Example sentences of "the [adj] [verb] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 That was traumatic enough , but it left the ten-year-old having to get himself up and out to school in the morning .
2 But Arudy has little to be said for it ; it is a small , mildly industrial town , best known for marking the spot where the glacier that once ground its way down the Ossau valley built a wall of debris , so causing the present-day Gave to make an abrupt swerve to westward .
3 The unbelievable began to happen just after 1am , as East and West Berliners passed through the Brandenburg Gate , symbol of the divided city .
4 The Eleven agreed to proceed by qualified majority vote on health and safety , working conditions , information and consultation of workers , equality at work between men and women , and integration of persons excluded from the labour market .
5 Difficulty will also arise where the eleven wish to amend existing Directives in accordance with the policies of the Protocol and Agreement and the UK does not want to do so .
6 Exhibition organiser , Perez Sanchez , says , ‘ I want the Spanish to get to know the real Ribera ’
7 It is also a rather different exhibition conceptually : Alfonso Perez Sanchez , former Director of the Prado and co-organiser of the show , has declared that he wants the Spanish to get to know ‘ the real Ribera ’ , which means that he has whittled down the number of works .
8 When people in the 60s decided to get away from it all and live the good life in the Cotswolds they were treading a well-worn path .
9 ( It was announced that the eight planned to appeal . )
10 You ca n't expect even the toughest floorcovering to look good or last well if you do n't take care pre-prepare the floor surface properly first .
11 Perhaps er er another way of looking at this would be to see it in terms of rightist deviations and leftist deviations and one might see erm the er the moderate policies er of thirty seven to forty nine i in a sense as being erm a rightist deviation , one might see forty six forty seven as being leftist deviations and the left is seeking to overcome rightist deviations , the right seeking to overcome leftist deviations and you 've got some kind of oscillation between the two .
12 The Monopolies and Mergers Commission did not allow the 1986 bid to proceed and rejected GEC 's claims arguing that : ‘ We do not consider that it is possible in the field of electronics to establish a direct link between company size and competitive performance ’ .
13 In the erotic landscape on which her thoughts now opened , the illusory and the actual were so intimately twinned that only the most cautious eye might distinguish between them ; and at each passionate encounter the symbolic and the literal seemed to enfold their embrace more tightly .
14 It is difficult to react adequately to George Woodcock 's silly comment that in Leonard 's first two books of poetry ‘ the thirties urge to relate the imagery of poetry to the world we live in , as the world we dream , might never have existed . ’
15 The political and intellectual ‘ zeitgiest ’ of England in the Thirties appears to have suited James ' radical and romantic temperament ; this period of intense political ferment gave James the opportunity to become embroiled in the great political and ideological debates that so dominated the times .
16 For all its undoubted talents , chief of which are its chassis , cabin and controls , the 300SL-24 fails to do the same .
17 As time passed the Roman officials and the new immigrants married Britons and had families so that the differences between the conquerors and the conquered began to disappear .
18 The old and the weak had to counter strength with cunning .
19 The rich began to build along the sides of Windermere , and fitted out boats with cannon ; salvoes were fired in order to ‘ enjoy the echoes ’ .
20 that it was equally essential for the rich to cease to patronize and exploit the poor .
21 And since the rich tend to sit in their own gardens , public parks help redistribute enjoyment towards the poor .
22 The rich tend to work 18-hour days , and some of them burn themselves out at bond desks and on trading floors before they are 30 .
23 The rich tend to want to be away from the poor , but the poor want to be in the same jurisdiction as the rich .
24 The rich tend to buy the services of doctors and the poor purchase mostly unprescribed medicines from pharmacists .
25 Rubinstein has demonstrated , the rich managed to protect and retain most of their wealth and income despite the more democratic nature of society in the twentieth century and the challenge posed by two Labour governments during the inter-war years .
26 It was when the 12 started to discuss what would happen next that differences started to appear .
27 ‘ The FA should have been brave and made a decision either to eliminate Peterborough or allow the 9-1 result to stand .
28 The crashing seemed to go on forever as tiny broken fragments bounced with a dainty tinkle across the brick floor .
29 Naturally enough , war raged fiercely in Spain ; in 1704 the English captured Gibraltar and held on to it , initially as a base for their communications in Spain ; a good deal of the naval activity of the war took place around Spanish waters and the English managed to stop the Bourbon forces from setting up any effective siege of Gibraltar .
30 At the present time the English tend to play down the significance of affinal relationships but , even so , the statement " she has made a good marriage " is more likely to refer to the social and financial standing of the husband 's immediate kin than to the personal qualities of the husband himself .
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