Example sentences of "the [adj] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The memory will always be with me of those lads ' faces , even though at the time I was only twenty years old myself , to see them sat on the floor of the aircraft , and some of the trying to negotiate the main spar , and the cheers and tears when we came over the white cliffs of England .
2 You were n't huddling because of the trying to ease the pain a bit ?
3 Evidently , there is more to our belief that the flipping caused the wipers to start to work than has so far been specified .
4 We need to add at least that if the flipping caused the wipers to start to work , then if the switch was flipped the wipers started to work .
5 Talk of the 17th prompted the comment in the 1913 suggestion book as to whether the 2nd hole might not become the 17th and the 3rd hole the 2nd , a not uncommon suggestion today .
6 William III , helped by the ‘ Protestant wind ’ that kept the English navy pinned in harbour while William 's Dutch fleet could choose a convenient place to land , was able to carry out a successful invasion with quite a substantial military force , so the events of the 1680s underlined the possibility that James II might be able to make a successful return from exile .
7 A broadside written towards the end of the 1680s defended the Church of England against the charge that their stress on obedience and subjection had been pressed so far as " to set up arbitrary Power , and the Will of the Prince , above Law " .
8 I was probably the eagerest volunteer the Trust had ever had .
9 Although the organized activists were not on the whole the very poor , the poorest joined the demonstration .
10 A punitive approach to the poorest survived the accumulation of indications that much even of the worst poverty was not self-inflicted , but derived from the inability of the market to provide sufficient homes , jobs or adequate incomes .
11 At a time when important people wore swords as a matter of course , the assumption that the strong ruled the weak was natural enough .
12 The strong helped the weak , then the weak helped the strong , ’ said Noel and Sylvia Dunne .
13 The system also perpetuated the concept of the code of honour , in which the strong defended the weak against oppressors , and the highest rulers were always benevolent towards their vassals .
14 In general it results in their avoiding owls at all costs , but occasionally they turn the tables on the killer bird — the tormented become the tormentors .
15 It was almost certainly the largest protest the German Democratic Republic has seen .
16 Next to the shop in Culver Street were six Church almshouses which had been rebuilt in the eighteen-forties to replace the original dwellings .
17 Now the eighteen-forties sees the development of manufacturing process , clothes are getting easier and easier to make , cheaper and cheaper , so fashion is changing faster because people can afford to , whereas in earlier times , if you wore a woollen dress , it had been you know , you know , somebody had done the sheep for you , had spun the wool and woven the wool and you were damned if you were going to take this dress off until it fell to pieces round you .
18 It was then that the ME-10 left the other unit standing .
19 The twelve member states , by a separate protocol , would authorise the eleven to use the Community 's institutions for the purpose of implementing social policies pursuant to the Social Charter .
20 The Spanish opposed the introduction of majority voting in the Council of Ministers on environmental laws unless a special fund was set up to help poorer countries meet EC standards .
21 This happened at a turning-point in Caribbean affairs , for in 1670 the Spanish accepted the inevitable and by the Treaty of Madrid acknowledged the English colonies in the West Indies as legitimate settlements , though the logging settlements on the central American mainland were left in an ill-defined position .
22 On the Spanish left the period between the November 1933 election and the end of 1935 became known as the bienio negro , the ‘ two black years ’ , during which the reforms of 1931–3 were reversed or flouted , socio-economic power reverted sharply to landlords and employers , the left itself experienced unprecedented repression and the seeds of civil war were decisively sown .
23 The Spanish expelled the Muslims from the island , but were not able to bring it under their full control , or defend its inhabitants from Muslim raiders , until nearly the end of the nineteenth century .
24 To remedy this , the Spanish want the EC 's regional funds to pay for its hospitals and schools .
25 The Spanish think the Community should aim for a common defence policy .
26 ‘ For instance , there was one little overdubbing room in Air studios which was tiny — it was about as big as an armchair — but we used to put the AC30 in there and put the mic facing the window and get this amazing sound .
27 In the summer of ‘ 86 there was something called the Harmonic Convergence , which was supposed to usher in the Age of Aquarius — people who were going on about it back in the 60s jumped the gun by about 20 years .
28 In the eight matches the Irish required 15 replacements for injured players .
29 One of the eight described the importance of the school for the flow of information through the community .
30 The eight included the former governor of Shaba province , Koyagialo Ngbase te Geremgbo , who was sentenced to 15 years penal servitude .
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