Example sentences of "the [adj] [noun] as " in BNC.

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1 So what Silver have done is to make the electronic box a self-contained unit , or ‘ module ’ , hence the description of the total range as ‘ modular ’ .
2 But it ran with each school area , you know , Berry , Grimness , Marketthorpe and so on , and now of course the total areas as one but I think perhaps it would be permissible to somebody with local parentage maybe not resident in the area .
3 The nitrogen source in Vivonex TEN is amino acids comprising 15.3% of its energy value , carbohydrate as glucose polymers ( maltodextrin ) , which makes up 82.2% of its energy value , and safflower oil , which contributes just 2.5% of the total energy as fat .
4 The Washington Post of Dec. 11 , citing US State Department sources , gave the total numbers as 1,175 Britons , about 900 US nationals , 197 Japanese and 180 Italians , in addition to 3,232 Soviet nationals .
5 Thus if trustees are to be changed during a tax year in order to export the trusts overseas , only gains made after the end of the tax year ( 5 April ) in which the export took place would be gains made by a foreign trustee ; gains made on or before 5 April would be taxable upon the trustees in the normal way as gains made by UK trustees .
6 I will be writing to the normal firms as usual , to get donations for the raffle , er now the other thing I 've got to report from is the stall , no before that the E C discussed applications by other organisations , now Sheffield and erm many other areas produce there own excellent publications , so I , I wrote of to Greater London Pensioner to Redbridge , to Senior Citizens in Sheffield , Anglian Pensioners , Grey Power and erm I , I 've sent letter 's to them and already had some copies back from Sheffield .
7 He may cast spells in the normal manner as described in Warhammer Battle Magic .
8 In return for accepting these obligations — obligations which , it should be recalled , are additional to the normal requirements as to conduct and to financial reporting imposed on all members of the London Stock Exchange — gilt-edged market makers have the right to certain privileges .
9 Chance variations have a natural spread across the normal curve as explained above , for practical purposes .
10 Chance variations have a natural spread across the normal curve as explained above , for practical purposes .
11 The ea of dead and head is much less common than the normal ea as in eat or bead : but it needs attention because there are important words spelled that way .
12 The Mkhedrioni , who opposed the Georgian government as insufficiently militant in securing Georgia 's independence , claimed 7,000 members .
13 Set in a quiet Midlands suburb , Geoff Brown 's home has all the style and sophistication of the Georgian era as well as cultural interest inspired by his travels round the world .
14 The Bank is also influential in the gilt-edged market as it administers the issue of new bonds when the government wishes to borrow money .
15 The secrecy of the League was primarily due to its connection with the White Knights of Britain , or the Hooded Men as they were sometimes called .
16 It refers to ‘ factions ’ and treats the interim government as merely one among a number of factions .
17 The broad gauge set the standard for developments for half a century , largely because the greater stability permitted higher speeds than were then possible on the narrow gauge and hence led to engineering advances that would make such speeds possible , eventually in the narrow gauge as well .
18 A heavy swell pounded and cascaded over the broken pier at the narrow entrance as we made a hair-raising dash through to keep steerage way .
19 Discarded papers blew in the narrow street as they walked back to the car .
20 A knot of men stood on the other side of the broad avenue as he walked through the gate .
21 The most active elements of the intelligentsia are won over by personal privileges to the prevailing ideology as well as being subject to the prevalent intellectual control while the peasants are tied to the land by economic hardship imposed through short-term , small-unit landholding contracts ( such as sharecropping ) , which discourage capital investment .
22 Not listening was always one of my faults and one of the reasons I so frequently found myself isolated in misunderstanding : like a careless rider , cut off from the company , alone and benighted for failing to pay attention to the prevailing agreements as to intention and direction .
23 As Allan ( 1985 ) points out , contemporary attitudes to divorce are illustrated by the prevailing opinions as to the effect of divorce on children .
24 The problem is further exacerbated by the prevailing view as to the nature and constituents of leadership in schools .
25 Somewhat to his own surprise , Harry found himself booking a single room , despite the exorbitant tariff , and following the prim receptionist as she led him to the door .
26 As soon as he confessed what he knew , fumbling the hideous admission as they came out of a rather good film about love that he had hardly been able to stand , she managed to make it seem that it was he , not she , who was the disturber of their lives .
27 Only Rohmer appeared to remain unmoved by the hideous cacophony as Cardiff strode hurriedly past him .
28 There is a reality ‘ behind ’ these gods , and any account of the divine nature as Hindus conceive it to be must take this into account .
29 So Taylor took Lineker into the European Championship as his first choice marksman , but with big doubts about what he would contribute .
30 Otherwise , it would be very difficult to argue that the Act meets the requirements of the European Convention as interpreted by the European Court .
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