 1790s when the pressure of a growing population and insufficient work meant that over a fifth of the labour force was virtually permanently unemployed .
13 The madrigal substantially appeared in England only in the 1580s when the English mania for the Italian reached its height — for instance , in the poetry of Spenser and Philip Sidney .
14 The first where the client does not require any reference at all to KPMG in the advertisement ; the second where the advertisement refers to KPMG .
15 Lord Salmon gave as an example two instances of the valuation of a picture , the first for a client who does not tell him the reason for the valuation , and the second where the client tells him the valuation is needed because he is about to sell the picture to a friend .
16 The post , erected in the 1840s when the area was drained , shows the land has sunk some 13ft-14ft — an ominous decline in view of forecasts that global warming may cause the nearby sea to rise .
17 Robert Kerr caused outrage in the mid-1860s by suggesting that the doctrine of three bedrooms ( stipulated in the 1840s when the blue books revealed a high incidence of incest ) should be abandoned ; but , though the moral problems did not of course vanish , his view came to be increasingly shared .
18 A little further on , the small compact settlement of Lea Yeat ( Gate ) is reached , its tranquillity disturbed only in the 1870s when the railway was being constructed across the hillside above .
19 But its real take-off period was the 1870S when the introduction of a new cooling apparatus and the addition of chemical preservatives to the milk enabled it to be transported very long distances while remaining fresh .
20 In most cases , the ministers not directly involved had either read the brief late the previous night , or started to do so as the argument proceeded . ’
21 so that by the time the eastern goods reached the Mediterranean only the most uninspiring of the diamonds were left .
22 On a minor , but parallel line , from the 1740s onwards the aesthetic rich began building rustic , Gothick and Chinese garden houses and this picturesque style slowly crept into small house architecture .
23 It all started in the 1970s when the Cambridge University Computer Laboratory designed a network called the Cambridge Ring .
24 It is , however , correct that these percentages were at their highest in the 1970s when the number of strikers was also at its highest .
25 During the détente years of the 1970s when the USSR appeared as a revisionist power in the Third World its interest in neutralisation slackened .
26 The Ethiopian famine of 1984 — 5 was a more severe relation of the Ethiopian famine of the 1970s yet the latter was consigned to a memory which is rarely mined for information and for the lessons of history .
27 For sheep , up to five strands are needed ; the smaller the lambs the closer together the wires must be .
28 Without the consent of the latter neither the succession to the throne nor the territorial limits of the Grand Duchy were to be changed ; nor was war to be declared or existing legislation altered .
29 And then you 've got the like even the stickers
30 In September 1989 the Libyan news agency JANA said that Italy could make up for its " wrongdoing " during the colonial period-particularly the deportation to Italy between 1911 and 1942 of some 5,000 Libyans as forced labour-by speedily paying the compensation demanded by Libya , which regarded as inadequate a settlement of dollars 6,700 million reached in 1956 .
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